1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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140 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964•-••• ^i*S^',* ST —ifOHIO THETA chapter formally welcomed new P.G.C. Jack Shepman '47, at annual alumni picnic weekend ofOctober 3. At left, above. Jack is shown with Judge Bert Long. At right, he is seen with Adviser Dan Sundermanngreeting a guest at the picnic.fourth man on the squad is <strong>Phi</strong>keiaJohn Lad. Active in student governmentare Nick Kelly and Rich Davis,student senators, and Larry Flora,junior vice-president. Social Chairman,Patch Dufton has many greatparties planned. Kick-off party on thesocial calendar was the third annualBavarian Blast which was a hugesuccess. We are looking forward tospring semester when we will be livingin our new fraternity house. Themove to the hew house cost Ohio Eta$60,000, which practically eliminatedour building fund. There is nolonger any equity in the buildingfund; therefore we are solicitingalumni for donations to rebuild thisfund. Alumni wishing to make donationsare asked to make out a checkpayable to Case Institute of Technologyand send the check to theCase Development Office with a notewhich reads as follows: "This giftot I... is made to Case Instituteof Technology in connection withthe $ A 9 Fraternity pledge to beused by Case in its student housingprogram."—John Neorr, V.-P.OHIO THETA, University ot Cincinnati.—Theweekend of October 3heralded the triumphal return ofJack Chepman (Cincinnati '47),newly elected President of the GeneralCouncil, to his home chapter.The occasion was the annual alumniactivechapter steak fry, held at alocal game protective club. While inCincinnati, Brother Shepman presentedGolden Legion pins to WalterMorris (Cincinnati '07), and BertLong (Cincinnati '10), and encouragedall members present to showthe same great interest and loyaltyexemplified by Brothers Morris andLong. Summer and fall of 1964 willbe remembered as a time of greatinnovation and change at Ohio<strong>Theta</strong>. In the midst ot a vigorousrush program, the brothers foundtime to tile fioors, panel walls, anderect new closets in four ot the sleepingrooms. The house exterior sawthe addition of a large brick planterand new shrubbery in the front yard,and a high slat fence in the rear,surrounding the swimming pool. Alarge portion of the house interiorwas painted, and a new range wasadded to the kitchen. Summer alsobrought to the Cincy <strong>Phi</strong>s a newhousemother, Mrs Ann SkidmoreLamb, formerly of the staff of RawlinsCoUege, Winter Park, Fla.; anda new faculty Adviser, Dan Sundermann(Ohio State '55), from theUniversity of Cincinnati staff. As afitting climax to the rush season,which brought 35 pledges to Ohio<strong>Theta</strong>, the chapter was honored byreceiving the General HeadquartersTrophy tor efficiency and punctualityin submitting reports to GeneralHeadquarters.—Douglas J. Smith,V.-P.OHIO IOTA, Denison University.-The brothers of Ohio Iota are proudto announce the pledging of 24 <strong>Phi</strong>keiasSeptember 9. They are: GaryArnold, Akron; Michael Bouton,Howe, Ind.; Jeffery BuUen, Hartsdale,N.Y.; John Corrbett, Columbus;Robert Craig, Dayton; Fenton Davison,Flint, Mich.; WiUiam DruckemiUer,Fairview, Pa.; ThomasFromme, Springfield, Pa.; StephenGerber, Naperville, IU.; Thomas Gilbert,<strong>No</strong>rthfield, IU.;. Bill Henderson,Davenport, Iowa; Neil Hiltunen,Hamden, Conn.; Harry Hunsberger,Evanston, IU.; George Jones, Pittsburgh,Pa.; Richard Klepfer, Buffalo,N.Y.; Thomas Krauss, St. ClairShores, Mich.; David Kuhn, Bellevue;David Kuhns, Pittsburgh, Pa.;Demitri Polistock, Westbury, N.Y.;Richard Rieg, Fair Lawn, N.J.; JohnRosberg, Waukegan, III.; AndrewRothschild, St. Louis, Mo.; ThomasTudor, Contoocook, N.H.; FrankWalther, Havertord, Pa. In otherareas, the <strong>Phi</strong>s boast eighteen memberson the varsity soccer team includingco-captains Dick Moser andPete GustavsoUi In football, juniorTom Stege is holding down a startingpost at defensive end. Speedballhas started and I.M. chairman NatStoddard is confident the <strong>Phi</strong>s canmaintain their speedball title as wellas repeat as intramural champions.The social program under the directionof Dick Tontz has begun withsuccessful fall paties.—Tim Blake,V.-P.OHIO KAPPA, Bowling GreenState University.—The fall semesterfinds the brothers ot Ohio Kappahard at work. Our leadership is alreadyproving invaluable. Chris -Seeger has assumed the position ofpresident of the student body. TheFalcon football team has Tri-CaptainJim Wisser with Tony Trent, BillRuiter, Jerry Harris, Paul Rolf, JimViolet, Lynn Robinson, Rfflif)Jacques, Nick <strong>No</strong>rman, Tom Wright,and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Bill Earhart. GreekWeek extended from October 4 toOctober 10 with our exhibit being? atake-off on the popular song "TheHouse ot the Rising Sun" by theAnimals. At the banquet, we received,for the second consecatileyear, the All Sports Trophy. Aftermaking another good start in intramurals,we are in a good position togain permanent possession of thistrophy since it takes three consecutiveyears to retire it. October 24marked one ot the best and biggest

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