1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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152 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964» /•*!,f/A%%r>(M^WASHINGTON GAMMA PHIKEIAS, FALL, 1964.started <strong>Phi</strong>s are well represented inboth campus and athletic activities.Last spring, Mike Stansbury waselected student body president andLarry Iverson was elected AssociatedMen Students' treasurer. Jim Davidwas voted the Outstanding Athlete ofthe University of Washington tor hisexcellent performances with the gymnasticsteam. Five <strong>Phi</strong>s are startingon the varsity tootbaU team. Theyare Jon and Jerry KnoU, Mike Ryan,Dave Williams, and Al Libke. Otherson the team are Robbie Heinz, RalphWinters, Ron Clark, Stan , Brand,Darrell Hostvedt, Ole Carlson andJeff Cushman. And, as in the past,Washington Alpha swept campus inrush thanks to the effort of our twoRush Chairmen, John Lamberg andJohn Vynne. This year we have 46new <strong>Phi</strong>keias, all with excellentrecords and grades. They are: MarkMcGaughey, Los Angeles, Calif.; JohnGodbe, Larainie; Jim Harris, RickKehl, Moses Lake; Bill Wilkerson,John Morris, Jim Olson, Rob Evans,Steve Lundin, Steve Johnson, ArtRounds, Jeff Waesche, Tony Manning,Garry Skelton, Bill Rabel, JohnHotson, Steve Cole, Gary Clark, TomWiley, Keith Harnish, Seattle; NileClark, Howie Stansbury, Tom Bigsby,Steve Lowe, BiU McMeekin, MercerIsland; Duncan Campbell, Steve Willard,Bob Falkenstein, Bob Reinking,Bellevue; Al Worley, Doug CampbeU,Wenatchee; John Lewis, Edmonds;Jack Egan, Mt. Vernon; Sam Baker,Laury Evans, John Griggs, Bellingham;Jim Almon, Everett; Jim Sledge,Roger Ketron, Spokane; Mike Glenn,Boise, Idaho; John Celms, Jack Kane,Greg Ose, Tacoma; Ed Rogel,Olympia; Jay Blain, Jim Cope, OakHarbor.—Gary L. Sirmon, V.-P.WASHINGTON BETA, WhitmanCoUege.—This fall, Washington Beta,led by Rush Chairman BiU (B.T.)Schoen, took in 37 quality pledges.The <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Tom Griffith,Harry Amend, Jim Frame, Rad Sommer,Charlies Gates, Spokane; RickStewart, <strong>Phi</strong>l Johnson, WaUa WaUa;Max McCarty, Dave Pinkam, RickMauseth, Seattle; Nigel Rees, PaulGraves, Les Williams, Portland, Ore.;Jim Cottle, Los Altos, Calif.; JimHuges, Hamilton, Mont.; Doug Mittlesaedt,Dave McCracken, Bill Johnson,Tacoma; Chuck Cusack, Sacramento,Calif.; Don Holden, JimClark, John Baumgardner, DonWoodworth, Sandy McClinton, Bellevue;Charlie Shank, Wenatchee; DickHall, Eugene, Ore.; John Fox, MercerIsland; Don Deshler, Butte,Mont.; Joe Morris, Richland; ChuckLeicester, Redmond; Bob Bums, WestCovina, Calif.; Hugo Castillio Rojas,Costa Rica; Bill Dean, Pasadena,Calif.; Jack Benedict, Chehalis; MikeClark, Alameda, Calif.; Tom Wolfendale.Jack Tenold, Spokane; BobBauer, Lake Stevens. October 2, theChehalis King of Consumption, Jack(Grasshopper) Benedict, led his pledgeclass to the <strong>Phi</strong> cabin tor the SquatSneak. The <strong>Phi</strong> Sweetheart, VitaQuick, and two ot her sorority sisters,Becky Jeffries and Rosie Shorett, providedthe entertainment whichhelped to make this year's sneak oneof the more memorable events of thefall social season. With the KansasCity Trophy on our mantle and thehouse populated at 114 strong, WashingtonBeta looks forward to anothertremendous year.—Steve SchiUing,V.-P.WASHINGTON GAMMA, WashingtonState University.—WashingtonGamma is proud to announce its1964 fall pledge class. The <strong>Phi</strong>keiasare: James McKean, Tacoma; BruceSmith, Bellingham; Jerry John, Vancouver;Douglas Kloke, BurUngton;Felix Harke, Mt. Vernon; Tom Jones,The DaUs, Ore.; Glenn Main, Anacortes;Rod Dahl, Bow; Randy Mc-Neice, Spokane; Dennis Magnuspn^San DiegPi Calif.; Bob Keaijns;Ephrata; Don Mele, Walla WaUa;Bob Meyers, Spokane; Ron Moore,Culver City, Calif.; Faruk Taysi, Pullman;Edward Brunz, Burlington; JimHannah, Ferndale; Lynn Banks,Walla Walla; Mike Malcolm, WallaWalla; Skip Gillis, Tacoma; JoeHutseU, Everett. Initiated this tallwere Jim Hendry, Jerry Pepin, BobKeppel, Neil Anderson, Don De-Groot, Doug Grimm, Bill Fihkbejner,an^ Jim Doyle. Appearing on thisyear's varsity footbaU team are juniorcenter Dave Thomas, sophomore centerRobin Larson, and sophomorecenter BiU Finkbeiner. It would appearthat the <strong>Phi</strong>s have the centerposition all tied up. Appearing onthis year's freshman footbaU teamare <strong>Phi</strong>keias Felix Harke, Tom Jones,Dennis Magnuson, and Jim Hannah.In regard to intramural footbal,Washington Gamma is looking for^ward to its eighth consecutive footballchampionship. In conclusion Imight mention that pur new pledgedass had a 3.0 high school gradepoint average.—Arky Robbins> V.-P.WASHINGTON DELTA, Universityof Puget Sound.—Washington<strong>Delta</strong> has begun another successfulyear. At the Convention we receiveda Silver Star for all-around improvementand the General HeadquartersTrophy. This tall we have a finepledge class of fifteen <strong>Phi</strong>keias. Theyare: Ronald Borgstrom, Gordon Kallio,William Van Meter, Taconia;John Eastham, David Kettering,Ronald Martin, James Scroggs, DavidShannon, Seattle; Don Gustalson,Lynden; William Simons, Yelm; JerryCroghan, Los Angeles, Calif.; JohnEhrsam, Oswego, Ore.; Jonathan Enz,Roseburg, Ore.; John Madison, Honolulu;Robert Hammond, Manila,<strong>Phi</strong>lippines. Two new brothers wereinitiated September 14. They areRobert Roark and Lester Bart Bona.We started the social year with anelaborate and fun-fiUed Pirate Partyfor which we transfonhed the fraternityhouse into a pirate ship. Themen of Washington <strong>Delta</strong> are especiallyproud of Ken Brooks; who ispresident of I.F.C and Andy Pazaruski,who is the starting center on theU.P.S. tootbaU team. We are startingthis year, as we have in tour of thelast five years, in possession of thecoveted Logger Trophy, which isawarded by the administration to theoutstanding men's living group oncampus.—Tom Spring, V.-P.WEST VIRGINIA ALPHA, WestVirginia University.—West VirginiaAlpha concliided another Help Weekand is proud to announce the initiationof these brothers: John Means,

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