1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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EIGHTEEN PHIS IN <strong>89</strong>th CONGRESS<strong>No</strong>vember 3 Election Seats Five New MembersEIGHTEEN members of * A 6 were elected orre-elected to the United States Congress inthe <strong>No</strong>vember 3 election. This number representsa net increase of three over the numberof <strong>Phi</strong>s at the beginning of the last Congress.Five brothers are serving their first term inthe current <strong>89</strong>th Congress. They are: HowardH. Callaway (Georgia Tech '48), Republican,representing Georgia's 3rd District; Chester L.Mize (Kansas '39), Republican, elected fromthe 2nd District of Kansas; Robert G. Mc-Ewen (Vermont-Pennsylvania '42), Republican,serving as New York's 31st District Congressman;Barber B. Conable, Jr. (Cornell '43), Republican,representing New York's 37th District; andBrock Adams (Washington '48), Democrat,chosen by the voters of Washington's 7th District.While space will not permit a detailed reportupon the election of each of these brothers,it should be pointed out (1) that Brother Callawayhas the distinction of being the first Republicanelected to Congress from the state ofGeorgia in 90 years; and (2) that Brother Adamswon his seat the hard way, defeating a Brother<strong>Phi</strong>, Kaye William Stinson (Michigan '52), theRepublican Congressman from Washington's7th District in the 88th Congress.Dean of the <strong>Phi</strong>s in Congress is HaroldCooley (<strong>No</strong>rth Carolina '18) re-elected from the4th District of <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina to begin his 31styear as a Democratic Congressman. As chairmanof the House Agricultural Committee, BrotherCooley holds one of the most powerful posts inour national government. He has been chairmanof that committee longer than any previouschairman in the history of the committee.While his primary responsibilities in Congresscenter around agriculture, his influence in Congresshas never been limited to the one field.The Dean of the Kentucky delegation inCongress, Frank Chelf (Centre '30), has completedtwenty years of service to the voters ofNORTH CAROLINA'S Harold Cooley, <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina'18, Dean of the Congressional <strong>Phi</strong>s.Kentucky's 4th District, having served in Congressunder the administration of five presidents.He is a high ranking member in seniorityon the Judiciary Committee, Brother Chelfis a Democrat.Two Pennsylvania Congressman <strong>Phi</strong>s alsohave completed twenty years of service in theHouse of Representatives. Each is a Republican.They are: Robert J. Corbett (Allegheny'27) and James G. Fulton (Penn State '24).Brother Corbett was elected to Congress fromPennsylvania's 18th District in 1944 and hasbeen re-elected in each subsequent election. Heis ranking Republican member of the PostOffice and Civil Service Committee and amember of other important committees. He hasbeen chairman of the Pennsylvania delegation.Brother Corbett, prior to his present tenure,was also a Representative in the 76th CongressFRESHMAN CONGRESSMEN: Chester L. Mize, Kansas '39, Kansas 2hd; Robert G. McEwen, Vermont-Pennsylvania'42, New York 31st; Barber B. Conable, Jr., Cornell '43, New York 31'th; BrOck Adams, Washington '48, Washington7th; Howard H. Callaway, Georgia Tech '48, Georgia 3rd.

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