1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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MICHIGAN ALPHAMARKS CENTENNIALChapter Is Twelfth InFraternity To ReachOne-Hundred Year GotilPARTICIPANTS IN Michigan Alpha's Centennial observance,left to right: Hayward S. Biggers, Lawrence'31, Editor of The <strong>Scroll</strong> and Member-at-Large of theGeneral Council; Patrick W. O'Neil, Michigan '65,President of tiie chapter; Ray E. Blackwell, Franklin'24, Alumni Secretary; BUss Bowman, Michigan '46,President of the Michigan Alpha Alumni Board; andJames E. Bergeson, Michigan '66^ Co-chairman of theCentennial Committee.Agratifying return of alumni from "far-awayplaces'' and an enthusiastic group of undergraduatemembers and pledges serving as hostsmade the celebration of Michigan Alpha's Centennialduring the weekend of October 31,an event long to be remembered by those inattendance. The chapter was the Fraternity'stwelfth to reach the 100-year mark.With a maximum of fellowship and informalsessions but with adequate emphasis upon themore formal aspects, an enjoyable three-dayanniversary program had been planned jointlyby the Michigan Alpha alumni and undergraduates.By noon Friday, the * A 9 chapter house at1437 Washtenaw, which holds memories forhundreds of Michigan <strong>Phi</strong>s, had been put in thebest possible condition for receiving the chapter'salumni and their guests and throughoutthe afternoon, the guests began arriving. Aseach returning alumnus entered the front doorhe was greeted by a representative of the chapter,given an identification badge, and quicklyjoined others of his era in talking over the olddays and the "not so old" classmates and recallingshared experiences and mutual concernsof those days. This period of reminiscencereached a peak in the late evening hours duringthe stag party.Returning alumni and their guests joinedundergraduates in a Saturday morning brunchat the chapter house and then traveled to thestadium to watch Michigan down its old rival.[192]<strong>No</strong>rthwestern. Following the game, another informalreception was held at the chapter house.Moving from the chapter home to the AmericanLegion Hall, the Centennial observancereached its peak in the banquet and dance.Chapter President Patrick W. O'Neil was toastmasterfor the gala occasion and introduced anumber of guests who made short talks: HaywaxdS. Biggers (Lawrence '31) for the GeneralCouncil; Ray E. BlackweU (Franklin '24) forGeneral Headquarters; Bliss Bowman (Michigan'46) for the alumni; and Bob Ufer (Michigan'43), a long-time adviser to the chapter.A special presentation was made to BrotherBowman for his efforts as president of the MichiganAlpha Alumni Board. The remainder of theevening was spent in dancing and visiting.The final event of the weekend was the ceremonyof rededication at the chapter house Sundaymorning, a ceremony designed to send MichiganAlpha into its second century of service to* A 9 and to the University of Michigan.BLISS BOWMAN as he addressed the large banquetgathering. Seated is Pres. Pat O'Neil, and in foregroundthe desk pen set presented to Brother Bowman.

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