1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 155Charles O. Appleman (Dickinson'03), a pioneer in plant physiologyand a retired dean of the Universityof Maryland Graduate School, diedat his home in College Park, Md.,July 28. He had been with the Universitysince 1908, combining researchin biology with work in thedevelopment of its graduate school.He served as dean of the graduatedivision from 1918 until his retirementin 1948. A fuU professor at theage of 32, Brother Appleman performedthe original research on therespiration of plant tissues. Hfe wasa member and past president of theAmerdan Sodety of Plant Physiologists,a former president of the conferenceof the deans ot Southerngraduate schools, member of othertechnical societies, and author ofnumerous articles.A loyal <strong>Phi</strong>, he also was a regularat the Washington, D.C, FoundersDay celebrations and was aGolden L^ionnaire of * A 9.Robert T. Serumgard (<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota'27), vice-president and generalmanager of Peavey Co. TerminalOperations, died in Minneapolis,Minn., August 27. A native of DevilsLake, N.D., Brother Serumgard joinedthe Peavey Co. as an inspector in1927, became a floor trader on theMinneapolis Grain Exchange in 1939and assumed the post he held at thetime of his death in July 1963. Hewas a director ot the MinneapolisTerminal Elevator Assodation andot the Minnesota Valley CommerceAssociation and was a member of theMinneapolis Athletic Club.Dr. Arnold S. Jackson (Wisconsin'16), internationally known goiterspecialist, died in Madison, Wis., thistall. A surgeon and former directorof the Jackson Clinic (See THESCROLL, May 1961, "The Jacksons otMadison," p. 361) at Madison, Wis.,he was one of six brothers, all membersof Wisconsin Alpha. BrotherJackson received his medical degreefrom Columbia University. He wasthe author of numerous books andpapers and one of his books "TheAnswer Is Your Nerves," on his goiterresearch became a best seller. He wasa former president of the WisconsinSurgical Sodety, of the American Associationfor the Study ot Goiter, theUnited States chapter ot the InternationalCoUege of Surgeons. He wasalso a founder-member of the AmericanBoard of Surgery and was amember of numerous medical assodationsincluding the AmericanCollege of Surgeons. Active in civicaffairs, he was a former presidentof the Four Lakes Boy Scout Counciland was a former president of theMadison Alumni Club of * A 9. Hewas a Golden Legionnaire of theFraternity.Among the survivors are two brothers:Col. Joseph Jackson (Wisconsin'02), Dr. Sydney Jackson (Wisconsin•08), both of Madison. Three brotherspreceded him in death: RussellJackson (Wisconsin '96), Dr. ReginaldJackson (Wisconsin '96), and Dr.James A. Jackson Jr. (Wisconsin '08).Peter Leitch Rule (Alberta '39),died suddenly at his summer homenear Nelson, B.C., on May 2.Brother Rule was granted the B.S.degree in Architecture with Distinctionby the Senate of the Universityof Alberta in 1939. As top studentot the graduating class, he wasawarded The Royal Architectural Instituteof Canada gold medal. Heimmediately entered the practice ofarchitecture as a partner in the firmRule, Wynn 8c Rule of Edmonton.During World War II he servedwith the United Kingdom and CanadaInspection Board in the Shell andFuse Division. Upon his return topractice he opened offices for his firmin Calgary in 1945 and was residentthere until the time of his death.Brother Rule was active in theFraternity from 1934 until his graduationin 1939. Subsequently he wasactive in the Calgary Alumni Club.Always a keen athlete he was activein the Calgary Stampeders FootballClub as a Director and was an enthusiasticmember, and at one time aDirector of the Calgary Golf andCountry Club.Professionally he did much over thePETER LEITCH RULEAlberta '39last twenty years to change and enhancethe skyline ot Calgary. He designedand built Elveden House, thefirst skyscraper on the Canadianprairies.Among the survivors is a. brother,John Rule (Alberta '32), of Edmonton;a son, Peter R. Rule, QuebecAlpha, and two nephews. Dr. R. W.Mallen and Dr. Peter MaUen, AlbertaAlpha.Dr. Oran Arnold Province (Franklin'98), tor 55 years a physician andsurgeon of Franklin and Johnson(Ind.) County, died in a local hospitalJune 14. He had not practicedsince he was badly injured in anautomobile accident in 1960.A native of the Franklin area.Brother Province attended FranklinCoUege and Indiana University wherehe was graduated in 1<strong>89</strong>8. He receivedhis M.D. degree from Columbia UniversityCollege of Physicians andSurgeons in 1902, served his internshipfor two years at New York CityHospital, served in the outpatient departmentof Roosevelt Hospital, NewYork City, and finished his studies byvisiting clinics in Scotland, England,France and Germany.In 1905, he returned to Franklinwhere he became a partner with hisbrother, the late Dr. Clarence Province(Franklin '91), and in 1908 theybuilt a private hospital and clinic inwhich they were associated for 25years. The brothers were among thefirst surgeons to perform appendectomiesin the Middle West. Hewas a Golden Legionnaire.Among the survivors is a son, Dr.William D. Province (Franklin '32).Rodney Leo Stuart (Knox '23),prominent Galesburg (111.) attorneyand former Knox County judge, diedat his home in Galesburg, June 2. Hewas a partner in the law firm ofStuart, Neagle and West, a firmwhich he joined in 1947 after servingfor seventeen years as county and probatejudge for Knox County. He waspresident of the Illinois County andProbate Judges Association in 1945and was a member of various bar associations.Brother Stuart had a widerange of professional and businessinterests. He had been a trustee ofKnox College since 1946; was a vicepresidentand director ot the GalesburgPrinting and Publishing Co.and the Galesburg Broadcasting Co.;had been on the board of directorsof First Galesburg National Bankand Tmst Co. since 1952.Among the survivors is a brother,Kenneth B. Stuart (Knox '24), Denver,Colo.

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