1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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150 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964"THE LETTERMEN," popular singing group, entertaining at Texas Zetaparty. Craig Mannschreck, at right, is a <strong>Phi</strong> member of the trio.Paul Poston worked diligently thissummer; and when the brothers cameback to college, we found one ofthe best organized rushes we haveever had. The brothers had outstandingspirit, and * A 9 was rewardedjustly tor the hard work. Wehave fifteen <strong>Phi</strong>keias, who, we feel,will carry on the traditional outstandingaccomplishments of * A 9.They are: Gary King, Joe Roos,Jimmy Dawson, Mike Stringer, KenJohnson, Toby Yoimg, George Barham,LesUe Jameson, Bill Gandy,Larry Keisler, Dickie SherreU, BillyAllen, Mike Schnider, Carl Frances,H. C Walker. In the social light,plans have been made and committeesare already in action tor Homecomingas work toward party accommodations,the parade float,alumni accommodations and otherdetailed projects move forward. Thechapter was honored recently witha visit from former Province Presidentand new G.C member HowardYoung. We share Brother Young'shope and expectation for a verysuccessful year at Texas Eta.—JerryR. Bohn, V.-P.Utah Alpha. Dev gave the chaptermany ideas on how to improve thestructural organization and how tobetter our relations with Nationalthrough a basic improvement incommunications. This year Utah Alplais looking forward to the finestyear in the history ot the chapter.We have great potential in all fieldsof endeavor; now to develop them.Our goals are set high—a SilverStar award. We are particularlystressing scholarship and improvementof fraternity relations in generalwith school, faculty, and community.The landscaping of our yardis now complete after many hours ofhard labor by all the brothers. The<strong>Phi</strong> social calendar for this quarteris saturated with tremendous partiesincluding an "Orgy" and the fallformal.—Charlie Reed Jones Jr., V.-P.VERMONT ALPHA, Universityof Vermont.—The <strong>Phi</strong>s returned tothe "Marble Palace" September 8 towelcome our new housemother, Mrs:Dorothy Aseltine, who is the sisterof a <strong>Phi</strong>, John B. Overall (Kentucky-U.C.L.A. '38). In addition we areblessed with a completely newkitchen due to the efforts of ourloyal alumni and especially FredCalcagni who designed the newkitchen. We will miss Jim Bently(Wyoming Alpha) who was a greathelp to us during his two years here.We welcome James Best (IllinoisBeta) to our faculty. The first fewweeks were packed with activity.Greek Week followed with a highly^successful exchange dinner, wijAshops and Greek Games. Our candidatetor Queen of Greek Week,Jo Ann Dare, KA9, was named tothe Queen's Court. The next weekendwas Homecoming and many <strong>Phi</strong>sreturned for the festivities. This tallfinds Vermont <strong>Phi</strong>s in many actiyitieson campus. Our intramural tootballteam, after dropping its firstgame, has won the rest of its games.Joe Albanese is playing center onthe undefeated Catamount footballteam. Jack Warner is in Gold Key,sophomore honorary. Erik Skinner,Jack Warner, Eddie Young and JeffZinn are on the cheerleading squad.Our Kake Walkers are already workingout and promise to repeat lastyear's winning performance. We recentlypledged two sophomores, DaveEly, St. Johnsbury and "Flip" Sleekier,Scarsdale, N.Y. We are lookingforward to the tall initiation of CurlCarter, Eddie Young and Fred Gates.—Richard Davies, V.-P.VIRGINIA BETA, University ofVirginia.—One of Virginia Beta'shighest goals was realized this fallwhen the brothers sat down to theirUTAH ALPHA, University ofUtah.-The brothers of Utah Alphahave welcomed into their midst thesenew <strong>Phi</strong>keias: Dave Baldridge, NewMexico; Gary Cain, Idaho; LarryChristiansen, Dave Goldberg, Steve<strong>No</strong>rris, Salt Lake City; Leon Paulos,Magna. Utah <strong>Phi</strong>s started the yearwith a great party where all cameas migrant workers. Everyone wentto and from the party in hugecattle trucks filled with hay. Atremendous time was had by all.Dev Weaver, traveling secretary,was here and spent a few days withTEXAS ETA PHIKEIAS, FALL, 1964.

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