1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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• • • THE CHAPTER GRAND • • •Alan C. Hackworthy (Lawrence'24), former Iota province president,died in Madison, Wis., June 4. Hewas vice-president and residentpartner ot the Robert W. Baird andCo. investment firm, Madison, andwas a former member of the LawrenceUniversity Board of Trustees.Active in civic affairs. Brother Hackworthyhad been a director of theMadison Community Trust Fund;was a former vice-president and directorof the United CommunityChest; a past president and directorof the Madison Community WelfareCouncil; a past president and directorof the Dane County Child GuidanceCenter among numerous otheractivities. He was a 32nd degreeMason and a Shriner. He was also alwaysa loyal and devoted <strong>Phi</strong>.Among the survivors are two sons:David C Hackworthy (Lawrence '60),Minneapolis, Minn., and John A.Hackworthy (Lawrence '62), Spencer,Ind.Dr. WiUiam A. WerreU (Wisconsin'23), "Mr. <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>" otWisconsin Alpha, died in a Madison(Wis.) hospital, August 14. He hadbeen executive secretary-treasurer otthe American Board of Internal Medicinesince 1938. Brother WerreU hadtwo careers. He was graduated fromthe University of Wisconsin Schoolof Engineering where he served onthe faculty from 1920 to 1928, and in1927 was graduated from the UniversityMedical School. He was a veteranot World War I, a member of theRotary Club and the Madison Club,and was a past president of the DaneCounty Medical Society. He also wasa former member of the IndustrialComimission committee on heatingand ventilation, the Madison Libraryboard, and the city board ot health.Since 1930 he had served as presidentof the housing corporation ofWisconsin Alpha ot * A 6 and wasalways a devoted <strong>Phi</strong>.Capt. Dale Daniel Thomas (BowlingGreen '54) was killed in actionduring a Communist ambush in VietNam, July 29. Memorial services wereheld August 1 in the Air ForceChapel, Tan Son Nhut, Republic ofViet Nam. At this time he was posthumouslyawarded the VietnameseGallantry Cross with Palm LeafCluster and the Vietnamese NationalOrder Medal Fifth Class. He wasalso awarded the Purple Heart.A native of Sandusky, Ohio,^ :CAPT. DALE D. THOMASBowUng Green '54Brother Thomas attended BowlingGreen State University, Ohio StateUniversity, and the University ofArizona. As a high school undergraduate,he was vice-president ofthe Student Council and a four-yearmember ot the swimming team. A1960 graduate ot Officers CandidateSchool at Fort Benning, Ga., andRangers School and Paratroopertraining at Fort Benning, he was amember ot the Army's elite paratroopcontingent and a senior advisor toVietnamese troops. He had been inthe area less than a month. Beforebeing shipped overseas, he was stationedat Fort Knox, Ky., tor threeand one-half years. Funeral serviceswere held at Fort Knox with burialin the military cemetery there. Amemorial fund has been establishedin his name to help several worthycauses.Urban Roy Tannehill (Denison'13), charter member of Ohio Iota,died in Dayton, Ohio, June 28. Regardedas a dean of the paper convertingindustry, he was associatedwith Western Tablet and StationeryCorp. since 1927 and had served aspresident for seven years, retiring in1961. He remained active as a directorand consultant to the firm. Hewas a Golden Legionnaire of * A 9.* * *Stanley Martin Newbrander (OhioState '23) died in Steubenville, Ohio,summer, 1964. A native of Hamilton,Ohio, he received a degree in metallurgicalengineering from Ohio Slatein 1923. He was vice-president ofquality control of the Weirton SteelCorp., Weirton, W.Va., when heretired in 1962. He was a member ofvarious iron and steel institutes.Hugh B. Lee (Ohio State '12), internationallyrecognized coal miningand mineral expert, died at his homein Allendale, Ind., in July. He had,;been retired since 1959 when theMaumee Collieries Co., of which hewas then vice-chairman ot the board,was sold to the Peabody Coal Co.Brother Lee went to Terre Haute,Ind., in 1923 as vice-president andgeneral manager of Maumee. He waselected president in 1951 and vicechairmanin 1957. During his career,he had served as a consultant to twoBritish mining companies, bad madeextensive surveys in the United Statesand Mexico, and had developed 21new mines and constructed elevenpreparation plants. He was considereda pioneer in development oflarge-scale dragline stripping practicesand his inventions contributed tothe basic techniques of the industry.In 1956, his alma mater conferredupon him its Distinguished AlumniAward for his contributions to theadvancement ot engineering and relatedfields. He had also been mostactive in technical associations, particularlythe National Coal Associationthe American Mining Congress,and the Geological Survey of Indiana.He was a Golden Legionnaire.Among the survivors is a son,Hugh B. Lee Jr. (Ohio State '38),St. Louis, Mo.WiUiam Hannold Cheesman (Dickinson'04), who retired in 1948 after44 years ot Government service, diedin Alexandria, Va., July 25. BrotherCheesman worked for the Civil ServiceCommission from 1905 to 1913when he became editor-in-chief of theAgriculture Department's Bureau ofBiological Survey. Serving under fivebureau chiefs, he edited farmers'bulletins on birds and mammals,technical publications on wildlifemanagement, and natural historyand conservation leaflets.Always a loyal <strong>Phi</strong>, Brother Cheesmanwas a regular in attendance atthe Washington, D.C, Founders Daycelebrations. He tvaS a GoldenLegionnaire of * A 0.

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