1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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MINNESOTA BETA CHAPTER at Mankato State University, Mankato, Minnesota, poses for official picture inchurch immediately foUowing instaUation ceremonies, <strong>No</strong>vember 21. Standing in back are members of instaUationteam who are identified in picture on facing page.WE ADD MINNESOTA BETA CHAPTERFirst of Four New Charters Granted at PasadenaConvention Offici'a/// Presented at Mankato StateTHE Alpha Beta Mu local fraternity of MankatoState University, Mankato, Minnesota,became the Minnesota Beta chapter of * A 9 theweekend of <strong>No</strong>vember 20-21, 1964. The newchapter is the 151st in the master framework ofthe Fraternity; it is the 125 th on the active rollof chapters, two of which are under suspension(Massachusetts Alpha and Wisconsin Alpha). Itshould be remembered that two charters wererevoked at the recent convention—Pennsylvaniaiota and Illinois <strong>Theta</strong>—and one chapter,Maine Alpha, was restored to active status.Heading the initiation and installation teamwere Hayward S. Biggers (Lawrence '31), memberof the General Council and Editor of THESCROLL; Robert J. MUler (New Mexico '50),Executive Secretary; Frank E. Fawcett (Washburn'51), Assistant Secretary; Ted Maragos(<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota '55), President of Lambda Province;and Tommy MUes (Southwestern.'46), ofAustin, Texas, who performed the Chaplain'srole. They were assisted by George Sugden(Iowa State '46), President of the MankatoAlumni Club; and Cliff Sommer (Minnesota'32), Owatonna, Minnesota; and Bruce Thompson(Minnesota '49), representing the MinneapolisAlumni Club.On Friday afternoon, <strong>No</strong>vember 20, initiationceremonies were conducted in the MasonicTemple for 52 members of Alpha Beta Mu, fourof them being alumni. During the initiationceremonies, many <strong>Phi</strong> alumni from the Mankatoarea attended and participated in the initiationrites.[190]Late Friday afternoon, following the initiationceremonies, fraternity ofiScers and visiting<strong>Phi</strong>s were entertained at the home of OgdenConfer (Westminster '43). The gatheringbrought together many <strong>Phi</strong>s, including BrothersSugden and Sommer and LoweU Andreas (Iowa'44), Treasurer of the Mankato Alumni Club,all of whom were active in helping the AlphaBeta Mu group in obtaining a * A © charter.Visiting fraternity ofiicers were entertainedat luncheon Saturday noon by <strong>Phi</strong>s of the MankatoAlumni Club. The meeting was highlightedby the attendance of Vice President-Elect andMrs. Hubert H. Humphrey, whose son Robertis a member of the charter group of MinnesotaBeta.Formal installation ceremonies were held Saturdayafternoon at the First PresbyterianChurch of Mankato. Presiding was Brother Biggerswho presented the charter to Chapter PresidentSteve Jensen, who was also assigned BondNumber 1. Speaking in the role of the Reporterduring the service was Brother Sommer.The services was witnessed by a packed churchand were well covered by the press and televifesion as a result of the attendance of Mr. andMrs. Humphrey.Also attending the services and the receptionat the fraternity house which followed weredelegations of <strong>Phi</strong>s from the other chapters inLambda Province, including a busload of brothersfrom Manitoba Alpha, Winnipeg, Canada.In the congregation were many parents andfriends of the initiates, representatives from

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