1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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PLUMMER BUILDING of the Mayo Clinic, fifteenstories topped by a four-story tower, was built in1928. It adjoins the first Mayo structure, a five-storybuilding completed in 1914. These two buildings containthe offices, library, and laboratories among otherphases of the Clinic's facilities.<strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia, 1942-1943, and an officer in theMedical Corps of the U.S. Army during WorldWar II, Dr. William M. McConahey, Jr. (Wand J. '38) went to Rochester in January, 1946,as a Fellow in Medicine at Mayo's. Two yearslater he was appointed a first assistant in medicinein the Mayo Foundation. In the same year,1948, he received the Master of Science inMedicine degree from the University of Minnesota.At the beginning of 1949, he becamean assistant to the staff of the Mayo Clinic andsix months later was appointed to the staff asConsultant in Medicine. Since 1950 he has beenon the staff of the Medical School and is now anassociate professor.Dr. McConahey's special interest has been indiseases of metabolism and the endocrine system,with special emphasis upon the thyroidgland. He has contributed extensively to theliterature in this area of medicine. He is aFellow of the American College of Physicians.Currently Consultant in Urology in the MayoClinic and Associate Professor of Urology inthe Graduate School of Medicine, Dr. ThomasL. Pool (Knox '28), first became affiliated withthe Mayo Institutions in 1935 when he was appointedas a Fellow in Urology after receivinghis medical degree from <strong>No</strong>rthwestern in 1934and serving as an intern in Chicago's PassavantMemorial Hospital 1934-35. In 1938 he wasappointed to the staff of Mayo's.Dr. Donald A. Sones (<strong>No</strong>rthwestern '51) isConsultant in Medicine in the Clinic and Instructorin Medicine in the Mayo GraduateSchool of Medicine. After graduation from<strong>No</strong>rthwestern, Dr. Sones received his medicaltraining at the University of Iowa and performedhis intern duties at the Royal VictoriaHospital in Montreal, Canada.After serving as a Fellow in Medicine, MayoGraduate School of Medicine, 1957-60, Dr.Sones was named first assistant in 1960, assistantto the staff in 1961 and later in that year appointedto the Mayo Clinic staff as Consultant.Dr. Donald C. McHrath (Kansas '50), a Consultantin General Surgery at the Clinic andInstructor in Surgery in the School, is a nativeof Kansas. After completing his bachelor'scourse at Kansas in 1950, he continued at theUniversity of Kansas for his medical degreewhich was awarded him in 1954. He spent a yearinterning at the University of Kansas MedicalCenter, then two years in the Medical Corpsof the U.S. Navy. Named a Fellow in Surgeryat Mayo's in 1957, he was made assistant tothe staff for the period 1961-62, then appointedto the staff as Consultant in General Surgery.He received the University of Minnesota's Masterof Science in Surgery in 1962.A native of Easton, Pa., Dr. James V. Ross,Jr. (Duke '51), was made a Mayo Fellow inMedicine in the Graduate School in 1957 andserved as a Fellow until 1960 when he wasappointed to the Mayo Clinic staff as a Consultantin Medicine. He completed his medicaltraining at Duke in 1955 and interned in Pittsburgh'sMercy Hospital in 1956-57..Another <strong>Phi</strong> of prominence in the Mayoorganization is Gregg S. K. Orwoll (<strong>No</strong>rthwestern'49), legal counsel of the Mayo Clinic. Aftergraduation from <strong>No</strong>rthwestern with a bachelorof science degree in 1949, Brother Orwoll attendedthe University of Minnesota Law Schoolfrom 1950 to 1953, receiving the bachelor oflaws degree in 1953. From 1953 to 1960 he wasa partner in a leading legal firm in Minneapolis.In July, 1960, he went to Rochester as associatelegal counsel of the Mayo Clinic. Hewas elected to the professional staff of the MayoClinic in <strong>No</strong>vember, 1962, and became legalcounsel of the Clinic in January, 1963.Members of * A e may well be proud of the(Continued on page 180)

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