1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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i* •^^H^t^w:THE MAYO BUILDING (built in 1955), a ten-story building constructed so that additional stories may be addedin the future, was specifically designed to facilitate the medical care of the sick by a co-ordinated and integratedgroup of physicians working in the Mayo pattern. This building houses the sections of internal medicine,medical specialties, and allied activities.which is in the shape of a Greek cross and isconsidered one of the world's great medicalarts centers, with every feature designed to improveservice to the patients by expediting thework of the stafiE physicians.What is the Mayo Clinic? It is defined as avoluntary association of physicians engaged inthe private practice of medicine as an integratedco-ordinated group. All members of thestaff are compensated on an annual basis. Thereis no stock and there are no dividends; anyearnings after payment of all expenses, includinga just and reasonable compensation to thestaff, are transferred to the Mayo Assodation,incorporated as a nonprofit charitable organizationto "aid and advance the study and investigationof human ailments and injuries, ahdthe causes, prevention, relief and cure thereof"and to engage in medical, surgical and scientificresearch.The Mayo Clinic does not own nor operatehospital fadlities, but its doctors niake use ofthe two Rochester hospitals, Saint Mary's andRochester Methodist, affiliated with the Mayopinic, but in which the Clinic has no administrativeor finandal control.For more than a half century the Universityof Minnesota has maintained close ties withthe Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, anorganization which developed because of thelarge number of practicing physicians whosought an opportunity for specialized study andresearch at. Mayo's. Only recently this cooperativeeffort between the University of Minnesotaand the Mayo instructional organization becamemore clearly recognized when the previousdesignation of Mayo Foundation for MedicalEducation and Research was changed tothe Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, Universityof Minnesota. It is the world's largestmedical school with an enrollment of some650 physicians from throughout the UnitedStates and many foreign countries.Administration of the Mayo Clinic is vestedin its Board of Governors, which includes ninephysician members and two lay administrativemembers. Committees appointed by the Boardare assigned various responsibilities, such as careof patients, research program, and administrativematters.Currently serving as chairman of the Boardof Governors is Dr. Louis Emmerson Ward(Illinois '39), a 47-year-old Consultant in Medicinefor the Mayo Clinic and an Associate Professorof Medicine in the Mayo Graduate Schoolof Medicine. A native of Mt. Vernon, Illinois,

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