1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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156 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964Col. Raldgh M. iEdgar (Ret.) (OhioState '22), ot Dublin, Ohio, died in aColumbus (Ohio) hospital this tall.While a freshman at Ohio State, heentered the Canadian Army duringWorld War I and served overseas,returning in 1919 as a second lieutenant.In 1942 he entered the U. S.Army and served as chief engineer inthe Mediterranean Theater where hereceived the Legion ot Merit andthe Bronze Star. Retired from theservice in 1946, he became chief ofconstruction ot the Veterans Administrationin Columbus and thenbecame assistant administrator forconstruction ot the Veterans Administrationin Washington, D.C, wherehe retired in 1962.Among the survivors is a brother,Chester E. Edgar (Ohio '23), Tucson,Ariz.Calvin B. Garwood Jr. (Texas '45)died in Houston, Tex., June 25. AnAir Force veteran, he was a practicingattorney in Houston. His father,Calvin Baxter Garwood (Texas '18)preceded him in death.Donald Frank Motdton (Manitoba'63) died of injuries received in anautomobile accident in mid-Julywhile touring in Germany with theSalvation Army Band of the LosAngeles Tabernacle. He was the sonof Lt. Col. Arthur Moulton, DivisionalCommander of the SalvationArmy in Manitoba and northern Ontario.He was always a leader, bothin high school and at the university.He served on the executives of theI.V.C.F. and Science Council andduring his fourth year was electedSenior Stick of the Science faculty.In athletics. Brother Moulton wasa letterman and gave active supportto the Sdence football, hockey, basketball,track, cross country, volleyballand handball teams. Among hismany talents was his musical ability.Prior to his accident, he played as asoloist with the Los Angeles SalvationArmy Band before more than50,000 people in northern Europe.—NED BROWN, Vice-President, ManitobaAlpha.Roy Johannes Hannesson (Manitoba'64) died in Winnipeg, May 25,after a year's illness. He Would havegraduated in 1964. Prior to his collegedays. Brother Hannesson completedhigh school at Principia UpperSchool, St. Louis, Mo., where he wasactive in both academic and athleticfields. At the University of Manitoba,he was a member of the Bisonhockey team and was a standoutROY J. HANNESSONManitoba '64member ot the fraternity football andhockey teams. He was chapter wardenof Manitoba Alpha. As a sinceremember of the Christian ScienceChurch, Brother Hannesson set afine example to all who knew himand reflected the ethics and idealsthat are embodied in the Bond.—NEDBROWN, Vice-President, ManitobaAlpha.Jesse Lee (Bubba) Worsham Jr.(Texas '45) died in Houston, Tex.,June 27. He was a veteran of WorldWar II and was in the real estate businessin Houston. He was an avid golferand several years ago won the HoustonCountry Club annual tournament. Hewas a loyal <strong>Phi</strong>, active in the alumnigroup in Houston.Among the survivors are twobrothers: Jean M. Worsliam (Texas'43) and John W. Worsham (Texas'51).Dr. Harold Augustus Spilman(<strong>No</strong>rthwestern '10), Ottumwa (la.)physician and surgeon, died in anOttumwa hospital, July 9. A pastpresident ot both the Wapello CountyMedical Society and the Iowa StateMedical Society, Brother Spilmanwas cited in 1963 for fifty years ofservice to the medical profession.Active in many imedical organizations,he had been president of thestaffs of St. Joseph and OttumwaHospital staffs, had served as presidentof the American Association ofRailway Surgeons in 1957, washonored by a life fellowship in theAmerican College of Radiology andthe American College ot Surgeons.Also active in Ottumwa civic andfraternal organizations. Brother Spilmanwas a Mason, a member of theAmerican Legion post, and was amember and past president of theOttumwa Rotary Club and had attendedinternational Rotary conventionsin San Francisco in 1938, NewYork in 1949 and Detroit, 1950. Hewas a Golden Legionnaire of theFraternity.Among the survivors are threesons: Lawrence A. Spilman (<strong>No</strong>rthwestern'35), Ottumwa; Col. RobertSpilman (<strong>No</strong>rthwestern '41), Ft. Carson,Colo.; Capt. James Spilman(<strong>No</strong>rthwestern '42), a pilot with Pan-American Airways.Dr. Preston Hepburn Walters(Williams '29), one of Miami's (Fla.)most respected physicians, died inMiami in September. Brother Walterswas a graduate of the Universityof Rochester Medical School andtaught there for several years beforejoining his father in medical practicein Miami. He was a member of theAmerican College of Physicians andSurgeons, the Valley Club of Rochester,and the Coral Reef Yacht Clubpt Miami. He was always most activein civic and educational affairs andwas a loyal <strong>Phi</strong>.Among the survivors is a son,Preston C Walters (Sewanee '63).* • *Loren V. Brown (Kansas '13) diedin Kansas City, Mo., August 11.Brother Brown, former general salesmanager of the Lowe and CampbellAthletic Goods Co., was a formervarsity basketbaU player at the Universityot Kansas and retained alifelong interest in sports, and officiatedat games when the NationalA.A.U. basketball tournament washeld in Kansas City. He was a GoldenLegionnaire of * A ®.Among the survivors is a son, MurrayA. Brown (Kansas '36).Emmett MdK^enzie (Georgia '10)died in Macon, Ga., August 6. Anative of Montezuma, Ga., he receivedhis education at the Universityot Georgia and in 1922 became associatedwith the Central Cotton OilCo. of which he later became president.Always a loyal <strong>Phi</strong>, he hadreceived his Golden Legion Certificatefrom the Macon Alumni Club ot* A 9.Among the survivors is a stepson,John R. Haugabrook (Georgia '68),Macon, Ga.Horace B. Whitney (Utah '07),Salt Lake City (Utah) banker, diedat his home in Salt Lake City inSeptember. A lifelong resident of

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