1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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142 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964OKLAHOMA BETA "second story men" painting the chapter house (left). At right, the wood work in the secondfloor hallway gets a new coat of paint also.mester. This trend will continuewith our new scholarship program.We have a fine new housemother,Mrs. Perkins from Oklahoma City.<strong>Phi</strong>s are active in all parts ot campuslife. Ronnie Bradshaw is I.F.C.rush chairman and O.U.'s delegateto the national I.F.C. convention.Ainslie Stanford is I.F.C. treasurer.Larry Blakenship has been presidentof the Student Senate for two terms.Richard Winburn is captain of the,O.U. debate team. Clint Cox andTim Traynor are Division CommaU'ders of the R.O.T.C. Ted Cox ischairman ot the Student UnionTravel Bureau Carter Scott waselected vice-president of the YoungRepublicans. Ainslie Stanford is campuschairman of the Youth for GoldwaterClub.—Ted Cox, V.-P.OKLAHOMA BETA, OklahomaState University.—A highlight of thespring semester for Oklahoma Betawas the winning of the InterfraterhityCouncil Scholarship ImprovementTrophy. We were also pleased thatLarry Hawk made the AU-<strong>Phi</strong> basketbaUteam. After an eventful workweek which included painting thehouse, hanging some new diningroom curtains and acquiring somenew living room furniture, thebrothers enjoyed a very rewardingrush week. The 23 new <strong>Phi</strong>keias are:Danny Flamming, Butch Haskin,John Martin, Paul Huston, JohnRussel, Dick Sailors, Ron Myers, FredTracy, Enid; John Durrett, JoeErcolani, David Hazels, Mike Johnson,David McNeill, Oklahoma City;Joe Adair, Pat • Arie, Burt Fleeger,Jim Hancock, Randy Powers, DavidLindley, Tulsa; Barry Wilson, Waukomis;Don Emmonds, Muskogee;David Pickrell, Tipton; George Griffin,Bethany. One of these newpledges is currently in the runoffstor freshman class president. In addition,there are three second semesterpledges: Jim Cannon, OklahomaCity; Alan Cambra, Hawaii; JohnRogers, Stillwater, and three preinitiates:John Garner, Stillwater; JoeBennett, Steve Couch, Tulsa. TheSteakfry, traditionally our first fallparty, was held September 13 at LakeBoomer. It was well attended byboth members and pledges and everyonehad a good time. An event ofwhich we are all proud is the additionof our new housemother, Mrs.Reinhart Nieman from OklahomaCity. She is a definite asset to thechapter as can be seen in the attitudeot the men towards her. Atpresent we are preparing fbr Homecoming,which includes a dance followingthe game.—Roger Coffey,V.-P.ONTARIO ALPHA, University ofToronto.—A wide range of renovationsand repairs to the housegreeted the brothers when they returnedthis fall. The alumni are tobe congratulated. The new furniturein the chapter room, the floor sandingand the interior painting hasgiven the house a new face for rushing.The rushing committee, BiUCunningham, Ron Slaght and JohnGartley, has been in high gear sincethe day school opened. Already wehave seven promising <strong>Phi</strong>keias: PeterBraaten, Don Mills, John Coffey,Brantford; Fred McGrath, Cannington;Chuck Minett, Rochester, N.Y.;James Minett, Oshawa; Brian Morrice,London, and Marcel Paiement,Samia. With many potential pledgesremaining and a full slate of functionsleft. Bill is hopeful ot finishingwith a pledge class of twenty. SociaUy,scholastically and culturally,this should be One of the most successfulyears yet. Social ChairmanJerry Leckie has planned what lookslike a very interesting social calendar.The combination of big-namebands and our new jukebox shouldmake tor plenty of noise at 165 St.George St. Howie Rooke, as scholarshipchairman, has promised that hewill be keeping a very close eye onour marks. The new Committee torCultural Improvement, under theguidance ot Cam Watson, has linedup a number of interesting and provocativeguest lecturers. We arelooking forward to the implementationof all their ideas. CohgratlilS;*tions to Josling, McLean and Pafetohon their pinnings. Marcel Paiementshows great promise on the Dentistryfootball squad. John Gartley,Jim Davie and Ron Slaght are onceagain the stars ot intramural rugger.With Brian Josling as president andKarl Fetter as treasurer, we are ingood hands both executively andfinancially and all signs point to agood year at Ontario Alpha.—GaryF. Patton, V.-P.ONTARIO BETA, University ofWestern Ontario.—London <strong>Phi</strong>s have

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