1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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BRIEF ITEMS about PHIS with the COLORSLt. (j.g.) John C. Reamer (Ohio '61) received theFirst Degree Award of the Combined Service Forces,Chinese Nationalist Army, from Col. S. H. Shih,chief of the CSF's Keelung subsection on Formosa.The award to Brother Reamer, stationed on Formosa(Taiwan) for twenty months, cited him for"outstanding cooperation, support and assistance"in performing his duties as executive officer of theU.S. Military Sea Transportation Service headquartersin Taipei and as MSTS officer at Keelung.The award makes him an honorary member of theChinese Nationalist Army's Combined ServiceForces. Brother Reamer, commissioned an ensign atthe Navy's Officer Candidate School in Newport,R.I., three years ago, served aboard the guidedmissile cruiser USS Galveston for a year before hisshore assignment on Formosa. He is the son ofCharles W. Reamer (Ohio '33), managing editor ofthe Athens (Ohio) Messenger, and brother of anewly initiated <strong>Phi</strong>, BiU Reamer of Ohio Gamma.John was scheduled to receive his release from activeduty in <strong>No</strong>vember.• * •1st Lt. Joseph B. Lamers (Lawrence) has beendecorated with the USAF Commendation Medal atLowry AFB, Colo., for meritorious service as an intelligenceofficer at Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz. Heis now assigned to an Air Training Command unitat Lowry.LT. JOHN C. REAMER, Ohio '61, as he receivedChinese Nationalist Army decoration.Air Training Command unit at Laredo AFB, Tex.He was honored for his effective teaching techniquesand exemplary devotion to duty.Capt. WUUam D. Moyer (Butler) was decoratedwith the USAF Air Medal at Myrtle Beach AFB,S.C, for meritorious achievement in aerial flightsin Viet Nam. He is now assigned to a Tactical AirCommand unit at Myrtle Beach.Capt. Edward E. Suranyi (Wyoming) has beenselected Outstanding Instructor of the Month in hisCapt. Roger W. Fenneman (Ohio) has been certifiedas a C-135 Stratolifter aircraft commander atMcGuire AFB, N.J. A pUot with eight years service.Brother Fenneman was upgraded after passing rigidacademic and flying requirements. His squadron isa part of the Military Air Transport Service. 1st Lt.Richard A. Lewis (Utah) also has been certified asa C-135 aircraft commander at McGuire AFB. Heis a pilot with three years of service.LEFT: Lt. Joseph B. Lamers, Lawrence, winner of USAF Commendation Medal. CENTER: Capt. William D.Moyer, Butler, as he was decorated with USAF Air Medal for service in Viet Nam. RIGHT: Capt. Edward £.Suranyi, Wyoming, named Outstanding Instructor at Laredo AFB, Texas.[207]

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