1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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Walter C. Rogers (Ohio '19), retiredboard chairman of the MaytagSouthwestern Co., died in a Dallas(Tex.) hospital September 15. A nativeof Ohio, he attended Ohio University,played football for theColumbus (Ohio) Panhandles, oneof the first pro football teams, andwas executive secretary to Gov.Harry Davis of Ohio in the early1920s. He began working for, theMaytag Co. as a district manager ineastern Ohio, stepped into the president'spost at Maytag Southwesternin 1932, holding this post until hebecame chairman of the board in1955. He retired in 1958 after 32years with the company.Brother Rogers was a senior memberof the Irving (Tex.) RotaryClub, active in Republican politicsboth in Ohio and Texas, was avestryman and choir member of theEpiscopal Church of the Redeemer ofIrving of which he was a charterfounding member. He had remainedactive in dvic affairs since his retirement.* * *Thomas Stevens Clark (Cornell'94), former president ot the CustodisConstruction Co. of New York City,died at his home in Bayside, Queens,N.Y., October 1. He would havebeen 93 years old in <strong>No</strong>vember. Hestarted his career working for theU. S. Geodetic Survey in the CherokeeStrip while he was an undergraduateat Cornell. He had beenwith the Custodis Co., builders of. industrial chimneys, for many yearsuntil his retirement in 1934. He wasthe author of numerous articles onindustrial chimneys for technicalmagazines and was a member of varioustechnical societies. During severalyears in the early 1950s, Brother Clarkwas one of the stars of the televisionseries, "Lite Begins at Eighty," andhis wife was also on the show. He wasa Golden Legionnaire of the Fraternityand was always a loyal and interested<strong>Phi</strong>.* * *Marlin Knox Bruce (Sewanee '17)died at his home in MartinsviUe, Va.,June 26. He moved to MartinsviUein 1962 after serving with the Du­Pont company for 34 years in companyplants in Carney's Point, N.J.,Buffalo, N.Y., Old Hickory, Tenn.,and Richmond, Va. He retired atRichmond in 1955. A veteran ofWorld Wars I and II, he was a firstlieutenant during the former andserved overseas from 1941 to 1946during the latter, retiring with therank of colonel. Brother Bruceserved with General Patton's Thirdand Seventh Armies, but also withTHE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 159the Second French Armored Division.He was the redpient of theCroix de Guerre with a sUver starand palm, the Bronze Star with anOak Leaf Cluster, and the PurpleHeart with a cluster. He was aGolden Legionnaire of the Fraternity.WiUiam H. Kleifgren (DePauw'66) died in a Fort Wayne (Ind.)hospital, June 14, as a result otbums suffered in a freak constructionaccident while working for thesummer on an Interstate 69 highwayproject near Gas City, Ind., when adrag line he was working on toucheda 34,000 volt transmission line.Brother Kleifgren, who would havebeen a junior at DePauw University,was a member of the student senatethere. He was also a member of De-Molay and the First PresbyterianChurch of Fort Wayne.* * *Charles Rankin Comic (Iowa Wesleyan'15) died in a Birmingham(Ala.) hospital June 29. A Californianative. Brother Comic moved toBirmingham in 1939 and worked forBirmingham Electric Co., the dtyboard of education as business manager,and for Melcher Stone Co. andGarner Stone Co. He was a memberot the National Retired Teachers Association,and an officer ot the PurchasingAgents Association of Alabama.He also taught salesmanshipat the University of Alabama extensioncenter. Brother Comic was a devoted<strong>Phi</strong>, attending the BirminghamAlumni Club's Founders Day events,at one ot which, a few years ago, theClub awarded him his Golden LegionCertificate.Chalmers McGaughey (Butler '21),Los Angeles attorney, died at hishome in South Pasadena, Calif.,August 26. A graduate of ButlerUniversity and of the University ofMichigan Law School, Brother Mc­Gaughey moved to South Pasadenain 1925 and was associated with alaw firm there for ten years. Sincethen he had been in private practicein corporation law in Los Angeles.He was a former member of theLos Angeles University Club andSouth Pasadena Public Library boardand former board member and presidentot the Boys' Republic at Chino.RusseU Francis Mulcahy (Denison'39) died at his home in Old Saybrook,Conn., January 27. He wasadvertising manager ot the ShorelineTimes in Guilford and was also secretaryand former chairman of theOld Saybrook Zoning Board of Appeals.He was a veteran of WorldWar II.Among the survivors is a brother,Douglas W. Mulcahy (Denison '41).George Sturges Chadwick, Jr. (WestVirginia '45), senior staff engineerwith the Olefin Division ot UnionCarbide Corp., died in Charleston(W.Va.) Memorial Hospital June 16.A veteran of World War II, he joinedUnion Carbide in December 1946and at the time ot his death wassecretary of the unified pressure vesselsubcommittee of the ASME boilerand pressure code. He had made hishome in South Charleston tor eighteenyears.George WiUiam Pittman (Butler'14), loyal <strong>Phi</strong> and former presidentof the Indianapolis Alumni Club ott& A 9, died in Methodist Hospital,Indianapolis, Ind., September 14. Alifelong resident of IndianapoUs,Brother Pittman, who retired in1959, had been secretary ot the firmof Kothe, Wells and Bauer Co., formore than twenty years. He was amember of Trinity Episcopal Churchand was a Golden Legionnaire of theFraternity.* * *Anthony G. Bachmann (Akron'24), president of Herman MachineCo., Inc., Akron, Ohio, died therethis summer. A Utetime resident ofAkron, Brother Bachmann was amember of the Knights of Columbus,Akron City Club and the Loyal Orderot Moose.* * *Walter <strong>No</strong>ble Zink (Amherst '21)died June 12. He made his home inQuincy, Mass. Brother Zink was asuperb athlete while in college,starring in footbaU, baseball andbasketball as well as having been atop skier. Dlustrating his versatility,he was practicing pitching with abaseball team on the same day atrack meet was taking place. Hestrolled over to the pole vault pit,took just one leap, and won theevent, baseball uniform and all.After college, he pitched for theNew York Giants for one season, attendedHarvard Business School, didsome coaching, and finally joinedthe A & P Tea Co., where he progressedthrough various positions tobecome meat merchandising managerof the New England division. Hepioneered the development of selfservicemeats in stores in I94I. Hehad retired just a few months beforehis death.

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