1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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146 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964tew years. Heading the list of activitiesthis fall are Homecomingand the intramural competition. Thisyear the I.F.C. at Penn State hasdeclared Homecoming a major competitionweekend among the Greeks.So, besides having a banquet forthe alumni, * A 9 is taking part ina motorcade, poster contest, anddisplay competition under the guidanceof Chairman John Baughman.However, the biggest goal is to winthe intramural trophy after finishingsecond in the overall competitionlast year. Most of our trophy-winningwrestling team are back led bytitlists George McCormick and JohnRunnels and finalist Scott Henderson.The tootbaU, basketball, swimming,and handball teams also seemcapable of scoring victories. <strong>Phi</strong>son the varsity football team are GaryWydman, John Deibert, and FrankHershey along with <strong>Phi</strong>keias JohnRunnels, Ed Gabriel, Brian Hondru,and Jim Litterelle. The social calendaris also in full swing with toursorority mixers and a fall jam sessionscheduled.—David B. Barton,V.-P.QUEBEC ALPHA, McGiU University.—QuebecAlpha lost no timein starting the tall semester. Shortlybefore college opened, a clean-up andconstruction blitz was initiated bysummer House Manager Sandy Archibald.The program gathered momentumas slave-driver Hinckley, housemanager, arrived in town from thesouth. The interior of the house wasrepainted, floors refinished, and aMEMBERS OF THE PennState varsity lacrosse teamare the Thiel brothers,David '65 (left) and Glenn'66, shown with their father,"Nick" ThieL former PermState lacrosse coach andnow professor of physicaleducation and assistant tothe athletic director. Mr.Thiel is a member ofSigma Nu fraternity. Hissons are wrestlers too, asboth David and Glennearned letters in lacrosseand wrestling as sophomores.In the sport (lacrosse)in whidh their dadwas an aU-American, Davidand Glenn are regular midfielders.fifteen foot long "western" type barwas constmcted. As the maintenancework was completed. Bob Clibbon,rush chairman, revealed the currentplans for rushing which began October13. Early in October we welcomeda new staff member—MonsieurCharles—chef. The first day Charliemysteriously labored in the seclusionot the kitchen going over hismany recipes for exotic dishes whilewaiting tor the gas to be turned onand the food to arrive. On the footbaUscene, the chapter is representedby four brothers on the varsity teamsand two on the J.V. squad. Withthe Redmen are Eric Walter, leaguescoring champ of '62-63, Ian Bruce,a two-way performer, defensive halfWade Kenny and guard Brian Marshall.Doug McDougal, a lanky end,and Steve Reid bolster the ranksof the Indians. Our I.F.C. touchteam is as strong as ever led byregulars Joe Williams and Dave "Toe"Owen.—Brian Marshall, V.-P.RHODE ISLAND ALPHA, BrownUniversity.—With the tall semesterwell under way, the brothers arepleased to announce that these undergraduateshave been pledged as<strong>Phi</strong>keias: Peter Conklin, GardenCity, N.Y.; Robert Lowery, Winchester,Mass.; Donald Van Wie,Tenafly, N.J.; David Matthews, Newburgh,N.Y.; Richard SuUivan,Danvers, Mass.; Colby Burbank,Llynnfield, Mass.; Douglas Kearney,Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; Bruce Crawford,Middletown; Carl Campbell,Toledo, Ohio; Barry Weisman, Worcester,Mass. A number of the pledgeshave completed trips to other chapterhouses and are generally pleasedand grateful for their fine treatment.The Brown <strong>Phi</strong>s are currently enjoyinga new prominence, in (heacademic sphere after, a very successfulsecond semester of last yiarwhich saw them move up eight plaEe,sin the fraternity standings. In thefield of sports, the <strong>Phi</strong>s have swepttheir league in toptball and arelooking forward to the playoffs. Theoutlook for the rest of the intramuralprogram is equally promisiflg,with powerful soccer and basketballteams, an intact wrestling teamwhich won the university crown lastyear, a fine softball team, aind lastbut unfortunately least, a hockeyteam with little to look forward tobut the joys of spirited competition.—Robert LeBoeuf, V.-P.SOUTH CAROLINA BETA, Universityof South Carolina.—SouthCarolina Beta began the 1964-65school year by redecorating its loungeand holding a successful fall rush.New furniture and new draperiestor the chapter lounge were purchasedwith the help ot a loan fromthe local alumni. During the summer,a paint-up, clean-up job hadbeen done by the Columbia brothersin anticipation of the new furniture.The newly decorated lounge,was an asset during fall rush whenfifteen new <strong>Phi</strong>keias were added tothe chapter. They are Earl Sturkeyand Fred Wright, Aiken; TomO'Donnell, Greenwich, Conn.; TomAllen, Charlotte, N.C; Larry Wilson,Charleston; Jay Jones, Annapolis,Md.; George Law, MoncksCorner; Mike Altman, Bradenton,Fla.; Dennis Harrington, Cheraw;John Greene, Demopolis, Ala.; BobHarris, Mt. Pleasant, N.J.; Bill Stacey,Columbia; Sam Davis, Spartanburg;Hal Chappell, New London, Conn.;Wayne Tucker, Moultrie, Ga. Duringthe semi-formal rush party, flowers, were given to Miss Abby Hatchwho had become pinned to Joel Clelandduring the summer, and to Mrs.Bobby Spears, who had married <strong>Phi</strong>keiaBobby Spears in August. September27, five <strong>Phi</strong>keias becameBrothers in the Bond. They are:Sam Ross, Jim Beasley, Bobby Spears,Bob Moore, and Jim Johnson.—JoelCleland, V.-P.SOUTH DAKOTA ALPHA, Universityof South Dakota.—South DakotaAlpha began the 1964-65 schoolyear with a very successful rushweek, then activated three men, andnow all the <strong>Phi</strong>s and <strong>Phi</strong>keias arehard at work to make this the bestyear ever. We are proud to announcethe activation of three good

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