1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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158 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964moving to Montgomery County, hewas a health officer in the lowerEast Side in New York and taughtpublic health at New York University.He was a Golden Legionnaire of* A 9, having received his Certificatefrom the Washington, D.C,Alumni Club several years ago.Theodore Davis Parmelee (Illinois'35) died in Torrence, Calif., August29. He had made his home in LosAngeles since 1938 when he joinedthe Walt Disney Studio. BrotherParmelee, who was graduated withhonors in painting from the Universityof Illinois' art program, roseto be one of the most respected figuresin the animation industry as anindependent designer, producer anddirector. His seven-minute short,"The Tell-Tale Heart," based onPoe's story, was nominated tor anAcademy Award in 1953. An ardentsailor, he was a member ot the BalboaYacht Club. He was also a memberof the Screen Cartoonists Guild.Among the survivors is a brother,C Everett Parmelee (Illinois '25),New York.WiUiam Thomas Lazar (Wisconsin'43), Briarcliff Manor, N.Y., diedJanuary 17. Brother Lazar, winner ofthe Frankenburger Oratorical Contestin his first year at the University otWisconsin, went on to become a nationallyknown radio and televisionannouncer. He announced tor Wisconsinstation WHA, Detroit stationWWJ before moving to New YorkCity where he announced the FrankSinatra Show, Hour of Charm, PepperYoung's Family, and many otherson radio.He entered the television field inits infancy and announced the PaulWinchell Show, We the People,NCAA footbaU games and Searchfor Tomorrow. He had also mademany television commercials.For some years he also had been astaff reader for "Talking Books forthe Blind," where he recorded sometwenty-five books. For the past twoyears he was an elected member ofthe Council for the Screen ActorsGuild in New York City. He andhis family had made their home inBriarcliff Manor for eleven years.* * *Dr. Herbert E. White (Georgia'23), retired St. Augustine (Fla.)physician and surgeon, died thereMay 10. He served as chief of staffof Flagler Hospital for 35 years, retiringin 1963. He was a formerpresident of the Florida Medital Association,the Florida Medical AssociationEmory Club and St. John'sCounty Medical Society. He was alife member of the American Collegeof Surgeons, a member of theNational College ot Surgeons and ofthe Southeastern Surgical Congress.Brother White also served as cityphysician tor St. Augustine and ascounty physician for St. John'sCounty.Moses Chelsea Pruitt (Franklin'20) died in Connersville, Ind., thissummer. A graduate of Franklin Collegeand Indiana University, he haddone graduate work at Ball StateTeachers CoUege and the Universityof Wisconsin. He moved to Connersvillein 1922 where he coached basketballand footbaU at the highschool until his retirement in 1963.He was a veteran of both WorldWars, serving in the Marine Corps.Horace McClain (Franklin '19), aretired administrator and teacher otthe Franklin (Ind.) Community highschool, died September 20. A graduateof Franklin high school, he enteredWorld War I, then returnedto attend Franklin College, graduatingin 1921. He received his master'sdegree from Butler University. Afterteaching and coaching basketbaU atseveral schools in Indiana and Ohio,Brother McClain returned to Franklinwhere, tor 29 years until his retirementin 1962, he was a teacherand administrator at the high school.* * *Frank S. Leftwich (Mississippi '25),a lifelong resident of Aberdeen,Miss., died in a Jackson (Miss.) hospital,September 8. At the time ofhis death, he was state senator fromMonroe County. A graduate of theUniversity ot Mississippi Law School,he was a lawyer and farmer at Aberdeenand also was a teacher, deaconand trustee ot First Baptist Church,vice-president ot Tupelo ProductionCredit Association and a director ofFirst Federal Savings and Loan Association,Aberdeen. He was also aveteran ot World War II.* * *Leonard F. Broecker (Kentucky'28), a vice-president of Klarer ofKentucky, a meat packing firm, diedin a Louisville (Ky.) hospital, August22. He had been associated with theKlarer firm all his business life andwas the grandson of the founder ofthe company. He was a member ofthe Pedennis Club, Louisville BoatClub, Rotary Club, Louisville PurchasingAgents Association and wasa former vestryman of St. Andrew'sEpiscopal Church. He was always aninterested and active <strong>Phi</strong> in theLouisville area.Among the survivors is a brother,Leo Broecker (Kentucky '33), Louisville.The Rev. Edgar C. Smith (Colgate'12), associate pastor of the <strong>No</strong>rristown(Pa.) Calvary Baptist Churchsince 1956, died at Valley FOrgeHeart and Medical Center, August 22.A native of Troy, N.Y., BrotherSmith was graduated from ColgateUniversity. Later he received a Bachelorot Divinity degree from Colgate-RochesterDivinity School anda Master ot Theology degree fromthe University of Chicago. Afterserving various pastorates in NewYork State, he became director ofChristian Education and Youth Workfor the Pennsylvania Baptist Convention,holding that position toreighteen years until accepting thepost in <strong>No</strong>rristown in 1956. He wasa Golden Legionnaire ot the Fraternity.Dr. Middleton Pamberton Stansbury(California '02) died in theWoodland Clinic in California,April 27. He was 86 years old.Brother Stansbury was graduatedfrom the University ot CaliforniaMedical School in 1907 and enteredpractice with his father in Chico,Calif. He left Chico and practiced inVacaville, Calif., for 48 years. Hewas a member ot the American MedicalAssociation, the Society of theCincinnati, and was a Golden Legionnaireot 4> A 9.•* • *U. Shuman Hart (Dickinson '16)died at his home in Holidaysburg,Pa., June 8. He was president ofthe Holidaysburg Citizens Bank, retiringfrom that post two years ago.He was a Golden Legionnaire of theFraternity.* * *E. Evans Dunlap (DePauw '38),executive vice-president ot Dunlapand Co., Inc., Columbus, Ind., andhis wife were killed August 1 in anautomobile accident.Glen D. Arthur (Wabash '25) diedin a local hospital, Muncie, Ind.,August 17. A lifelong Munde resident,he had been a contractor allhis lite except for four years Whenhe was affiliated with Owens-IllinoisGlass Co. He was a Mason, a memberof the Elks Lodge and ot theMethodist Church.

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