1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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tion ot the chapter. The new <strong>Phi</strong>keiasare: Carl Heise, Winona, Minn.;Chip Vignone, Farmington, Conn.;Dick Splete, <strong>Phi</strong>l Cummins, Marion;Pete DeGreen, Chagrin Falls; ChrisEnsign, Shaker Heights; Bob Shepard,Wayne, N.J.; Steve CroU, Chatham,N.J.; Doug Crosby, Bridgewood,N.J.; Gary Smith, Whippany, N.J.;Joe Keane, Binghamton, N.Y.; BobRuckle, Glenshaw, Pa.; Don Ryals,Youngstown; John Moorhead, Finlay;Tip Nichols, Elyria; Dave Johnson,Yellow Springs; Jim Jarvis, Wheeling,W.Va.; Forrest Everhart, Waverly.Recently actives and <strong>Phi</strong>keiasjoined together in landscaping thegrounds around the fraternity house.By digging the holes for the newtrees ourselves, we saved the chapteraround $350. This same pledge-activecooperation has given the chapter'ssocial life a tremendous start, includingan open house, several posterparties, and last, but certainlynot least, Ohio Beta combined withA r to win the trophy for the mostpoints won in the day's activities inthe student government's first annualCamival. Ohio Beta has alsohad excellent representation in OhioWesleyan's fall athletic program withfive <strong>Phi</strong>s starting on the footballteam and four starting on the soccerteam. Recently Jim Skiff waspicked "Athlete of the Week" forhis rugged offensive and defensivework while playing the entire gameagainst Akron's football team.—RussFinsness, V.-P.OHIO GAMMA, Ohio University.—The brothers are particularly anxiousto sink their teeth into another yearat Ohio because of our new housewith a fifty-two man capacity. So far,we've met the challenges of shapingup the house successfully and nowwe're turning our attention togrades. Homecoming, intramurals.Co-ed Prom, and J-Prom. Anyonewho comes to Ohio's Homecomingwill see five <strong>Phi</strong>s on the first stringfootball team, and we're plaiming onshowing them a * A 0 winning float,too. Our intramural team has a lineaveraging over 200 pounds a manand we're hoping to win the footballchampionship and go on to winthe All Sports Trophy for the fourthconsecutive year. All ot our chapterefforts will be supported by our newpledge class of fifteen upperclassmen.Since we are very close to our onehundred man limit, we were able tobe extra selective in rush and wetook as many men as our swellingmembership would allow. The new<strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Allen Garden, WesDanyo, Doug Fagan, Bill Grealis,John lannarelli. Bob Lyons, Al Riggs,Dave Robinson, Jack Schrom, FrankSimone, Wayne Sot, Chris Stephens,THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 139OHIO BETA brothers and <strong>Phi</strong>keias join forces todo a little landscaping at Ohio Wesleyan.Galen Thompson, Joe Vicic, andHank Zawacki. New initiates are:John Benz, BiU Biggs, Dick Bruce,Ron Caruso, Bob Dixon, Jim Ferguson,Mike Hyland, Ken Juergens,Mike Kelly, Ed Kunzelman, KenNatorp, Bill Reamer, Jerry Ricks,Dick Tschudy, Dick Van Meter, andTony Zugay. We are sure that thesemen will be an asset to the Fraternity.In the immediate future, weare looking forward to the TriadParty and the official dedication ofour house. We are hoping that any<strong>Phi</strong> in the Athens area on a tripwill stop and get acquainted withboth us and our new house.—BiUBlair, V.-P.OHIO EPSILON, University ofAkron.—Ohio Epsilon started theyear with its fall rush programwhich began in early July. Withsuccess ot the well organized program,headed by George Porosky andRoger Hagstrom, Ohio Epsilonpledged 24 top upperclassmen. Thenew <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Frank Alexander,Gerard Bauer, George Bowman, GeneDesvernine, James Hackett, DickJohnson, Al Kerkian, Daniel Klias,James Konneker, Robert Kruger, PatMacdonald, Charles Mellor, Ken Miller,James Miller, Harold Movesegian,David Niam, Charles Pascu, GeraldRothermel, Lou Seller, Bill Shuman,James Smith, Ed Steinmetz, FrankSturm, and Al Teran. Ohio Epsilon,for the third consecutive semester, tookfirst in scholarship with a 2.57 accumulativeaverage. Ohio Epsilon choseMiss Sandy Cochrane, A A n, for its1964-65 Sweetheart. She will representOhio Epsilon in the Homecomingcompetition this fall. With thehelp of its alumni, Ohio Epsilon hasmade extensive house repairs and isplanning house expansion to beginthis spring.—Joseph Vassalotti, V.-P.OHIO ZETA, Ohio State University.—Thebrothers of Ohio Zetaconcluded a successful school yearwith a number of awards. JohnScheiderer and Tom Roemer wereinitiated into Romophos, sophomoremen's honorary which John serves aspresident. Gary Acker, Tim Milligan,and Don Unverferth were initiatedinto Bucket and Dipper, junior men'shonorary. The <strong>Phi</strong>s won the runnerupall-intramural trophy and finishedtenth of 44 fraternities inscholarship—well above the all-men'saverage. New <strong>Phi</strong>keias of one of thelargest and best classes ever pledgedhere are Jeffrey Carson, GregoryFriess, James F. Snider Jr., Akron;Thomas Dougherty, Jay Lee, WilliamMorrissey, John Schmitt, Cincinnati;Thomas Bates III, Jan Crawford,Lawrence Curtis, Edwin Durham,Donald J. Fisher Jr., James Harris,Bruce Heine, Richard James, ThomasLeukart, Dave Price, Michael StlUinger,Richard Terapak, EdwinViolet, Columbus; Thomas Gabrielson,John Janis, Thomas Leonard,Robert Messham, Leroy Rogero,David Walker, Dayton; Robert Clayton,Eaton; Cliffoird Whiting III,Marietta; Robert Brown, MapleHeights; Duane Cornell, Middletown;Robert Baker Jr., Robert Henderson,James Talmage, RockyRiver; James Bartz, Richard Bradley,Weston Gardner Jr., Charles M. GilmoreIII, Michael McGrath, RichaelSalem, Ron Schaefer, Toledo; JohnPaul Kelley, Youngstown.—KennethC. Johnson, V.-P.OHIO ETA, Case Institute ofTechnology.—Once again Ohio Etahas begun the school year as theperennial campus leader at CaseTech. On the gridiron, anchoringthe center of Case's offensive line isLarry Flora. Behind Larry at quarterbackis Steve Penn whose two favoritereceivers are Bob McLeod andJoe Jimia. Other stalwart <strong>Phi</strong>s on theRough Rider squad are Gary Lawrence,Steve Padgett, Chuck Zodrow,and Les Loushin. This year Case'scross country team is led by JohnPapp, Grant Stem, and Dennis Evenson.Close at their heels. Case's

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