1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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$220,000 four-story addition to Ohio Gamma house was constructed on site of two former private residences andis connected with the 48-year-old chapter house (extreme right). It faces Ohio University's developing new southwestcampus, just across the Hocking River.OHIO GAMMA DREAM FULFILLED$220,000 Addition to Chapter House IsDedicated Weekend of October 77-78REALIZATION of a long-nurtured dream'sfulfillment was achieved in Ohio Gamma's96th year as its |220,000 chapter house additionwas dedicated October 17-18.Nearly 180 members of the alumni andauxiliary groups, along with representatives ofthe undergraduate chapter and pledge class, attendeda dedication banquet Saturday night atthe new Ohio University Inn in Athens.The next afternoon, nearly two hundred personsvisited the chapter house during a twohourpublic inspection and open house at whichmembers of the auxiliary were hostesses, withthe chapter providing guides.Executive Secretary Robert J. Miller (NewMexico '50) made the principal address duringthe dedication banquet, first such event to begiven at the new |2 million inn. Out-of-town<strong>Phi</strong>s in attendance were the first guests to staythere.Sunday's formal dedication service, whichtook place in the main lounge at the new fraternityhouse, featured unveiling of a portrait ofthe chapter's oldest living Athens alumnus,Charles G. O'Bleness (Ohio '98) top donor inCHAPTER BENEFACTORS: Dr. Blaine R. Goldsberry'15, buUding fund chairman; Charles G. O'Bleness '98,oldest alumnus and top fund donor, and Ohio Universityart professor Dwight H. Mutchler, who paintedO'Bleness portrait (background) and presented it tothe chapter in name of his son, Dwight, Jr., '56.

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