1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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PotpourriDallas Times-HeraldLINDSEY ENDERBY, SMU '67, as he accepted awardmade by Texas Atty. Gen. Waggoner Carr after hewas named "Young Texan of the Year."Texas <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Phi</strong> Is Named''Young Texan of ffie Year""Young Texan of the Year" is the title now carriedby Lindsey Enderby (SMU '67) and, in thewords of Jim Koethe, feature writer for the DallasTimes-Herald which carried a two-page spread inits Sunday magazine section June 21, "Lindsey Enderbyis the closest thing Texas has to a modelteenage boy."Brother Enderby was selected as the recipient ofthis title after the Optimist Clubs of Texas screenedthousands of nominees for the 1964 award. Theaward was conferred upon him by the Texas AttorneyGeneral, Waggoner Carr.Lindsey was born in Gainesville, Texas, as theoldest of four sons and grew up on his father'sfarm. He graduated from GainesviUe high schooland entered Southern Methodist University in September,1963. He was pledged by Texas <strong>Delta</strong> andinitiated into * A 0 on April 12, 1964.The past summer was spent working in the NationalBank of Commerce in Dallas in a junior officerprogram, working for brief periods in each ofthe many departments of the institution. Also, aspart of his responsibilities as "Young Texan ofthe Year" he has carried on a heavy schedule ofspeaking to Optimist Clubs and to other adultgroups in Texas, carrying to his adult audiencesthe viewpoint of youth. It is expected that duringhis year's tenure as "Young Texan of the Year" hewill speak to numerous youth groups and schools.Throughout his secondary school days Lindseywas popular with his fellow-students, having been"class favorite" in the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th[200]grades, campus favorite in the 12th, and studentbody president in the 12th. He participated inevery sport offered in the school and was an outstandingfootball player. He was a member of allhis high school's honor societies and many of itsclubs; also a member of the school band for fiveyears and with all his activities maintained a93 grade average throughout his secondary schooland never missed being on the honor roll, accordingto the Times-Herald feature story.All * A 0 shares the pride of Texas <strong>Delta</strong> in theaccomplishments of Lindsey Enderby!First Robert Horn AwardIs Won by Bill ReamerFirst to receive the Robert H. Horn (Ohio '25)Award, to be presented annually to Ohio Gamma'stop ranking freshman <strong>Phi</strong>keia, was Bill Reamer '67.BILL REAMER (left) recerees Horn Scholarship prizefrom Ohio Gamma Pres. Brian Trainor. <strong>No</strong>te handcarved fraternity crest in background. It was executedby Harold Bentley, Ohio '19, and donated to the chapterfor display in foyer of new house.The 1100 award, established by Brother Horn,will go each year to the pledge who had the highestscholastic standing at the end of his freshmanyear. This year's winner, who was initiated in Octoberat the conclusion of his pledge period, is now

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