1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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224 THE SCROLL-Palladium Supplement-JANUARY, 1965Certain notations regarding progress in the various provinceswere made and instructions were given to variousmembers of the General Council and Headquarters Stafffor implementation. In several cases, it was suggestedthat Province Presidents be contacted to determinewhether or not they were in a position to fulfill theirobligations. In those cases where a negative reply is received,steps will be taken to find replacements in timefor chapter visits to be made before the end of the currentacademic year.14. The Council took action naming Brother AllenWest Wood to serve as president of Alpha Province tofill the position vacated through the resignation ofBrother George B. Robertson. This appointment is subjectto the approval of the chapters in the province as requiredby the Code.15. The Council took action naming Brother DouglasM. <strong>Phi</strong>llips to the presidency of Omicron <strong>No</strong>rth Provincewhich has been without leadership since the last meetingof the General Council.16. Upon the recommendation of Brother Fred Hoar,President of Omicron South Province, the Council tookaction appointing Brother Leonard Hurst as AssistantPresident of that province.17. By unanimous action, the Council declared thepresidency of Upsilon Province vacant and voted to askBrother H. L. Stuart, PPGC, to serve in this position inan interim capacity until the 1964 Biennial Convention.18. Council Member Shepman reported on his attendanceat a recent meeting of the Edgewater Conference.Following the detailed report, the General Coundl authorizedthe Executive Secretary to notify the officers ofthe Conference that * A 9 had elected to become amember.19. The Council voted to approve the Executive Secretary'scomments on suggestions for the National InterfratemityConference reorganization committee as viewsrepresenting the General Fraternity.20. The Council authorized the Editor to print shortreports on the petitioning groups which will appear beforethe 1964 Biennial Convention seeking charters of$ A e.21. The Executive Secretary was directed to poll themembers of the Survey CoEjmission to determine theeligibility of local fraternities at West Texas State Universityand Kentucky Wesleyan which wish to petitionfor charters at the 1964 Biennial Convention.22. The Coundl voted to ask Survey Commission memberStuart to visit the Maine Alpha chapter under suspensionat Colby College so that a full report may besubmitted to the 1964 Convention.23. In a unanimous vote, the Council referred MassachusettsAlpha and Illinois <strong>Theta</strong>, both under suspension,to the Survey Commission without recommendation. TheCoundl discussed recent developments on the campus ofthe University of Wisconsin and directed the ExecutiveSecretary to determine, through alumni in the Madisonarea, what additional steps might be taken to insure thereturn of Wisconsin Alpha to good standing insofar asthe administration of the institution is concerned.24. The Council received the progress report of theFraternity Historian, George K. Shaffer.25. The General Council expressed great concern overthe lack of progress on the Fraternity movie. Several attemptsto contact the person in charge of this projecthaving failed. Council Member Stan Brown was delegatedto contact Brother Russell Benson within the next weekand report to the Coundl.The meetiiig was recessed at 7:30 P.M. to reconvene at8:15 A.M. on Friday, March 20, 1964. The meeting wasopened with a prayer by Brother Hayward S. Biggers.26. At the request of the Dean of Men at the University of Alabama, the General Council voted to grant dispensation, as provided in the Constitution of the Eraternity, to permit the Alabama Alpha chapter to initiateits pledges after a pledge training period of Jess thareight weeks. The purpose of this dispensation is to enablethe chapter to participate in a fraternity research programat the University of Alabama.27. The Council studied at some length recent reportson the activities of the chapter located at the Universityof Florida. <strong>No</strong> measures stipulating mandatory improvementwere adopted due to the fact that the chapter, withthe assistance of its alumni, has placed itself on a voluntaryprogram of improvement. This matter will be reviewedat the next meeting of the Council to determinewhether or not the chapter is living up to the selfimposedprogram.28. The Council voted to place the Illinois Beta chapteron warning probation during the remainder of thecurrent academic year at which time there will be a reexaminationof chapter activities to determine if it isliving up to its obligations in the areas of ritual. GeneralFraternity purposes, requirements of the Constitution andGeneral Statutes and general operation. This matter willagain be considered at the next meeting of the GeneralCouncil.29. By unanimous vote, the Council approved the constructiveoperating program prepared by the members ofIndiana <strong>Theta</strong> at Purdue University.30. After reviewing a report on the activities of theMissouri Beta pledge class, the Council Voted to place afine of $200 on the group with the additional stipulationthat the members may not be initiated until Semester Iof the 1964-65 academic year. The Council further stipulatedthat the chapter must specifically incorporate achapter bylaw which will outlaw "walk-outs" on the partof the pledge class. Further, the chapter was assessed afine of $100 because of a similar violation earlier in thecurrent academic year which resulted in severe warningfrom the Council.31. Brothers Shepman and Fawcett reported on thework of the Committee on Officers Conferences. At thisjuncture, Mr. Ronald Richards, representing Basic Systems,Inc., was admitted to the meeting to explain theteaching aids which arc available through his company.This matter will be discussed in greater detail at the pre-Convention Officers Conference.32. The General Council accepted the report of theScholarship Commissioner which referred several chaptersfor discipUnary action as required by Conventionresolution. The following chapters have ranked belowthe all men's scholastic average and in the bottom thirdamong all fraternities on their respective campuses forthe past three years and will be referred to the SurveyCommission for possible revocation of their charters:Arizona Alpha, Michigan Beta, Missouri Gamma, NewYork Beta, Oregon Alpha, South Dakota Alpha. TheGeneral Council expressed the hope that each of thesechapters would improve scholastically during the currentyear to the extent that the Survey Commission couldrecommend that their charters not be revoked.33. Council member Brown reported on recent activityof the Pasadena Conference following which the Councilvoted to approve the expenditure of $1,000 to supportthe confereiice in its efEorts to determine the civil rightsof the fraternity system in the state of California.34. At the request of several members, the GeneralCoundl discussed the procedure in obtaining a waiverfrom the membership clause requirements should theproposed change to the constitution be adopted at the1964 Convention. It was the consensus of the Council that

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