1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 161inent figure in the petroleum industry,he served in the governmentas an expert in that fidd duringWorld War IL At the time of hisdeath, be was a manufacturer's agent.Maj. Robert H. Newby (South Dakota'44) was killed in an aircraftaccident in France, March 13, 1963,whUe serving with the U.S.A.F.Robert James Dixson (Syracuse-Columbia '29) died in COral Gables,Fla., where he made his home, January,1963. He had a very successfulcareer as a teacher and writer, particularlyin the field ot English as asecond langjuage. He was author ofnumerous books.Harry Paul Barnes (Amherst '13),Webster Groves, Mo., died at sea,October, 1963, while cruising throughthe Persian Gulf. He had been withvarious fitrms before joining JohnsManville Co. in Kansas City in1933. He retired in 1957. BrotherBarnes was a Golden Legionnaire of*A9.Robert B. WUbum (Mississippi'16) died in Greenwood, Miss., September6. He was a Golden Legionnaireof $ A 9.WilUam Isaac Hand (Mercer '13)died at his home in Chicago, IU.,August 25. Brother Hand was inretirement after 33 years with theHess Warming and Ventilating Co.A life member of Medinah Templeof the Masonic Order, he was also aGolden Legionnaire of the Fraternity.Patrick J. Sugrue (Montana '26),former varsity footbaU player atMontana, died in Anaconda, Mont.,July 7. He had been a teacher atAnaconda high school from 1928 until1951 when he joined the AnacondaCo. He was nominated as First DistrictCounty Commissioner on theDemocratic ticket in June.News has been received at Gen'eral Headquarters of the death of thefollowing brothers. <strong>No</strong> other informationwas given.Edward E. Alfriend (Georgia '28),Sparta, Ga.John Bergstresser (Penn State '15),Mt. Carmel, Pa.Charles F. Brigham, Jr. (Allegheny'12), San Mateo, CaUf.Arthur C. Dixon (Washington-St.Louis '09), San Diego, Calif.Herbert FarreU (Vanderbilt '03),Sandusky, Ohio.Raymond E. C. Green (Pennsylvania'56), Medford Lake, N.J.Wayne R. Harmon (Indiana '26),New Albany, Ind.Walter F. Herdrick (Purdue '19),Birmingham, Mich.Frank H. Jones (Colby '14), Portland,Me.Louis A. KeUer (Lake Forest '51),Lake Forest, 111.WiU R. LaGrange (Franklin '09),Rio Grande City, Tex.Thomas G. Leachman (Texas '09),DaUas, Tex.WiUiam A. McKerUch (BritishColumbia '59), Vancouver, B.C., Can.Harold T. Moore (Pennsylvania'01), Bryn Mawr, Pa.Robert W. Sears (Indiana '32), Indianapolis,Ind.Frank C. Smith (Tulane '32), Flint,Mich.Robert W. Stay ton (Texas '09),Austin, Tex.Harley D. Strain (Manitoba '52),Winnipeg, Man., Can.Harry Thornton (W & L '30),Pensacola, Fla.Bradley H. Todd (Pittsburgh '27),Pittsburgh, Pa.Charles A. Vance, Jr. (Kentucky'38), Lexington, Ky.John W. Whitson (Michigan '03),Rochelle, IU.Everett L. Wolfe (Colgate '15),Brockton, Mass.Thomas H. Wright (Washington-St. Louis '98), Southampton, L.L,N.Y.1963Theodore C. Hutchison (Iowa '25),Algona, Iowa, June 12.WiUiam A. Sanborn, Jr. (Dartmouth'07), June 18.Charles V. Wilson, Jr. (<strong>No</strong>rthwestern'33), Fargo, N.D., August20.William G. WiUiamson (Montana'58), Box Elder, Mont., October 4.Frederick H. Ludlow (Wisconsin'09), Milwaukee, Wis., December 13.1964John W. Dain (Union '22), Mahopac,N.Y., January 1.Hiram E. Famham (Colby '<strong>89</strong>),St. Joseph, Mo., February 7.Kenneth G. Foster (Franklin '03),Indianapolis, Ind., March.David R. Welch (Montana '55),Great Falls, Mont., March 4.Easson B. Stovd (McGill '37), Sudbury,Ont., Can., March 20.Robert J. Gretencort (Montana'19), Colfax, Wash., April 16.Charles L. Stone (Nebraska '98),Cleveland Heights, Ohio, April 6.WUUam E. Bright (Brown '07),Peckville, Pa., May 3.Harry H. Heinrichs (Butler '03),South Bend, Ind., May.WUliam R. Argyle (Utah '15),Media, Pa., June 6.Charles H. Girardeau (W & L '19),Atlanta, Ga., June 14.John S. Mann, Jr. (Franklin '25),Indianapolis, Ind., June 22.Richard H. Moore (Butler '18),San Fernando, Calif., July 2.Frederick C. Peters (Westminster'22), Miami Beach, Fla.George W. Bumey (Georgia '99),Atlanta, Ga., July 18.Edward B. Jones (Ohio '35), Warren,Ohio, July 30.Donato L. RusseU (Columbia '23),Lakewood, Colo., August 29.Stanley J. Rowland (Brown '14),Stamford, Conn., August 28.Alexander R. Howard (GeorgiaTech '03), Concord, N.C.* * *IN COELO QUIES EST* * *

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