1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL-Palladium Supplement—JANUARY, 1965 223the magazine. Another ex-Board member, who contributedgreatly to The <strong>Scroll</strong> in past years—ClaudeM. Marriott, Syracuse '01, died Sept. 30, 1963.^ Since the 1962 Convention, the present Editorhas worn two hats, serving also as a Member-at-Large on the General Council. This is the firsttime the Editor has been an active member ofthe General Council since Brother John H. Wilterding,Lawrence '23, held both titles from 1946 to1950. The Editor acknowledges the help and cooperationof his associates on the General CouncU.They have been generous in the appropriation ofadequate ' funds, asking only that service andthe quality of the Fraternity publication be maintained.• The General Headquarters people "including, inaddition to Brothers Miller and Blackwell, AssistantSecretary Frank Fawcett, the traveling secretaries.and the clerical workers, all of whom seem tohave a real interest in The <strong>Scroll</strong> and respond toevery request promptly and efficiently.• The craftsmen of the George Banta Company,Menasha, Wisconsin (George Banta, Jr., PPGC,Chaurman of the Board, and John H. Wilterding,PPGC, President), printers of The <strong>Scroll</strong> for morethan 60 years. The efficient top-quality effort ofthe Banta staff on the behalf of The <strong>Scroll</strong> hasbeen a big factor in holding the line on costswhile producing What we believe to be an attractivepublication.• And, finally—to Julie Biggers, although I amsure she would not wish to be included. The workof the editor is increasing each year—as it should—and without her good assistance in copy preparationand editing, the task would have been toomuch.MINUTES OF 1964 MEETINGS OF THEGENERAL COUNCILO'Hare Inn, Chicago, XUinoisMarch 19, 20, 21, 1964The meeting of the General Council was called toorder by President Sam <strong>Phi</strong>llips McKenzie at 9:30 A.M.on March 19, 1964. Other persons attending the meetingincluded Treasurer Jack E. Shepman, ReporterStanley D. Brown, Members-at-Large Elden T. Smithand Hayward S. Biggers, Executive Secretary Robert J.Miller, Assistant Secretary Frank E. Fawcett, and AlumniSecretary Ray E. Blackwell. The meeting was openedwith a prayer oflEered by Brother Blackwell.1. The General Council reviewed an appeal from theBritish Columbia Alpha chapter for relief from a finewhich had been assessed for certain delinquencies. Byunanimous vote, the Council decided to reduce the fineto $20.2. The Coundl refused an appeal from the FloridaGamma chapter for relief from assessed fines.3. The fine which had been assessed against the NewYork Epsilon chapter for failure to pay initiation fees,submit initiation information and file biographical informationwas appealed with the result that the GeneralCouncil voted to reduce the fine to ?250, one halfof which must be paid immediately, with the remainderdue October 15, 1964. Failure to remit complete paymentof the reduced fine by the time indicated will resultin the total original fine being due. This actionwas taken contingent upon all existing delinquenciesbeing erased.4. The appeal from Pennsylvania Alpha for relief fromassessed fines was refused.5. The Tennessee Beta chapter had requested an extensionof time for payment of fines which had been assessedfor excessive delinquencies. The Council voted to permitthe chapter to remit $100 of the fine now and the remainderby October 15, provided all currently delinquentreports are promptly submitted.6. After reviewing a report concerning violation of thelaws ot the Fraternity in regard to pledge training practices,the Council voted to concur in action taken byauthorities at Ohio State University in disciplining theOhio Zeta chapter with the added reminder that HellWeek activity has been permanently outlawed by theFraternity. The Council wished the minutes to reflectthat greater punitive action would have been takenhad not this chapter maintained such a fine record inother areas of operation during the past year.7. The General Council discussed at considerablelength the plight of Virginia Beta where additionalmoney is needed to finance the addition of kitchenfacilities. The Council expressed the hope that the chapterhouse corporation would continue to consider allpossible sources of additional money but it was regretfullynoted that the Palmer Fund seems to be theonly possible source within the General Fraternity atthis time.8. By unanimous vote, the General Council approvedthe manufacture of blazer buttons bearing the crest ofthe Fraternity provided the distribution of this itemis controlled through the General Headquarters.9. The proposal of the Lou Gehrig Award Committeethat an award be created in honor of the late GeorgeS. Trautman, first chairman of the committee, wasapproved by the Council. Such an award would be presentedto the undergraduate <strong>Phi</strong> who is judged to be theoutstanding baseball player in intercollegiate competition.10. In J policy decision, the General Council votedunanimously to disapprove the undergraduate ladies auxiliarieswhich have developed on certain campuses. Thepresident of the General Council will notify the presidentsof all chapters where such auxiliaries are knownto exist.11. By unanimous vote, the General Council approvedthe appointment of Ernst & Ernst to preparean annual audit of all General Fraternity funds for the.fiscal year ending June 30, 1964.12. The General Council gave a careful review to theshort term investment of General Fraternity funds andmade several recommendations to the Executive Secretary.The General Council recessed at 1:15 P.M. to reconveneat 2:30 P.M.13. The Council carefully reviewed a report on ProvincePresidents' visits for the 1963-64 academic year.

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