1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 137NORTH CAROLINA ALPHA <strong>Phi</strong>s at Duke grapple with an engineering problem (left) during fall work day.At right, "Hairball" and Arlis lead the songs at a recent party.sisted this year by Tony Atwill onthe drums. The rush campaign underthe leadership of Johnny Mc-Clain and Doug McCollum is beginningto emerge from its embryonicstages, a little slowly atfirst. In the tradition of strong finishes,however, the brothers stillfoster a justifiable confidence.Pledgemaster Steve Harwood has outlineda reformed pledging programfor <strong>Phi</strong>keias Mike Todorovich, St.Louis, Mo.; Walt Stringfellow, Winnetka,IU.; Rick Rider, La Porte,Ind.; Richard Tatt, Greenville; JohnHines, Dallas, Tex.; Ken Chatham,Silver Spring, Md. The <strong>Phi</strong>s haveformed a monopoly on the backfieldof the starting Duke football squadin the persons of Scotty Glacken,Mike Curtis, Sonny Odom, BiffBracy, and "Boone" Matheson. Seventeen<strong>Phi</strong>s grace the traveling teamthis year. Versatile Joe Harris, GeorgeCrowell, and <strong>Phi</strong>l Small form thecore of a fine cheerleading squad.The brothers hope this will providethem a more constructive outlet. The<strong>Phi</strong>s are engaged in helping MikeBryant campaign for MSGA vicepresident.We need lots of votes.BiUy "Buke" and Big Luke havejoined the Duke <strong>Phi</strong> colony of"Bear" Bigolo and Scotty Chalmersdown at the University of Oklahoma,and Bill Riley has transferred toPenn to the languish ot the brothersand many ot the girls on East. Otherchapter athletes have sighted in onthe intramural football championshipunder the veteran tutelage of "Meat"Kirwan and the ubiquitous Uible.Looks real tough at middle linebackerthis season!—Bob White, V.-P.planned for the fall holidays. Underthe imaginative leadership of RushChairman "Beserk" Wainwright theTarheel <strong>Phi</strong>s hope to get the best ofpledge classes. House Manager ButchWiiistead has made considerable improvementsin the living quartersof our new housemother Mrs. VirginiaWolcott. For her first dutiesMrs. Wolcott has undertaken the taskof familiarizing herself with diet arrangementsand house decoration.Billy Duff and "R" Reagan led* A 9 to an impressive 33-0 victoryover our first intramural opponent,and once again the football squadis looking forward to a strong season.Captain Duff has organizedpractices several times a week andthe brotherhood turns out in fuUforce to cheer the team at every contest.The Tarheel gridiron findsClint Eudy (guard) and John Harmon(tackle) playing a major rolein Carolina's success this season.Sophomores Jeff Beaver and Bud<strong>Phi</strong>llips promise to see a lot of action.Social Chairman John Morriseyhas planned quite a schedule fpr thefall semester and the highlights featuresuch entertainers as MajorLance and Martha and the Vandellas.With President Dick Jonas at thehelm. <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina Beta expectsanother great year!—Nat D. Taylor,V.-P.NORTH CAROLINA GAMMA-Davidson College.—After another successfulfall rush. <strong>No</strong>rth CarolinaGamma proudly announced thepledging of: Ted Shabel, Memphis,Tenn.; Don Crowder, Charlotte; BrisRodgers, KnoxviUe, Tenn.; TedHowell, Waynesville; George SoUey,Gainesville, Fla.; Dick Stoops, Pittsburgh,Pa.; Steve Sands, DaUas, Tex.;Kit Thompson, Haverton, Pa.; ChipScharfswerdt, Vero Beach, Fla.;George Leight, Winston-Salem; BuddyNewsome, Corpus Christi, Tex.;Ronnie Hunt, Boone. Paul Ambrosehas revitalized the pledge programwith an improved scholarship pro-NORTH CAROLINA BETA, Universityof <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina.—<strong>No</strong>rthCarolina Beta returned to ChapelHill after four successful rushparties . during the summer monthsand initiated a new fall programgeared for our first deferred rush.Since strict "silence" must be maintainedin all campus relations withfreshmen, rush parties are beingNORTH CAROLINA BETA <strong>Phi</strong>s and dates relaxingbefore the tube.

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