1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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CANADIAN PACIFIC NAMES EMERSONManitoba Alpha Charter Member Is New President of One of theGreat Railroads of <strong>No</strong>rth AmericaFROM a summer job with the Canadian PacificRailway Company in 1928, Robert AltonEmerson (Manitoba '30) has risen step by stepin the operation and management of that companyand on October 13, 1964, was made CanadianPacific's President and Chief OperatingOfficer.The son of a Canadian Pacific operator andagent. Brother Emerson was born in PlumCoulee, Manitoba, on April 12, 1911. He attendedthe public schools of Plum Coulee andMorden, then entered the University of Manitobawhere he was initiated into ManitobaAlpha, September 30, 1930, as one of the chartermembers of that chapter. He received the degreeof Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineeringin 1930. He later attended Yale University asrecipient of the Strathcona Memorial Fellowshipin Transportation. His Alma Mater conferredthe honorary Doctor of Laws degree uponBrother Emerson in 1962.Entering the service of the Canadian Pacificas a summer employee as rodman at Kenora,Ontario, in 1928, he has enjoyed a career ofsteady advancement. In 1951 he was made ChiefEngineer after twenty years in operating experience,named vice-president. Operation andMaintenance, Montreal, in May of 1955. Threeyears later he was elected Vice-president of thecompany, a responsibility he held until his recentpromotion to the presidency.Brother Emerson is also a member of theCanadian Pacific's Executive Committee and isa director of the company, one of the mostimportant of all Canadian companies. He alsoserves as President of Smithsons Holdings Limited,Canadian Pacific Transport Company, QuebecCentral Railway. Company, Dominion Atlan-ROBERT ALTON EMERSON, Manitoba '30Up the ladder, step by step, fromrodman to president.tic Railway Company, and other important businesscorporations. He is a director of a numberof other well known Canadian companies.Brother Emerson has remained a loyal memberof * A © and Manitoba Alpha. In writing tolong-time friend, George Banta, Jr. (Wabash'14), P.P.G.C, recently, he said: "I look back onthe associations I formed in <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>with much pleasure and deep gratitude. Associationsin. the Fraternity have played a greatpart in forming my outlook on life and havecontinued through all the subsequent years."Palladium Supplement Carried in This IssueThe annual Palladium Supplement is carried in this issue of THE SCROLL (pages 221-232).Included are minutes of the 1964 meetings of the General Council and the information containedtherein should be of interest only to <strong>Phi</strong>s. Readers are urged, therefore, to removethese pages from copies which are to be left out for general perusal by the public in fraternityhouses or professional offices.[177]

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