1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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180 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for JANUARY, 1965RE-ELECTED: James G. Fulton, Penn State '24, Pennsylvania 27th; Charles E. Goodell, Williams '49, New York43rd; Clark W. Thompson, Oregon '18, Texas 9th; James T. Broyhill, <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina '50, <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina 9th.members of the Interstate and Foreign CommerceCommittee and Brother Jarman is alsoa member of the District of Columbia Committee.Paul G. Rogers (Florida '42) entered Congressas a result of winning a special election held inearly 1955 in the 6th Florida District. The sonof the first Congressman from this particulardistrict. Democrat Rogers has completed his fifthterm in the House where he, also, has been amember of the Interstate and Foreign CommerceCommittee. He served on the Committeeon Merchant Marine and Fisheries as well.The next <strong>Phi</strong> to enter Congress and remainthere to date was Charles E. Goodell (Williams'49), a Republican from Jamestown, New York,elected to the 86th Congress in a special electionMay 26, 1959, to fill the seat left vacant inthe New York 43rd District. He was re-electedin 1960 and 1962. His primary responsibility hasbeen as a member of the Committee on Educationand Labor but he is also a member of theHouse Administration Committee.A Wichita lawyer, Gamer E. Shriver (Wichita'34), was the successful Republican candidatein the Kansas 4th Congressional District in the1960 and 1962 elections. He has been a memberof the Judiciary Committee. Prior to goingto Washington, Brother Shriver spent sometwelve years in the Legislature of Kansas, servingin both the State House and Senate.With the opening of the <strong>89</strong>th Congress, one<strong>Phi</strong> Congressman shed his Freshman status.James T. Broyhill (<strong>No</strong>rth Carolina '50) waselected to the House to fill an unexpired termfrom the <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina 9th District during thelast session of Congress. Brother Broyhill, a<strong>No</strong>rth Carolina business man interested particularlyin the furniture manufacturing business,was re-elected as the Democratic nomineein the recent election. He has served on theDistrict of Columbia and the Post Office andCivil Service committees.With this able group of thirteen hold-overand re-elected Congressmen, many of whom arerated as mong the senior members of the Houseand each of whom holds important committeeassignments, and the promising new group offive "Freshman" Congressional members, membersof * A e will follow the actions of the <strong>89</strong>thCongress now in session with considerable interest,confidence, and pride.More To Come I'n Later IssuesAn additional story on "<strong>Phi</strong>s in State Government"is planned for an early issue of THESCROLL. Representative <strong>Phi</strong>s in each statehave assisted the Alumni Secretary in coveringthe election returns in fifty states. In additionto three governors and eighteen congressmenreported in the issue, a number ofbrothers were elected to other state offices andas members of state legislative bodies. A reporton these brothers is being prepared.role its members have and are playing in thedevelopment of this world-famed institutionwhich President Eisenhower dubbed, "the Mayomiracle." As one looks upon the Mayo area ofRochester, Minnesota, today and ponders on<strong>Phi</strong>s Active in Jhe Mayo "Miracle"(Continued from page 174)the fact that in the 1870's, Dr. William WorrallMayo, the founding father of the Mayo Institutions,mortgaged his Rochester homesteadto buy a microscope, it is easy to think of theorganization as "the Mayo Miracle."

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