1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for JANUARY, 1965 173PHIS ON MAYO STAFF: (left to right): Dr. Howard F. Polley, Ohio Wesleyan '34; Dr. Donald C. McDrath,Kansas '50; Dr. James V. Ross, Jr., Duke '51; Dr. William M. McConahey, Jr., W & J '38; Dr. Donald A. Sones,<strong>No</strong>rthwestern '51.he is now Consultant in Internal Medicine. In1945 he received the Master of Sdence in Medicinefrom the University of Minnesota.Throughout his medical career. Dr. Polleyhas had a special interest in rheumatology andarthritis. He was associated with three otherdoctors in the original clinical investigation ofcortisone and ACTH in the treatment of rheumatoidarthritis and related conditions andwas also a co-developer of the "PoUey-Bickel"needle for punch biopsy of the synovial membrane.Dr. Polley was appointed an instructor inmedicine in the Mayo Graduate School of Medicinein 1946, advanced to assistant professorin 1950, associate professor in 1954, and professorin 1960. He is a Fellow in the AmericanCollege of Physicians. He served two years aspresident of the National Society of ClinicalRheumatologists, has been associate editor ofRheumatism Reviews, associate editor of Arthritisand Rheumatism, and is the author ofsome 60 contributions to medical literature.In 1958, Brother Polley received the alumniachievement award from Ohio State University.Dr. George A. Hallenbeck (<strong>No</strong>rthwestern '36)is distinctive among the Mayo doctors in thathe is a native of Rochester. Doing both hisundergraduate and medical work at <strong>No</strong>rthwestern,he interned in Seattle's Virginia MasonHospital. His career with Mayo's began in 1940with a Fellowship in Surgery. He switched fromsurgery to physiology in 1943 and in 1944 receivedhis Ph.D. degree in physiology from theUniversity of Minnesota.After three years in the Medical Corps ofthe U.S. Army Air Force, he returned to Mayo'sand spent two years as research associate andfirst assistant in surgery. In 1949 he was madeassistant surgeon of Mayo's and a year laterwas appointed to the staff of the Mayo Clinicas head of a Section of General Surgery. In1960 he relinquished this position to join aSection of Surgical Research and became headof this Section a year later, a position he stillholds along with his responsibilities as Consultantin Surgery in the Clinic and Professor ofSurgery and Physiology in the Mayo GraduateSchool of Medicine.A magna cum laude graduate of Washingtonand Jefferson College in 1938, a recipient of theDoctor of Medicine degree from Harvard in1942, an intern in the General Hospital ofLEGAL COUNSEL of the Mayo Clinic, Gregg S. K.Orwoll, <strong>No</strong>rthwestern '49.

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