1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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dent of the board ot education ofPalatine. He was a member of theChicago and Illinois Bar Associationsand of the Chicago Tax Club.Joseph Clayton Mitchell (Southwestern'25), prominent West Texasranchman, died in a La Jolla (Calif.)hospital March 13. For nearly thirtyyears, he had been associated withhis late father and brothers in W. B.Mitchell and Sons which helped promotethe cattle industry in the Highlandand Big Bend areas of Texas. Hewas a director and officer in the Mart a(Tex.) Production Credit Associationfrom 1936 to 1950, and at the timeof his death was a director of theTexas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers'Assodation and of the MarfaNational Bank.Lt. Col. Frank J. Smith, Ret.(Union '13) died in a local hospital,Sarasota, Fla., October 30. He hadmade his home in Sarasota for thepast six years and was a member otthe Sarasota Alumni Club of * A 9.Brother Smith was a veteran ot WorldWars I and II; a member of theAmerican Legion Post, Port Orange,N.Y.; past commander of Albany(N.Y.) chapter of the Military Orderot World Wars, and was a member ofthe Retired Officers Assodation ofSarasota. He was a Golden Legionnaireof * A 9.Col. Glenn Murray Rynerson (Wabash'41) died in the crash ot a MichiganAir National Guard plane northof St. Ignace, Mich., October 27. Anative ot Indianapolis, he attendedWaibash College, enlisted in theU.S.A.F. in 1941 and served in theAleutian Islands for 23 months duringWorld War II. Brother Rynerson,who made his home in Dearborn,Mich., was deputy commander of the127th Tactical Reconnaissance Wingof the Michigan Air National Guardand was base commander for a detachmentof more than two hundredNational Guardsmen stationed atMetropolitan Airport, Detroit.Ernest L. Miller (Akron '26), Akron(Ohio) public accountant, died inAkron in <strong>No</strong>vember. He resided inAkron for 55 years and formerly wasassociated with the Miller Loan Co.there. He was a member of the UnitarianUnlversalist Church.Among the survivors are threeTHE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for JANUARY, 1965 213brothers: Clint R. Miller (Akron '24),Akron; Arthur N. Miller (Akron '31),Michigan City, Jnd.; William H.Miller (Akron '29), Mahomet, 111.Eugene Francis McCabe (Dartmouth'21) died in <strong>No</strong>rwalk, Conn., August23. He served with the U.S. MarineCorps during World War I, leavingDartmouth in his freshman year, andlater resumed his college career atthe University of Pennsylvania wherewhere he received his degree in 1922.He joined the Tidewater Oil Co. immediatelyfollowing graduation andremained with that firm until his retirementin 1961, serving as vice-presidentfrom 1947. He had lived inTitusville, Pa., and Westport, N.Y.,and at the time of his death made hishome in Wilton, Conn.William Roy Schmucker (Dickinson'01) died in Washington, D.C,October 14, at the age ot 86. A mostloyal and devoted <strong>Phi</strong>, he was a"regular" at the Washington FoundersDay banquets and was a GoldenLegionnaire ot the Fraternity.Dr. James O. Nibley (Chicago '10)died in Portland, Ore., where he hadlived for about forty years, October18. A native of Utah and a graduateof the University of Chicago and of<strong>No</strong>rthwestern University medicalschool, he had practiced medicineand surgery until his retirement in1956. He was 82 years old and wasa Golden Legionnaire of * A 9. Hewas a member of the PortlandAlumni Club and a "regular"Founders Day celebrations.* • * *Walter F. Shaw (Ohio Wesleyan'05), retired director of distributiveeducation in the U.S. Office ofEducation, died October 31. BrotherShaw, who lived in Arlington, Va.,had been superintendent ot schoolsin Bowling Green, Ohio, and helddegrees from Ohio Wesleyan University,the University ot Oiicago, andwas awarded an honorary doctorateby Gooding College in Idaho. He wasa Golden Legionnaire of * A 9.Herbert Marshall Schau (Montana'64) of Missoula, Mont., died in thehospital at the Navy base in Memphis,Tenn., October 13, from injuriesreceived in an automobile acddentthe day before. He had workedatas a real estate salesman for hisfather prior to entering the Navy lastApril 16.* * *Robert Carlisle Powell (Amherst'06) died at his home in Swarthmore,Pa., April 21. He had worked invarious eastern dties in business enterprises,principally the advertisingand publishing businesses. He was acaptain in the infantry in World-WarI and later served the government inseveral capadties, including the WarAssets Administration at the conclusionot World War II and theFederal Civil Service RetirementBoard. He was a Golden Legionnaireof the Fraternity.* * *James Ceylon Van Deusen (Union'20), retired manager of accountingoperations at General Electric's researchlaboratory, died in Schenectady,N.Y., October 8. He was associatedwith General Electric tor 43years, retiring in 1963.Alfred Robert Kraemer (Colgate'14), chairman of the board of CollegePoint Savings Bank, died August1. He had made his home inPeconic, L.I., N.Y. Brother Kraemerwas a Golden Legionnaire of ^ A 9.Among the survivors are two sons:Alan G. Kraemer ^Colgate '39) and<strong>Phi</strong>lip G. Kraemer (Colgate '38).<strong>No</strong>rman Gibson Lewis (Colgate '27)died in Utica, N.Y., August 12. Hemade his home in Clinton, N.Y., andat the time of his death was associatedwith Thomas Rowan RealtyCo. He had been employed by IrvingTrust Co., New York, until 1940when he was named assistant controllerof Hamilton College. He wasa charter member and -past presidentof the Clinton Kiwanis Club.A. Wayne Zoll (Colgate '61), Lockport,N.Y., died in an automobileacddent near Lockport, Jime 14. Hewas a foreman trainee, Harrison RadiatorDivision, General Motors Corp.at Lockport.George A Porter (Franklin-Purdue'21), Visalla, Calif., died June 7. Hehad been manager of the San JoaquinValley Division of the Southern CaliforniaGas Co., Los Angeles, since1928.IN COELO QUIES EST

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