1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for JANUARY, 1965 211country. From 1952 to 1955 he workedwith the Central Intelligence Agency,then served with the Federal TradeCommission before joining the AirForce Office of Scientific Research in1961.During his career. Brother Adams,who held his Ph.D. from AmericanUniversity, served as an economist fornumerous federal agencies, was adjunctprofessor of economics at AmericanUniversity and had served on thefaculties at Southeastern Universityand the University ot Virginia. Hewas a member of many clubs and organizations.David Frank Edwards (Ohio Wesleyan'03) died at his home in Cambridge,Mass., October 8. A distinguishededucator and businessman, hewas chairman of the board and pastpresident of the Saco-LoweU Shopsand a member of <strong>No</strong>rtheastern University'sboard of trustees for twentyyears. In recognition of his supportot the university, Edwards Lounge inits student center was dedicated tohim in 1955. Brother Edwards wasgraduated from Ohio Wesleyan Universityin 1903 and received hismaster's degree from Harvard Universityin 1906. Tufts Universityawarded him an honorary doctor ofscience degree in 1948 and two yearslater he received an honorary doctorof laws degree from Ohio Wesleyan.A former high school teacher, hewas at one time an associate professorat Harvard's Graduate School of Businessand later served as vice-chairmanof the visiting committee in the university'sdepartment of economics andvisiting committee member at Harvard'sSchool of Public Health. Hehad also been a member of a visitingcommittee at Massachusetts Instituteof Technology and was a fellow of theAmerican Academy of Arts and Sciences.In 1909 and 1910 he was educationaldirector of William Filene'sSons Co. Member and officer of numerousnational organizations, he wasa former director of the BostonChamber of Commerce, former vicepresidentand director ot the U.S.Chainber of Commerce and a pastdirector of the National Assodationot Manufacturers. He was a memberof •# B K and was a Golden Legionnaireof * A 9.* * *Devereaux Lake (Vanderbilt '96),life member of the Vanderbilt UniversityBoard ot Trust and retiredpresident of Sandusky Foundry andMachine Co., Sandusky, Ohio, died inPasadena, Calif., October 30. A nativeof Mobile, Ala., he was graduatedfrom Vanderbilt in 1<strong>89</strong>6 and beforejoining the Sandusky company in1920, had served as a reporter inNashville, Teim., and New York City;was superintendent ot a saw mill inMexico, and later was a manufacturer'srepresentative in Birmingham,Ala. He served as president of theSandusky Foundry and Machine Co.from 1935 until his retirement in1943. He had made his home inAltadena and Pasadena tor the pastsixteen years.Brother Lake served on the VanderbiltBoard of Trust (elected) from1938 on and in 1952 was named aLife Trustee. He was a member ofthe Sons of the American Revolution,and was an honorary member of theUnited Daughters of the Confederacy.He was a Golden Legionnaire of*A9.* * *Lloyd C. Miller (Oregon State '20)died in Guatemala City, Guatemala,September 4, at the age of 65.A graduate of the engineeringschool ot Oregon State University,then O.A.C, he was a brilliant studentin his undergraduate years. In1922 he went to the <strong>Phi</strong>lippineswhere he taught briefly in the University.Following this he worked forthe Vacuum Oil Company for aboutfive years and became a top lubricationengineer, specializing in the fieldof sugar mills. In 1928 he joined theengiiieering department of the SignalOil and Gas Company at Signal Hill,Calif. Since that time he had numerousassignments for that company; hebuilt gasoline plants in several places—the last one in <strong>No</strong>rth Dakota. In1949 he travelled to Kuwait tor Signaland set up the first geo-physical campand supervised the first survey of theKuwait Saudi Arab neutral zone. In1955 he went to Guatemala as vicepresidentin charge of Signal's subsidiarythere. From that city he directedSignal's geo-physical and exploratorydrilling program in Guatemalauntil his death.Throughout his undergraduateyears and his later years in the oilindustry. Brother Miller enjoyed therespect and, in many cases, love ofhis associates for his fine scientificmind and his engaging and friendlypersonaUty. Many ot us feel that theworld will never be quite the samesince his passingLLOVD F. CARTER,Oregon State '20.* * *Dr. Murray Thurston Titus (OhioWesleyan '08), widely known Methodistmissionary and seminary professor,died at the Elyria (Ohio) MethodistHome October 31. For 41 years Dr.Titus served as an evangelist, educatorand lecturer in India and duringthis period worked among Moslems.From 1951-1955 he served asprofessor of missions or world religionsat the Westminster TheologicalSeminary in Westminster, Md.He was the author of a number ofbooks on Mohammedanism. In additionto Ohio Wesleyan, Brother Titusattended Chicago llniversity and theKennedy School of Missions in Hartford,Conn., from which institutionhe earned the Ph.D. degree in Islamics.In 1927 he was honored with theDoctor of Divinity degree conferredby his Ahna Mater. He was a GoldenLegionnaire of * A 9.Charles <strong>Phi</strong>llips Day (Knox '98),one of the founders and a past presidentof the Clearwater Beach Association,died at his home in ClearwaterBeach, Fla., <strong>No</strong>vember 16. InClearwater since 1941, he was head ofthe Public Safety Department of EastOrange, N.J., for sixteen years andwas the retired president of the Day-Elder Motor Truck Corp., Newark,N.J. He was a member of the Masons,the Florida Society of the Sons ofthe Revolution, an honorary memberof the Chapel-By-The-Sea, ClearwaterBeach, and was a former member otthe Clearwater Zoning and PlanningBoard. Brother Day was a GoldenLegionnaire of $ A 9.Edwin Johnson Stark (Missouri'23), president of the Stark BrothersNurseries and Orchards Co., Louisiana,Mo., died in Pike County (Mo,)Hospital, October 13. A native ofLouisiana, he was associated with theStark Brothers firm for his entire life.He was also a member of the boardof directors of the Bank of Louisiana;president ot the Missouri State FruitExperiment Station, Mountain Grove;member, board of curators of the Universityof Missouri; colonel on Gov.John Dalton's staff ot colonels; presidentof the Press-Journal PublishingCo.Active in most dvic affairs andmember of niunerous clubs and organizations.Brother Stark had alsobeen a Sunday School superintendentand a deacon of the First BaptistChurch for many years. He was pastpresident of both the Western Assodationand American Association ofNurserymen and was a former memberot the board ot trustees of Hannibal-LaGrangeCollege.Thomas Harper Blodgett (Knox'99), retired president of AmericanChide Co., died in New York City,October 4. He was a graduate ofKnox College and trustee ot Knoxfor many years and was an honorary

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