1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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176 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for JANUARY, 1965of both Purdue University and his Alma Mater,Franklin College. He is currently chairman ofFranklin's board. He has received the honoraryLL.D. degree from Franklin and is also the recipientof the Legion of Merit and many otherhonorary recognitions.The 1964 campaign wa:s his first race in thepolitical arena although he has been an activeDemocrat all his life. In recent years he hasbeen one of the party's most influential leadersin the state.Since his initiation in April, 1920, he hasbeen a devoted son of Indiana <strong>Delta</strong>, generouslygiving of his time, effort, and funds tohis chapter. His devotion to his Alma Materand Fraternity has become legendary in Indiana'seducational circles.Roger was one of the four "Branigin boys,"all members of Indiana <strong>Delta</strong>, the late GeraldBranigin '19; Ed Branigin '25, clerk of Detroit'sWayne County; and Elba Branigin Jr., '30,Franklin attorney.Missouri Elects HearnesWarren E. Hearnes (Missouri '43), a longtimeleader in the Missouri State Legislatureand more recently Democratic Secretary of Statefor Missouri, was successful in his race for theMissouri Governor's chair.A Native of Moline, Illinois, Brother Hearneswas educated in the public schools of Charleston,Missouri, received his B.S. degree from theUnited States Military Academy in 1946, andlater received his A.B. and L.L.B. degrees fromthe University of Missouri. He was initiated byMissouri Alpha, January 10, 1943. He servedfirst as an enlisted man and later as a Lieutenantduring World War II.Brother Hearnes began practicing law in1952 in East Prairie, Missouri, but even beforethis he was in the public eye when, in 1950,he was elected to the Missouri House of Representatives,at the time the youngest man everelected to the Legislature from MississippiCounty. He was re-elected in 1952, 1954, 1956,and 1958 and served as majority floor leaderof the House in 1957 and 1959.In the 1960 election he was elected as the30th Secretary of State for Missouri.In 1958 Brother Hearnes was chosen to receivethe St. Louis Globe-Democrat Award forMeritorious Service as "the most effective housemember in debate," and three years later hewas honored with the American Heritage Foundation"Outstanding Citizenship Award" forleadership in working for modernization ofelection laws.Smith Named by West VirginiaWest Virginia voters have placed the affairsof their state in the hands of Hulett C. Smith(Pennsylvania '38), Beckley insurance executiveand business man.A life-long citizen of Beckley, Brother Smithattended public schools there and then enteredWharton School of Finance and Commerce,University of Pennsylvania, graduatingfrom that institution in 1938. On March 28,1936, he was made a member of PennsylvaniaZeta. He served in World War II in the UnitedStates Navy and holds the commission of Lieutenant-Commanderin the Naval Reserve.In business, he has been president of theHome Insurance Company, vice-president ofFirst Beckley Corporation, president of InvestmentSecurities, and a director in the Bank ofRaleigh. He is also vice-president of BeckleyCollege.He has been honored with an honorary degreefrom Beckley College and in 1948 wasnamed as West Virginia's "Young man of theYear."Brother Smith in 1961 was appointed thefirst Commissioner of the Department of Commercefor the State of West Virginia and hasbeen credited with a vast industria,l developmentprogram which was organized and promotedwith outstanding success. It is now saidto be one of the finest state programs in thenation.Field Secretary Dies in Car AccidentAs THE SCROLL went to press, word was received of the tragic death of Field SecretaryJames C. (Jim) Tunnell (S.M.U. '64) when his car apparently went out of control on Route 66about three miles west of Joplin, Missouri. The accident occurred early in the morning ofTuesday, January 12. Further details will appear in the March SCROLL.Jim joined the Headquarters staff in June, 1964, but in this short period had made a hostof friends in the Fraternity, in the fraternity world, and in the Oxford (Ohio) community.His home was in Tyler, Texas.

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