1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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208 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for JANUARY, 1965'T^-^^'Jtf^atti.CAPT. THOMAS C. ARATA, LSU (newly promoted),has the insignia of his new rank pinned on by (left)his boss. Col. Richard Pollard, Transportation OfiBcer,U.S. Army Communications Zone, Europe, and Gen.Marquet, French Commander, Atlantic Inter-ArmiesTransit Base, La Rochelle, France, during a recentNATO landing exercise in the South of France.Capt. James B. Long (Purdue) is a member ofSAC'S I7th Bomber Wing at Wright-Patterson AFB,Ohio, which has won the coveted USAF OutstandingUnit Award. Brother Long, a B-52 bomber pilot, andmembers of his wing will wear the medal as a permanentdecoration for helping the wing achieve asustained superior performance rating in keepingSAC intercontinental missiles and jet bombers onconstant alert. The I7th has received ten top honorsin recent months, including the SAC Three-YearHaU of Fame Certificate for flying safety.1st Lt. Angela Anzivino (Brown) received a safeflying award in his Air Training Command unit atJames Connally AFB, Tex. He was selected for themonthly award in recognition of his distinguishedairmanship in landing his damaged T-29 aircraftsafely after it was struck by lightning.Lt. Col. James E. Jordan Jr. (Virginia '38) hasbeen decorated with the USAF CommendationMedal at Turner AFB, Ga., for meritorious serviceas an aircraft maintenance staff officer at ErnestHarmon AFB, Canada. He is now with a SAC unitat Turner.Service Shorts2d Lt. Thomas Kendrick-Holmes (Mercer '64) enteredactive duty at Fort Gordon, Ga., in August,finished his Army schooling in October, and is howassigned in Germany. . Capt. Don A. Llndbo(<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota) and 1st Lt. Drury T. Wellington(DePauw) have been awarded the U.S. ArmedForces Expeditionary Medal at Tachikawa AB,Japan, in recognition of their participation in AirForce military operational missions in Viet Nam.. . • Capt. Gordon E. Peterson Jr. (Nebraska) and1st Lt. Frederick W. Celce Jr. (Dartmouth) havereturned with their Tactical Air Command unitto Cannon AFB, N.M., following a temporary dutytour at Misawa AB, Japan, while Capt. Roger P.Scheer (Colorado) and 1st Lt. Robert D. Peel(Sewanee) were in Incirlik, Turkey, for a temporarytour of duty with the Tactical Air Command. Theynormally are stationed at Seymour Johnson AFB,N.C. . Capt. James E. Fox (Ohio State) recentlycompleted training at the USAF Southern CommandTropic Survival School at Albrook AFB,Canal Zone. He is a pilot at Howard AFB, CanalZone.Thomas H. Schaub (Ohio) has been promoted tocaptain in the USAF at Kincheloe AFB, Mich.,where he is a radar navigator instructor in a unitthat supports the Strategic Air Command missionof keeping the nation's intercontinental missilesand jet bombers on constant alert. . Dennard J.Jenkins (Arizona State) has been promoted to firstUeutenant in the USAF at Travis AFB, Calif., wherehe is a transport aircraft navigator with MATS.Dr. (Major) Samuel T. Hucke Jr. (Arkansas)represented his USAF reserve tactical medical unitat a nationwide Continental Air Command conferenceat Randolph AFB, Tex. He is commanderof a reserve medical unit at Davis Field, Okla., andis also on the staff of the Veterans AdministrationHospital, Fayetteville, Ark. 2d Lt. JamesW. Clayton Jr. (Emory), presently a student at theAir Training Command's Keesler Technical TrainingCenter, has been selected to receive a regularUSAF commission.Mark B. CUfford (T.C.U.) has arrived at WUUamsAFB, Ariz., for duty as an administrative officer followinghis recent commissioning as an Air Forcesecond lieutenant. . . . Dr. (Lt.-Col.) Enslie I. ScfailbJr. (Westminster '46) has assumed the position ofchief of dental services at Goodfellow AFB, Tex.He served as director of dental clinical services atBarksdale AFB, La., prior to his appointment atGoodfeUow. . . Capt. Robert H. Sokol (Iowa State)is a member of the faculty at the Air University'sSquadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, Ala. Hepreviously served at James Connally AFB, Tex.2d Lts. Robert H. Waddle (Auburn) and DouglasR. Peters (Bowling Green) have entered USAFnavigator training at James Connally AFB, Tex.,while Capt. Gene E. "Taft (Oregon State) has enteredthe USAF pilot instructor course at the samebase. . . 2d Lts. Kenneth D. Smith (Maryland),Robert W. Bruce (Puget Sound), Dudley E. Greer(Arizona State) and Donald B. Eicher (Drake) haveentered USAF pilot training, the three former atWilliams AFB, Ariz., the latter at Webb AFB, Tex.• • •Recently graduated from USAF courses, with commissionsand assignments:Patrick H. MUler HI (Duke), second lieutenant,navigator training at James Connally AFB, Tex.,assigned to Sewart AFB, Tenn.2d Lt. Lloyd C. Poehler (Wyoming), navigatortraining, James Connally AFB, Tex., assigned toCharleston AFB, S.C.

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