1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE ALUMNI FIRING LINEVictor Oland (Dalhousie '33), president of theCanadian Chamber of Commerce (See THE SCROLL,January 1963, p. 207), sailed from Montreal October30 to attend the meetings of the Federation ofCommonwealth Chambers of Commerce at DitchleyPark, Oxford, Eng. He was a member of the Canadiandelegation ahd delivered an address on"Management Education." Following the meetings.Brother and Mrs. Oland spent several weeks in England,returning to Canada December 3.America in the Congress. He has been reelected tothe <strong>89</strong>th Congress.* • •Bank of America vice-president Chauncey J. Medberry(U.C.L.A. '38) has been named to the executivestaff at Los Angeles headquarters of the bank.Head of the Corporate Finance department inSouthern California since 1960, he now joins a staffof senior ofiicers who are responsible for administrationof the bank's lending activities in the southernpart of the state. A banker for 25 years, he hasbeen a vice-president since 1959. He is vice-presidentand director of Small Business Enterprises, a Bankof America subsidiary.Dennis D. Mog (Cincinnati '56) is an assistant editorin the Ohio State News and Information Service,writing mainly in the areas of engineering, agricultureand veterinary medicine.VICTOR OLAND, Dalhousie '33, and Mrs. Oland asthey sailed for important meetings in England.Logan B. Hendricks (Iowa '30) was appointed inAugust to be Deputy Administrator of the SmallBusiness Administration for Financial Assistance.A career government employee with many years ofservice in the loan field, he will supervise a programof aid to small business that runs to $400 millionannually.Serving on Brother Hendricks' staff are two other<strong>Phi</strong>s—WUliam Ward (lUinois '28) and James Glading(Pennsylvania '32). Ward is the nephew ofGeorge S. Ward (lUinois '10), P.P.G.C.Dr. Rufus C. Harris (Mercer '17), president ofMercer University, has been reelected chairman ofthe National Advisory Board of the U. S. VeteransAdministration on education, employment and rehabilitationprograms. Brother Harris, a boardmember since 1945 and chairman since 1958, wasrenamed at a meeting in Washington, D.C.<strong>No</strong>rman Damon (Michigan '22), retired vicepresidentfor Safety, Automotive Safety Foundation,and currently film reviewer for National Committeeon Films for Safety, has been awarded the eighthannual Paul Gray Hoffman Award for distinguishedservices in highway safety. The award was conferredat a luncheon in his honor at the MadisonHotel in Washington, D.C, <strong>No</strong>vember 20.As Congress adjourned in October, tributes werepaid to the Honorable Harold D. Cooley of <strong>No</strong>rthCarolina {<strong>No</strong>rth Carolina '18) on completing thirtyyears of distinguished service in that body. As Chairmanof the House Committee on Agriculture, he isrecognized as the voice of the farm families of[204]LOGAN B. HENDRICKS, Iowa '30

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