1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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148 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964TENNESSEE ALPHA <strong>Phi</strong>s and <strong>Phi</strong>keias keep up the spirit between formal rush rounds, with Brother Hite McLeanplaying the piano (left). At right, the new class of pledges. .come Dennis Austin who has transferredto Sewanee from Georgia Tech.Warmest congratulations have goneto our Chapter Advisor, Dr. Torian,who has just become <strong>89</strong> years ofage.-Wilbur L. Wood, V.-P.TENNESSEE GAMMA, Universityof Tennessee.—The brothers of TennesseeGamma began the school yearby initiating seven new brothers.They are: Bob Houser, Jim Painter,Gil Bailie, Bob Ooten, Atis Jurbergs,Bob Haynes, and Fielding Cooley.After initiation both old and newbrothers combined efforts and gavethe chapter house a facelifting inthe form of a general clean-up inpreparation for tall rush. This yearmore men came through rush thanany other year in the university'shistory. Out of this group TennesseeGamma gained 25 men. Thesuccess ot our rush was due largelyto the enthusiastic efforts ot everybrother. New <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: MarkCunningham, Ben Parker, MikePerry, David McCellan, Knoxville;Don Richardson, Bob Saunders, PetePeters, Memphis; David <strong>Phi</strong>llips,John Richardson, Chattanooga; DonHarris, Humbolt; John Lewis,' Sparta;Thurston Briggs, Johnny Hennessee,Rock Island; Arnold Hammond, Ethridge;Steve Presnell, Johnson City;Danny DeLozier, Maryville; BiU Williams,Oak Ridge; Mike Albright,Clarksville; Jim <strong>No</strong>lting, ArlingtonHeights, III.; Joe Treadway, Atlanta,Ga.; Rob Middlemas, Orange, Va.;James Gore, Washington, D.C;Monte Gase, Saginaw, Mich.; DavidRidgely, Columbus, Ohio; MarcRatliff, Greenville, Pa. TennesseeGamma dosed last year by fimishingfifth in scholarship of nineteen fraternitieson campus and capturingsecond in intramurals. With thisyear's campus activities beginningto function, many ot the new <strong>Phi</strong>keiashave accepted membership onvarious Homecoming committees andorganizational committees in thefreshman dormitory. The pledge classhas been placed in charge of thechapter's Homecoming display. The;chapter house was beautifuUy redecoratedby the Mothers Club over thesummer. The mothers, along withour sweetheart, Judy Kayler, provedinvaluable during fall rush.—ScottyCostner, V.-P.TEXAS BETA, University ofTexas.—Texas Beta began the fallsemester by obtaining an excellentpledge class. Under the leadership ofAlan Baum, all the <strong>Phi</strong>s participatedwholeheartedly in summer rush andrush week. The result of our effortsis an exceptional pledge classand undoubtedly the best one onthe campus. The new <strong>Phi</strong>keias are:Richard Lang Allen, Houston; JohnThomas Armstrong, Houston; JeffWyatt Autrey, Waxahachie; ThomasHenry Bamett, Fort Worth; Roy A.Bechtol, Austin; George Scott Bishop,Dallas; John S. Bryan, Houston;Fred C. Clark, Austin; WUUam Mc­Comb Dunwoody, Houston; ClaytonWenttorth Eifier, Austin; James M.Furrh, Elysian Fields; James CGeorge, Brownsville; Robert P. Goodwin,Longview; Charles CampbellGreen, Midland; Charles L. HoUweg,DaUas; Dwight Winslow Johnson,Corpus Christi; Charles A. Kuper,San Antonio; Jeffry D. Landua, Midland;James Martin McLaughlin,Dallas; Marion A. Olson, San Antonio;\Villiam Stone Parkinson, Jr.,Dallas; David William Perry, Houston;Richard Hayden Perry, CorpusChristi; Leon Louis Petty, San Antonio;Bob HoUoway Simmons,Brownwood; Wilber L. Smither,Huntsville; Donnie Richard Stricklin,Baytown; Michael Wayne Tansil,Dallas; Michael Eric Trapp,DaUas; William M. Wheless, Houston.The entire chapter wishes toexpress its gratitude to our alumni,without whose assistance and cooperationrush would not have been assuccessful. The fall semester is nowin full swing and the <strong>Phi</strong>s are activelyparticipating in all phasesof campus and fraternity lite. Intramuralshave begun, and the <strong>Phi</strong>shave entered five teams with aspirationsot securing the championship.Eighteen <strong>Phi</strong>keias have joined theFreshman Council, an importantcampus organization. Socially, thechapter is looking forward to Texas=O.U. weekend in Dallas. Politicallyon campus. Pete Coneway is treasurerof the" C.B.A. Council andKnox NunnaUy is student assemblymanin the Business School.—WinCampbeU, V.-P.TEXAS GAMMA, SouthwesternUniversity.—Texas Gamma, alwayssuccessful in fall rush, has obtainedan uncommonly excellent pledgeclass this fall under the fine leadershipof Joel Fagan. New <strong>Phi</strong>keiasare: Rick Barnard, Roger Ezell,Ronald Dillee, David Fagan, ClydeHanks, Douglas Kinsbury, <strong>No</strong>rmanNachod, Drew Patterson, Glen Patterson,William RoUman, RolandSledge, Jr., Gary TuUock, Houston;,Richard Fleming, William White,Dallas; Gary Bird, Robert Parvin,San Antonio; Kenneth Douglas, EdwardLivingston, James Denham,Richard Pitts, Austin; George Allison,William Ballard, Uvalde; JohnBell, Llano; James Connell, FortWorth; Scott Fuller, George Lindsey,Midland; William Magee, DavidMcBurnett, Robstown; Doak ProctorIII, Beaumont; WiUiam Todd,Roundrock; WiUiam Middlebrook,Branard; Jerry House, Conroe. TexasGamma was well represented at theHonor Assembly given by Southwesternin the spring of '64. EdEUis was awarded the Wall StreetJournal Award for the outstanding

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