1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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usiness student; Stewart Slater wasgiven the Laura Kuykendall Dramaand Speech Award; Fred Kandlerreceived the best acting award givenby the drama department of Southwestern.Two brothers, Stan MendenhaUand Fred Kandler, were indudedin Whc^s Who. Alwaysactive in campus poUtics, TexasGamma captured leading roles inthe fall elections. <strong>Phi</strong>s hold the followingoffices: James Herbert, vicepresidentot the senior class; MikeSpiekerman and Bill Germer, membersof Honor Council; Skipper Shaw,business manager of Megaphone;John Swartz, chairman of YoungTexans for Goldwater; Dick Shook,president of Interfratemity Coundl;Skipper Shaw, vice-president of StudentUnion Building; John Walkerand Mike Spiekerman, dormitorycounselors; Mike Spiekerman, presidentof Blue Key; James Herbort,secretary of Blue Key; and StewartSlater and Bill Dansby, members ofBlue Key. In spring intramuralsports, Texas Gamma finished secondin both swimming and baseball.Texas Gamma can look forward torepeating its past performance inintrafraternity football. We havewon football for the last eight consecutiveyears. On the varsity basketballteam we have two returninglettermen: Dick Shook and JimVance.-John L WaUter, V.-P.TEXAS DELTA, Southern MethodistUniversity.—In terms of electiveoffices, Lindsey Enderby is servingas a member of Student Senate, andPaul Hug is serving as chairman otthe Publishing Board, which controlsall student publications. <strong>Phi</strong>sare also holding prominent positionsin various men's honoraries.The Cycen Fjodr organization selectsthe ten most outstanding menat S.M.U., eight of whom are inundergraduate school. Of this number,three are <strong>Phi</strong>s with John Freehaferserving as president. In S.M.U.'schapter of Blue Key, of twelve seniors,tour are members ot Texas<strong>Delta</strong>, with <strong>Phi</strong>s holding the executivepositions ot president, vicepresident,and secretary. In intramurals,the Texas <strong>Delta</strong> footballteam is currently undefeated and isstrongly favored to capture the footballcrown for the twelfth time inthe last fifteen years. On the varsityfootball field, "Texas <strong>Delta</strong> is wellrepresented with <strong>Phi</strong>l Clegg, MikeEdwards, David Moore, Larry Mullins,Donny Oefinger, Ronny Reel,Jim Sitton, Mike Tabor, Mac White,Bobby Goodrich, and Jerry <strong>Phi</strong>Uips.Rush will begin Sunday, <strong>No</strong>vember15, and will continue through Monday,<strong>No</strong>vember 23, at which timefreshmen will sign thdr preferenceTHE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 149TEXAS GAMMA PLEDGE CLASS, FALL, 1964.cards. Our summer rush was wellreceived by brothers and rusheesalike, and we are hoping tor anotheroutstanding <strong>Phi</strong>keia class in<strong>No</strong>vember. The chapter has recentlyinitiated eight new brothers. Theyare: Bobby Goodrich, Butch Wheeler,Peck Bradshaw, Charles Clymer,Jerry <strong>Phi</strong>llips, Dick Weekley, JimCorcoran, and Tim Stevens.—RayHunt, V.-P.TEXAS EPSILON, Texas TechnologicalCoU^e.—For the membersof Texas Epsilon the new schoolyear began with a renewed pridein past achievements and great anticipationfor a successful future.The keynote tor the year was setat the General Convention in Pasadena,when seven members of thechapter were present to receive theHarvard Trophy. This was thefourth time that Texas Epsilon hadwon the award. All the brothersshare an understandable pride inthe honor, and are eager to haveanother year of fun, brotherhood,and achievement. At the conclusionof the spring semester, it was discoveredthat Texas EpsUon rankedfirst in the fraternity scholarshipstandings. AU the fraternities oncampus were well above the all-men'saverage. $ A 9 is well represented onthe varsity football team by quarterbackJames EUis, fullback JamesZanios, and end Charles Gladson.On tlie sidelines two brothers haveimportant positions in developingschool spirit. Mike Bohn is a cheerleaderand Ken Snider is president ofthe campus spirit organization, theSaddle Tramps. September 20, thechapter initiated 29 new members.They had set an outstanding recordas pledges, and are now certain tomake fine members of # A 9. Theyare: Carlton Jones, Bill Boyer, JohnCope, Bill Bailey, Eddie WiUiams,Jay Carter, Robert Heineman, ConradSchmidt, Robert Richards, JamesZanios, Charles Gladson, Gary Hutson,Joe Beal, Tim Doreen, BobbySale, Don Jones, Kent Jones, BobMoore, Bruce Hancock, Keller Smith,Paul Young, David Segrest, ButchCrane, Sid Wall, Jim Biggers, PatCampbell, Chris Galanos, Doug Robinson,and CharUe Ferguson. Preparationsfor rush are being made byRush Chairman Bob Murray, and theoutlook for an excellent pledgeclass is very bright.—Russ Wilkinson,V.-P.TEXAS ZETA, Texas ChristianUniversity.-This fall, Texas Zetamoved into new accommodations builtfor them by Texas Christian University.The new fadlities give usapproximately three times as muchroom as we previously had, whichenabled us to have formal rush inthe new chapter room. We are proudto announce that we have enjoyedanother fine rush and have pledgedsixteen of the top men goingthrough. They are: Don Morris,Tommy Thomas, Tommy Anderson,Danny Dent, Duddy Townsen, DonLuby, Houston; Don Gibbs, Tyler;Drew Sawyer, Iowa Park; Goef Ferrar,Cincinnati, Ohio; Bill Conzelman,St. Louis, Mo.; George Hooper,Tulsa, Okla.; Mike Berry, Seabrook;Ron Jenkins, Mexico, Mo.; PeteScardello, Dalheart; George Kennon,Clovis, N.M.; Tom Wassenich, FortWorth. Our new facilities are enablingus to have fraternity partieson campus, at the best of which wehad the popular singing group, "TheLettermen," present. This was awonderful way to start the year andmade a tremendous hit with the newpledges. At the present we are inthe middle of open rush and anticipatepledging thirteen or fourteenmore men at the end ot the rushperiod. Intramurals have begun andthe <strong>Phi</strong>s have remained undefeatedthus far in the schedule.—John P.Wade, V.-P.(See cut next page.)TEXAS ETA, Stephen F. AustinState CoUege.—The <strong>Phi</strong>s succeededagain in faU msh. Rush ChairmanJohnny Morrison and his assistant

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