1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 147SOUTH CAROLINA BETA rushing. Above, left, Bob Harris(center) accepts <strong>Phi</strong> bid and is welcomed by chapter. At right,new pledges BiU Stacey and Earl Sturfcey. Below, at left, LarryWilson comes a-numin' to accept a bid and is greeted by LarryStanley, chapter president. At right. Tucker Altman, Mike Altman,and PhU Smoak. Mike, a <strong>Phi</strong> legacy, is a new <strong>Phi</strong>keia.men, Larry Paulson, Leon Pressler,and Dick Simpson. New <strong>Phi</strong>keias are:Terry Archer, Tim Mahan, JoeHaley, Mike McLane, John Pohlman,Mike Held, Bob Gehring, Bart Hendrichs,Dana Douville, Bob Cronin,Mike Brooks, Tom Booth, LarryRichardson, Bob Rye, Mike Slattery,Rick Voss, and Keith Uhl. Dakotans,men's honorary organization, tappedtwo <strong>Phi</strong>s for their pledges, LowellHanson and Denny Gruenhagen.*H2 selected Marv Van Kekerixas vice-president. OAK selected <strong>Phi</strong>Dick Nagle as one of their new men.Pete Sullivan was chosen as the mostoutstanding sophomore man in journalismlast year, and this year he hastaken over as sports editor of thestudent newspaper. Intramural footbaUis in full swing, and the <strong>Phi</strong>sare undefeated, intend to stay there,and have a good chance of doingjust that. Speaking of football. BobGriffin is playing for an improvedvarsity squad this year, and <strong>Phi</strong>keiasTim Mahan and Mike Brooks holdstarting positions on the frosh squad.Dakota Day is not too far in theoffing now, and we are all busy witha float, and other preparations. Agoodly number of alumni are expectedto return for the day. Themain goal for that weekend is winningthe float trophy. The <strong>Phi</strong>shonored the new <strong>Phi</strong>keias at a postrush-weekparty. Music was suppliedby the Tailsmen.—LoweU Hanson,V.-P.TENNESSEE ALPHA, VanderbiltUniversity.-By 6:00 P.M. on Sunday,September 26, the occurrence of anevent that had been rumored, denied,and even lied about, all thepreceding week had come to pass.Tennessee Alpha had made a cleansweep of rush. In quantity and qualitythe pledge dass of 1964-65 isunsurpassed by any other on campus.Led by Kincaid, the chaptercapped off a rush-filled summer witha tremendous effort at the mostcrucial time—formal rush. As reported,the brothers' efforts did notgo unrewarded. Already practicingtor intramural sports, lining upsongs for Athenian sing, laying plansfor Community Service Day and theHomecoming decoration, outliningvarious social and cultural activitiesfor the year, and campaigning forpositions of campus leadership, thebrothers are showing the enthusiasmthat will insure another great yearat Tennessee Alpha. <strong>No</strong>t only pullingtor, but helping the brothers,will be that great pledge class ot1964-65: Leslie Bedford, DewittThompson, Richard Worden, AllenLentz, <strong>Phi</strong>l Husband, Sam Herbert,Ken Agee, DaUas Jones, David Proctor,Nashville; Bill Quinnlen, RayBrakebill, Barham Ray, John Stemmler,Johnny Everett, BiU Turner,Fred Kraus, Memphis; Billy Thurmon,Richard Sasnett, Lenny Borg,Rich King, Wayne WiUiams, TommyStephens, Glenn Harper, Atlanta,Ga.; Jim Puckett, Hattiesburg, Miss.;Hansford Sams, Decatur, Ga.; LeeGUlis, Daytona, Fla.; Scott Hall,Steve Jackson, Tulsa, Okla; JackGosnell, Arlington, Va.; Jim Souby,Highland Park, 111.; Ev Anderson,Miami, Fla.; John Martin, TommyMatter, Dallas, Tex.; Keith Kolems,Mt. Pleasant, IU.; Erik Duerr, Huntsville,Ala.; Allen Meadows, Birming^ham, Ala.—Crawford S. McGivaren,Jr., V..P.(See cut next page.)TENNESSEE BETA, University ofthe South.—Fall rush began September15 and under the able leadershipof Bill HamUton, ten <strong>Phi</strong>keiaswere pledged. They are: Ben Walker,Jacksonville, Fla.; Roy Elam, EdwinGardner, John Buntin, Bill HarweU,Nashville; Robert Hagler, LenoirCity; Peyton Scheppe, Jacksonville,Fla.; Rick Smythe, Tribbett, Miss.;Vernon Hughes, Decatur, Ala.; RobinByrd, Staten Island, N.Y. Freshmanfootball players are currently beingformally rushed and the prospectsare excellent. This should be anotherbanner year for the <strong>Phi</strong>s inintramurals following last year'sfirst place. Huey Martin, on the allstartrack and football teams willbe sorely missed. Returning are stalwartsDicus, Scarborough, Peters,and Taylor. Plans are being madetor Homecoming weekend. The houseis in perfect shape; the walls arestanding and the floor is polished.Surprisingly, Peyton Bibb has donateda vast sum of money to thechapter which can be used to finish acertain room in his honor. Baker,Goodman, and Thornton have returnedafter a year of study (?)abroad; and they were so young assophomores! We are happy to wel-

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