1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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that dty, he was a trust officer at theFirst Security Bnak for over thirtyyears. Brother Whitney was an activemember of the Church of JesusChrist of Latterday Saints.He was past president of the trustsection of the Utah Bankers Assodation.During his undergraduate days,he was a sprinter on the university'strack team. Later, he was instrumentalin the founding of UtahAlpha chapter in 1916.Among the survivors is a son,Horace Nibley Whitney (Utah '34),Seattle, Wash.The Rev. Early Whitten Poindexter(Kansas-Wisconsin '18) died in St.Louis, Mo., March 28. He was Deanof Christ Church Cathedral in St.Louis. Brother Poindexter attendedKansas University for two years,transferred to the University of Wisconsin,then left in 1917 to join theU.S.A.F. during World War I, servingin France. He was decorated forvalor in action. Following his dischargeas a captain, he entered theUniversity of the South where heearned his B.D. and became anEpiscopal rector. At the outbreak ofWorld War II, he entered the Navyand served in the South Pacific as achaplain. After he returned home, hecontinued his work as Dean of ChristChurch Cathedral, St. Louis.Among the survivors is a brother,Marlin Hatfield Poindexter (Kansas'09), Fargo, N.D.Walter Almerian Hildreth (Amherst'03) died in a <strong>Phi</strong>ldaelphia hospital,January 3. He studied at theUniversity of Berlin and at the Universityof Munich before becominginstructor in German at WilliamsCollege in 1910. He later taughtGerman at Lehigh University andHavertord CoUege. After 1920, heserved as a private tutor for fourteenyears, then for many years wascurator's assistant at the CommerdalMuseum of <strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia. He was aGolden Legionnaire of * A 9.Alvm N. Crowe (Wooster '95) diedat his home in Cleveland, Ohio, May26. A graduate of Princeton Seminary,he had served pastorates inIndiana and Ohio, and for the pasttwenty years had been a supply ministerin the Cleveland area. BrotherCrowe, a Golden Legionnaire of* A 9, was the last survivor of Ohio<strong>Delta</strong> at Wooster CoUege.Herman Henry Wright (Amherst'98) died at St. Petersburg, Fla.,THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 157February II. Brother Wright beganhis educational career serving as amathematics teacher, then as a directorof physical training, the lastat Allegheny College. He spent thirteenyears teaching in New YorkCity high schools before becomingdirector of high school organizationfor the board of education of NewYork City in 1916. In 1927, he becameassistant superintendent ofschools for the city of New York,retiring in 1943. He was a Mason anda Golden Legionnaire of 4> A 0.Richard M. Tolin (ComeU '05) ofBayard, N.M., died in Riverside,Calif., June 3. He was a GoldenLegionnaire of *Ae.WiUiam M. Hardee (Mississippi'49) died in an automobile acddentnear Durant, Miss., May 31. Hemade his home in Jackson, Miss.Edwin Scott Ogier (L.S.U. '64)died in an airplane crash while onan R.O.T.C. training flight on May 5.A resident ot Shreveport, he was inhis senior year at L.S.U. majoring inPsychology. One of the key membersof Louisiana Beta, he had held theoffice of rush chairman in his sophomoreyear, and house manager whenhe was a junior. His leadership abilitycarried over into his militarytraining at L.S.U. where he was aMajor on the Corps Staff and in theArmy flight program. Among hissurvivors are one brother, StephenOgier (S.M.U. '58) and his brotherin-law,Donald Rabb (S.M.U. '58).James Edwin Webster, Jr. (Lombard'18) died March 4 in Phoenix,Ariz. In college, he participated infootball and was a veteran of WorldWar I. For many years he was anofficer of the Purington Brick Co.,Galesburg, IU. He was a native ofGalesburg.Among the survivors are twobrothers: Albert S. Webster (Lombard'04) and George M. Webster(Lombard '13), both ot Phoenix,Ariz.* * *Merritt Manny Lord (Knox "17),Davenport, Iowa, died June 28 at St.Luke's hospital there, having beenconfined for only two days after retumingfrom the Rotary InternationalConvention in Toronto, Can.A native of Dixon, IU., he was aWorld War I aviator. He also was aGolden Legionnaire of * A 9.* • *Frederick OrviUe Grover (Dartmouth'90), professor of Botanyemeritus at Oberlin College, diedJune 2. For two months he had beenDartmouth's oldest living graduate.Brother Grover won his A.B. fromDartmouth in 1<strong>89</strong>0 and his MA. in1<strong>89</strong>3. He also earned an A.B. andA.M. at Harvard. He taught at Oberlinfrom 1<strong>89</strong>8 untU his retirement in1933. He was active in setting up thecollege's herbarium and in organizingits department and museum offine arts. He was a member of * B Kand a Golden Legionnaire of * A 9.Among the survivors is a brother,Edwin Osgood Grover (Dartmouth'94), Winter Park, Fla.* * *Paul Carter WUey (Hanover '23),resident of Akron, Ohio, for thepast 27 years, died there March 26.* * *Orran Clayton Packard (W & J '21)died at his home in Coral Gables,Fla., April 30. He had made hishome in Miami since retiring fromactive business in 1954. He was amember of the Elks Lodge and AmericanLegion Post of Coral Gables.* * *Robert E. Law (Colorado State•22), a charter member of ColoradoGamma, died January 6 from injuriesincurred in an automobile accidentnear his home in ColoradoSprings, Colo., Dec. 22, 1963. At thetime of his death, he was owner ofEvergreen Memorial and manager ofCragmor Manor. He was a memberof Grace Episcopal Church and theWinter Night Club, was a past presidentof the Colorado Springs RotaryClub, a past president of thelocal Chamber of Commerce andwas a member of the Broadmoor GolfClub and had been active in variouscivic movements.Among the survivors are a son,Robert E. Law Jr. (Colorado State'59), Colorado Springs, and a sonin-law,Joseph Q. Rose (ColoradoCollege '50), Longmont, Colo.Dr. Harold M. MitcheU (Syracuse'12), who was once named "Mr.School Health of America" in recognitionof his public health workin Montgomery County (Md.) schoolsand other areas, died at his Laytonsvillehome, June 29. In 1948, he becamethe County's first full-timeschool health administrator, retiringin 1958. Brother MitcheU was graduatedfrom the Syracuse UniversityMedical School and later studied atHarvard University and MassachusettsInstitute of Technology. Before

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