1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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started the year with a concertedeffort to piit over the best rush yet,and so far haven't been disappointed.Fine stags and roaring parties .(especiallyour Beachcomber and SlumberParties) have been the result ofhard work by Rush Co-ChairmenGeorge Clark and Chris Fraser andSocial Chairman Joe Buchanan, andwe look forward to pledging a finegroup of young <strong>Phi</strong>keias. Improvementsin the house this year havealso added to the fall rush with roofand shower repairs top on the list,and numerous paint jobs as well.Floodlighting has recently beenadded to the house, as has a handsomedoor plaque, the kind gift ofArt Reid, Quebec Alpha, an old timefriend of Ontario Beta. <strong>Phi</strong>s stoodfirst in Interfratemity sports thisyear (1963-64 season), being tops inalmost ev^ry field—softball, hockey,basketball and the two individualsports days. Scholarship may also winhonors for London <strong>Phi</strong>s: five (ofthirty-two) chapter brothers (JimLarock, Mike Deacon, Walt Bilyk,Brian Bennett and Doug Hierlihy)having A averages, and the rest doingquite well. At the recent PasadenaConvention, Ontario Beta wonthe Silver Star improvement award,as well as being named co-winner ofthe General Headquarters Trophy.Ontario Beta will be aiming for100% turnout at the I.p.C. HelpProject arid the annual Blood Driveat Western. Canadian Thanksgivingevening was chosen as a convenient(and moreover, an appropriate) timeto initiate two of our three springpledges: Paul Howard, Guelph, andBrian Irwin, Toronto. Finally, plansare being made for an unofficial (butwe hope no less active) Ontario BetaAlumni Club, with the purpose ofuniting the increasing number ofchapter graduates.—Dave Davis, V.-P.OREGON ALPHA, University ofOregon.—Oregon Alpha started the1964-65 school year in grand fashionby pledging an excellent freshmanclass. The <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Bob Chapman,Rick Gains, Tom Grace, ScottMacTamahan, Vince McGilura, JayTruUinger, Kent Whitaker, Portland;Cam Molter, Ed Muth, MickGeary, Eugene; Hal Hartzel, PeteHinman, Mike Barnes, Medford; MikeStoll, Randy Miller, Beaverton; BruceSmith, Salem; Dick Jones, Pendleton;Storm Floten, Coquille; BillLedford, Kennewick, Wash.; BobDuncan, Miami Beach, Fla.; DennisTHE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 143Foster, San Diego, Calif.; CarltonTrimm, Pasadena, Calif.; DaveDevarona, Laffette, Calif. <strong>No</strong>t onlywas It the largest pledge class oncampus but their average gradesfrom high school were 3.4. * A 9 iswell represented in Oregon athleticsthis year as the fall season commences.Jim Kollemann, Tim Temple,Steve Bunker, Arlan Elms, andDave Devarona arc all stalwarts onthe Oregon varsity football squad,and Dick Jones, Mike Barnes, StormFloten, and Rick Gains represent OregonAlpha on the frosh tootbaUteam. Athletic intramurals have begunand for the second consecutiveyear *A9 is the defending champion.Don DuShane is our intramuralmanager and once again weare looking forward to anotherchampionship year.—John Hamlin,V.-P.OREGON BETA, Oregon StateUniversity.—The brothers of OregonBeta returned to the chapter houseto begin the new academic year andfound things somewhat different fromthe way they had appeared at theclose of the spring quarter. Thesummer remodeling program, thoughnot quite completed, had completdyrevamped the second deck livingquarters and study rooms. This "newlook" should greatly improve thestudy conditions, which will in turnundoubtedly boost the house G.P.A.The new look may already have begunto pay off; Oregon Beta isproud of a new class of 33 <strong>Phi</strong>keias,the largest pledge class at OregonState after the fall msh. The <strong>Phi</strong>keiasare: Rick Waller, Richard Alley,Steven Rown, Allen McKeown,Tim Dierickx, Frank Comer, RustonLynde, Bill Dockstader, Girard Liberty,Jim Matson, Bill Eichelberger,Portland; James Ogdahl, RichardYung, David Nelson, ' Salem; JamesMcAlister, Bob Bergstrom, Corvallis;BiU Coe, Grants Pass; Fred Roberts,Ashland; Peter Reynolds, La Grande;Ken Fleming, Empire; Doug Monson,Coos Bay; John Price, La Vern,Calif.; Tom Green, Claremont, Calif.;Steve Aquilar, Napa, Calif.; ChrisClark, Malibu, Calif.; Lloyd SuUivan,Alexandria, Va.; Gary Francis, ColoradoSprings, Colo.; Raymond Carlile,Sacramento, Calif.; Jerry Striff,Hermosa Beach, Calif.; Earl Hadler,WiUiam Wagner, .Carmichael, Calif.;Fred Erlenbusch, Vancouver, Wash.The new <strong>Phi</strong>keias will represent thechapter on the freshman and varsityathletic teams as well as in campusleadership, and should be a fine assetto Oregon Beta.—Gordon Queen, V.-P.OREGON GAMMA, WiUametteUniversity.—Big news in the <strong>Phi</strong>house this fall is our new housemother,Mrs. Emery Powell, previouslyof Longview, Wash. "Mom"Powell is the sister of the lateChester Arthur Miller (Oregon '16).We wish to extend a welcome to"Mom" Powell and we hope thatshe is as happy to be with us as weare to have her. Initiated last Maywere Stan Traxler and Jack Mc­Donald. October initiates are JimSmith, Bob Warrington, Bruce Anderson,Doug Burleigh, Carl NeuJr., Bruce Alsip, Jim Slusser, andJim Hutchinson. Carrying the <strong>Phi</strong>colors on the gridiron are RogerBergmann, Bruce Anderson, DeanPopp, John Travis, Jack Deja, StanTraxler, and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Carmy Mausten.These seven first team playersare helping Willamette to what isso far an undefeated season. SeniorsDick Heermance and Carl Schneidermanare members of the StudentSenate. Carl is senator-at-large whileDick is the representative from theactivities board. Juniors Dean Poppand Stan Traxler are currently leadingthe Lettermen's Club. Dean ispresident and Stan is secretary. Weare extremely proud to learn thatevery one of our graduating seniorshas sought further education. Theyare now attending graduate and lawschools across the nation—from ColumbiaUniversity to the Universityof Washii^;ton—in fields ranging fromBusiness to Oceanography. The activemembers wish to extend an invitationto aU alumni tor HomecomingWeekend. An alumni functionwill be conducted in the chap'ter house.—David M. PoUock, V.-P.PENNSYLVANIA ALPHA, LafayetteCoUege.—The brothers of PennsylvaniaAlpha returned ro campusearly in September for Help Weekand to get the house in shape torthe coming year. Our pledge class,thirty-five strong, did a tremendousjob in fixing up the house, and bythe time they were finished, it lookedbetter than it had for years. FollowingHelp Week, we held initiationfor those pledges who had fulfiUedtheir requirements for initiation.They are: John Bouranel, DaveCrosby, Tom Daiello, Dave Deleeuw,Doug Gifford, Ed Haines, Elliott Harris,BiU Bedden, Peter Hughes, WiliamJasper, Joseph Jensen, Scott Johnston,Samuel Martin, Frederick Mercer,Richard Newberry, Thomas Shumaker,Thomas Smith, David Spencer,Earl Vigne, William VonRoth,Jock Waller, and Andrew Young.Hossenlopp is co-captain of the footballteam and is backed up by DaveBrown, Bouranel, Gifford, Hedden,Johnston, Shumaker, Vigne, and Von­Roth. Hossenlopp and Richard Redekerare senior class officers; WilliamFriesell and WiUiam French arejunior class officers, and Elliott Harrisand David DeLeeuw are sophomoreclass officers. We also have sixbrothers on Student Council andeight on the Dean's List. Eventhough we have such a large numberof varsity athletes, we feel that ourintramural teams will again be inthe thick ot things for the all-

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