1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 151first meal from the new housekitchen. For over six months BobLynch has sought to acquire a stove,a refrigerator, a freezer, tables, chairs,etc.—all the details that make up aworking dining hall. Meals beganjust two weeks after registration andhave run smoothly ever since. Muchot the thanks goes to the alumni andparents who aided in financing theopening and also in paying off muchof the Palmer Fund mortgage on thehouse itself. The chapter is also proudof its seven new <strong>Phi</strong>s just initiated:Pack Sheffield, Jim CampbeU, LewisNix, George Street, Ken Martin,Harry Martin, and Bill Farhood. Inpreparation for the University's allfallrush season, the chapter hasplanned combo parties for the homefootbaU games and hopes to pledgea good class in December. Homecomingweekend, October 24, was a specialaffair for the alumni of the chapter.Festivities included a buffet beforethe N.C. State football game, acocktail party afterwards, and a banquetwith a speaker that night. BuckyTart assumed his seat on the StudentCouncil this fall after beingelected in the spring. Also outstandingaround the Grounds is Vic BeU,past president of the chapter, whoholds the vice-presidency of the engineeringschool, serves as a judge onthe student Judiciary Committee, andwas recently elected to 0 A K. The<strong>Phi</strong>s are looking forward now to afine season of intramural football,while continuing their rise in academics.—KitWiUiams, V.-P.VIRGINIA GAMMA, Randolph-Macon CoUege.—The return to campusthis faU found the <strong>Phi</strong>s ratedfirst academically on campus for the1963-64 school year with 1.47 average,weU above the aU-men's and aU-fraternityaverages. Further honors cameto the <strong>Phi</strong>s by way of the RichmondArea Alumni chapter which awardedVirginia Gamma the 1964 CommunityService Day trophy tor the outstandingproject among the state chapters.In campus leadership and activitiesthe <strong>Phi</strong>s are quite prominent withDrury Stith, president ot the studentbody; Sam Lightner, president ot0 A K;. Worth Landis, president ofB B B; John Wolff, president of theVarsity Club; Jon Lowe, secretary ofthe I.F.C; and Boyce Reid, presidentof the Intramural Council. Althoughthe varsity football team has onlyseven <strong>Phi</strong>s, five of the seven arestarters, one of whom is sophomoreCo-Captain Bill Baumeister, tackle.The other starters are: Mike <strong>No</strong>rton,tackle; Joe Mohlere, guard; DickTitus, halfback; and Pat Piercy, fullback.In intramural football the <strong>Phi</strong>shave a 2-1 record and show signs of awinning season. Several needed im-VIRGINIA ZETA <strong>Phi</strong>kdas.Front row: Jon^,Cocke, Paul, Johnston.Second row: Marshall,Parker, Shaw, Crosby.Third row: Blair, Head,Stowe, Commander, Howard.provements have been made in thechapter house by House Manager BillKennedy and his assistants. Rush gotunder way September 26 with acombo party held in the house forbrothers and rushees and their dates.The combo party was followed by asuccessful smoker held at the houseOctober 1. The rush period wUl endwith bids bdng sent out <strong>No</strong>vember10. With an excellent freshman dasson campus this faU, the <strong>Phi</strong>s arelooking forward to another successfulrush period.—Worth Landis, V,-P.VIRGINIA DELTA, University ofRichmond.-;Every chapter of * A 9across the country must be concernedwith the same thing—RUSH, andVirginia <strong>Delta</strong> is no exception. Ourfour week rush program is underway,and the brothers are working. Tuesdaynight smokers and Saturday nightparties are occupying much of thetime, with planning sessions takingup the rest. We've already had onecombo party and a WMBG RecordHop, both of which were extremelysuccessful, and we're looking forwardto having the Shirelles for the University'sFall Openings, and then another<strong>Phi</strong> combo rush party. Otherfraternity activities are underwayalso, including intramural footbaU,track, soccer, and the yearly crosscountry race with a cake as the prizefor the wirmer. Virginia <strong>Delta</strong> is alsoextremely proud of its representationat the Pasadena Convention in August.We boasted seven members andalumni, with one of the largest EastCoast delegations. We'd also like tothank the chapters who extendedtheir hospitality on our trip acrossthe country to California. Congratulationsare due Bob Bulls for hiselection as president ot A K * honoraryfraternity, and to Don Dale forhis election as president of U A E.Our thanks also to the Alumni Cluband to the Mothers and Wives Clubfor their help with rush. And anotherlate note—* A 9 was one of fiveof thirteen fraternities to score abovethe aU-men's average at the Universityof Richmond.—Don Dale, V.-P.VIRGINIA ZETA, Washington andLee University.—After a very successfulrush week we are proud to announceour thirteen new <strong>Phi</strong>keias:Andrew Blair, Charleston, W.Va.;Dudley Cocke, Virginia Beach; BruceCommander, Jacksonville, Fla.; BarryCrosby, Greenville, Miss.; NelsonHead, Birmingham, Ala.; Tom Howard,Knoxville, Tenn.; Ellis Johnston,Greenville, S.C; Alex Jones,Greenville, Tenn.; Howard Marshall,Houston, Tex.; David Parker, HighPoint, N.C; Ed Paul, Fort Smith,Ark.; Gates Shaw, Birmingham, Ala.;Harold Stowe, Belmont, N.C. In intramuralathletics the <strong>Phi</strong>s are currentlyleading, being undefeated ingolf and tennis. In varsity footballwe are represented by end and punterBob Barclay and quarterback BryantKendrick. The freshman team isbolstered by <strong>Phi</strong>keias Head, HowardStowe. Since the last publication ofTHE SCROLL, David Geer and BryantKendrick have been elected to theExecutive Committee. Jack Baber waselected secretary of the Student ServiceSociety and joined the DanceBoard. Mike Lawrence and Kendrickwere accepted into the Student ServiceSociety and Roper Vaughn becamea member of the Student WarMemorial Scholarship Fund Committee.Lewis Miller is the assistantmanaging editor of the school newspaperwhile Bob VanRenssealer is onthe Student Control Committee. BillGrant received the outstanding debateraward for freshmen. We wouldlike to thank Rush Chairman JackBaber for a job weU done and toextend a welcome to visitors to Lexington.-LouiePaterno, V.-P.WASHINGTON ALPHA, Universityof Washington.—As the year

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