1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for JANUARY, 1965 201a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences.He is a vice-president of Student Cabinet and amember of <strong>Phi</strong> Eta Sigma, freshman scholarshiphonor society. His father, Charles W. Reamer(Ohio '33) and brother, John C. Reamer (Ohio '61),are former presidents of Ohio Gamma.Louisiana Alpha <strong>Phi</strong>sMark 75th AnniversaryIn commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversaryof the founding of the Louisiana Alpha chapterat Tulane University, the New Orleans Alumni Cluband the chapter jointly sponsored a buffet dinnerand dance at the Tulane chapter house on Friday,<strong>No</strong>vember 20. It was a gala event for the numerousalumni, including many frdm other chapters, andtheir wives, who joined with the chapter in appropriatelyrenewing the bond of fraternity andspirit emblematic of A 0.Louisiana Alpha should be highly commendedfor the warm hospitality shown to the attendingalumni, as well as for the decoration of the chapterhouse, which included gay blue and whitestreamers and a commemorative shield reflectingthe names of the eleven original signers of the Bondof Louisiana Alpha. <strong>No</strong>t overshadowed by theband music was the chorus of <strong>Phi</strong> songs joined inby all <strong>Phi</strong>s and their ladies. Everyone who attendedfully concurred, at the conclusion of the dance, inthe sentiment, "Encore!"—J. Walter Ward, Jr.,President, New Orleans Alumni Club.L.A. Alumni Working forColony at Santa BarbaraAt the December meeting of the L.A. AlumniClub, held on the 2nd at the L.A. Press Club, PeteLyon reported to the group on the most recentdevelopments concerning a colony at the Universityof California at Santa Barbara.On December 1, Pete, Butch Beardon and BiUHandy from the L.A. Club, and Steve Lock, presidentof the UCLA chapter, went to a dinner meetingin Santa Barbara attended by 25 local <strong>Phi</strong>s andthe Dean of Men from UCSB. Dean Evans explainedthe procedure whereby the University will invite twonew colonies to the campus in 1965 and answeredquestions. He was then given assurance by thegroup present that, if invited, 4> A 0 will develop astrong colony and eventually a strong chapter withthe support and guidance of <strong>Phi</strong>s throughout thearea.Plans for the 1965 Founders Day were discussedand it was decided that March 19, 1965, would bethe date and the Chalon Mart Restaurant in theFurniture Mart Building would be the place.For everyone's enjoyment, Lee Hansen displayedproofs of the several hundred pictures he took atour convention in Pasadena.—Williani U. Handy,Jr., President, Los Angeles Alumni Club.Illinois BetaCentennialCarl Scheid (Chicago '32) asks all Illinois BetaAlumni to reserve the date of June 12, 1965, to celebratethe chapter's Centennial. DetaOs will be sentlater.• • «Founders Day Dates SetPres. Rock Kitt (Arizona '28) has announced thatthe Washington (D.C.) Alumni Club Founders Daywill be held Thursday, April 1, the place to be announced.Secretary Ed White, Jr. (Florida '53) advisesthat the Richmond (Va.) Founders Day dinner willbe held March 15 at 6 P.M. at the Executive MotorInn.PHIS (undergraduate and alumni) attending the National Interfratemity Conference in Cinciimati weekend ofDec. 3-5 gathered for luncheon Saturday noon at the Cincinnati Club. Pres. Jack Shepman (left center, rear) gavea short talk and question and answer session followed.

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