1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964 17COL. JOHN A. McCANN, Miami '31, and COL. KERMIT D. STEVENS, Oregon '32Aviation Products Division in 1950, appointeddivision manager the following year and wasnamed general manager of the Division in1956.A native of Indianapolis, Brother Eickmannwas initiated by Indiana <strong>Theta</strong> in June of1926. Throughout his college days he was activein the sports activities of Indiana <strong>Theta</strong> andPurdue.<strong>Phi</strong> Succeeds <strong>Phi</strong> as DeputyCommandant of Air InstituteCol. John A. McCann (Miami '31) has becomeDeputy Commandant of the Air ForceInstitute of Technology located at Wright-PattersonAFB in Ohio, succeeding Col. Kermit D.Stevens (Oregon '32) who had held the postsince 1957. Colonel Stevens retired after morethan 28 years of active federal service.A native of Roseburg, Oregon, ColonelStevens received his BS degree in Economicsfrom the University of Oregon. He was made amember of Oregon Alpha on January 6, 1929.During World War II he was assigned to theoriginal cadre of the 8 th Air Force in Englandand soon thereafter took command of the 303rdBomb group (H), a B-17 unit nicknamed "Hell'sAngels" which distinguished itself in _earlybombardments of Nazi held portions of thecontinent.Continuing in the military service, subsequentassignments for Brother Stevens includedcommand of Fairchild AFB, Spokane, Washington;Professor of Air Science at the Universityof Minnesota; and, Vice Commander, 13thAir Force, Clark Air Base in the <strong>Phi</strong>lippines.Decorations conferred upon Colonel Stevensinclude: the Silver Star, Distinguished FlyingCross with one Oak Leaf Cluster, Air Medalwith four Oak Leaf Clusters, Distinguished UnitCitation, the British Flying Cross, and theFrench Croix de Guerre with Palm.The new Deputy Commandant of the technicalinstitution is a native of Cleveland. ColonelMcCann received his B.S. degree in BusinessAdministration and his M.A. degree inEconomics from Miami University. He also didgraduate work at Western Reserve University,the University of Pittsburgh, the ClevelandSchool of Law, and is currently studying at theWright-Patterson AFB Ohio State Universitygraduate center, working toward his Ph.D. degree.Initiated by Ohio Alpha on February 4, 1928,Brother McCann was active on the campus. Hemanaged the baseball teams of 1929 and 1930at Miami.In World War II, Colonel McCann servedwith the Army Air Forces School of AppliedTactics, Orlando, Florida, following which heserved two years in the CBI theatre as groupIntelligence Officer for the 443rd Troop Carriergroup and the 3rd Combat Cargo group inIndia, also with the <strong>No</strong>rth Burma Air TaskForce in Burma and later as Operations Officerfor the 69th Composite Wing in China.At war's end. Colonel McCann returned tocivilian life as sales manager for Merrill Turben& Co. of Cleveland, meanwhile retaining

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