1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE ALUMNI FIRING LINEAttorney George Shirk (Oklahoma '34) was electedlayor of Oklahoma City June 16, and the electionras a most unusual event. The City Council had toLurdle two obstacles in naming Brother Shirk andnding a stalemate over election of a mayor. He waslot legally an Oklahoma City resident nor was hemember of the Council. The Council annexed anrea in which he lives; one of the Councilmen reigned;Shirk was appointed to his post, electednayor, and the Councilman was then reappointed0 the Council.lepublican Candidate's Son Is'ormer Arizona Alpha PresidentTHE SCROLL never makes a business of trying to;uess how any <strong>Phi</strong> will vote in a national election,lut it seems fairly safe to predict that SenatorJarry Goldwater, the Republican nominee, willlave the full support of one <strong>Phi</strong> in <strong>No</strong>vember.He is Michael Goldwater (Arizona '62), youngeron of the Republican standard bearer, a loyal'hi and past president of Arizona Alpha. Mike,i?ho represented his chapter at the Oxford Offiers'Conference in 1961, was seen frequently on theelevision coverage of the San Francisco conventionn company with his famous Sigma Chi father andither members of the Goldwater'family.The Rev. Canon Scott Field Bailey (Texas '41),former rector of All Saints Church, Austin, Tex.,has accepted election as suffragan bishop of theDiocese of Texas of the Protestant EpiscopalChurch. Consecration will probably be in September.Brother Bailey is the first native-born, locallybaptized and confirmed, locally ordained man tobecome a bishop in the 125-year history of theDiocese.• » *Two members of New York Alpha's class of 1943have won Republican nominations in the State ofNew York. Barber B. Conable, Jr. has the nominationfor Congress from the 43d district of New Yorkand Frank A. Walkley has won the nomination fora member of the State Assembly from WyomingCounty which is included in the 43d district.* * *Dr. Harold C. Tooker (Columbia '11), well past75 years of age, plans to retire on September 30 asRating Board Specialist, Medical, in the VeteransAdministration. A member of * A ©'s famed GoldenLegion, Brother Tooker lives in West Hartford,Conn.• * •Robert G. TUlotson (Franklin '47) has recentlybeen named vice-president for administration ofthe Art Center in La Jolla, California. He haspreviously held major managerial posts in Toledo,Boston, and Los Angeles art museums.HKE GOLDWATER, Arizona '62, with his father, Sena->r Barry Goldwater, Republican presidential candidate,liat's a <strong>Phi</strong> Delt mug of some kind in the Senator'sands.[21]Thomas P. Kennedy, Jr. (Vanderbilt '27) has beennamed Outstanding Man of the Year by the NashvilleJunior Chamber of Commerce. He has headedthe Nashville Heart Association, has been active inthe affairs of Peabody College, Metropolitan PlanningCommission, Boy Scouts, and Senior Citizens,is a director of the Third National Bank and ispresident of O'Bryan Brothers.• * •Devon L. Weaver (Hanover '63), one of * A 9'straveling secretaries, was named as one of a selectnumber of fraternity and sorority representativesto man the World's Fair exhibit for fraternities andsororities sponsored jointly by the National InterfraternityConference and the National PanhellenicCouncil.The theme of the summer's exhibit was "YoungPartners in Free Enterprise'' and the display wasconstructed around six panels of pictures and explanationswhich dramatized the contributions offraternities and sororities in the fields of loyalty,training, scholarship, standards, managements, andcitizenship.The exhibit was housed in the central guest areain the Hall of Free Enterprise, located in the internationalarea. The purpose of the exhibit is to providefacts, illustrations, and information in answer

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