1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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136 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964NEW YORK EPSILON'S PresidentDean Ferguson (top) holding theTolley Cup symbolic of the outstandingfraternity chapter at Syracuse.Below: Star athlete PaulDerounian with the three intramuraltrophies won during 1963-64.NEW YORK BETA, Union GOIlege.—Thebrothers of New YorkBeta returned a week early this yearto supervise the <strong>Phi</strong>keias in the preinitiationwork week, which wasformerly held during the spring vacation.A great deal was accomplishedin the way of repair and painting,and as always the chapter houseis one ot the finest at Union. Aninitiation ceremony was held at thefirst chapter meeting October 1.Dave Linck, Paul Flaherty, <strong>Phi</strong>lHaines, Mike Montessi, Al DeSiena,John Morris, Spence Hunt, and Bruce<strong>No</strong>e, signed the Bond in that order.Our only <strong>Phi</strong>keia, Mike Streeter,Horseheads, was pledged October 7.Nine <strong>Phi</strong>s are on the starting tootballteam: linemen Big-Jim Marks,Scotti Mackinnon, Bear Hammond,Dan Muller, and Red Anderson; inthe backfield pony-backs Fred Schadtand Al DeSiena; and at quarterbackY. A. Johnston. We stand a goodchance to place seventh or eighth inthe intramural league. A cool autumnhas necessitated the turning on otthe heating system. We were all quitesurprised to discover that it doesn'twork. With even colder weather yetto come we are all very anxious toget it going. Temporary repairs willcost almost two hundred dollars andthe complete replacement of the heatingsystem several thousand. Unfortunatelyfunds are not availabletor this latter necessary, but expensive,alternative. Dear Brother <strong>Phi</strong>s,all suggestions for money-makingschemes and all contributions willbe gratefully received.—Daniel V.Muller, V.-P.NEW YORK EPSILON, SyracuseUniversity.—Winding up the 1963-64year in fine style. New York Epsilonachieved the highest honor for afraternity at Syracuse: The Chancellor'sAward, symbolic of the outstandingfraternity. This award wasdue, in a large part, to the greatscholastic improvement shown by thechapter under the able leadership ofScholastic Chairman Dean Ferguson,who himself was quite an honor student.Over the summer many <strong>Phi</strong>sfollowed Horace Greeley's advice andheaded West to work. Six brotherstraveled to sunny California tor thesummer and six more ventured tothe Islands of Hawaii. Finding theseislands much to his liking. JackHewitt has taken a semester's leaveto tour and study there. Back in NewYork, the fall semester looks verypromising. In recently completed upperclassrush, seven new <strong>Phi</strong>keiashave been added. They are: RobertS. Anderson, Syracuse; Robert F.Boyle, Milton, Mass.; Richard W.Hoppenstedt, Gardner, Mass.; JohnW. Kaddaras, Southbridge, Mass.;Shand J. O'Brien, <strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia, Pa.;Robert F. Silkey, Syracuse; and LanceS. Spicer, Jamestown. PledgemasterBob Rock has many new ideas to beinitiated into their pledging program.In intramural competition. NewYork Epsilon is again looking forwardto another fine year. Winding uplast year with three trophies, it ishoped that several more will beadded this year. The football team,led by stalwarts Johnny Belcher,Dominic Bellardo, and Pete Provost,is shaping up to be especially tough.The chapter is also proud of its threestarting performers on the nationallyranked Syracuse varsity. They areRon Oyer, Pat Killorin, and BradClarke.—David Dredge, V.-P.NEW YORK ZETA, Colgate University.—Thebrothers of New YorkZeta welcomed back many alumniduring Homecoming Weekend. Theweekend was very successful thankslargely to the ingenuity ot SocialChairman Gene Helgeson. Fridaynight there was a hay ride foUowingthe traditional bonfire. Saturday, aftera successful football game with Cornell,the alumni were entertained ata cocktail party followed by a btJiEfetand a house party. All the alumniand brothers were pleased to watchmany <strong>Phi</strong>s on the Colgate footbalteam. Bob Negley and Jerry Miller,offensive linemen, and Rocky Willardand Marty Juredine, on the defensiveunit, bolstered the strong-Raider line. Tom Carpenter, whoscored Colgate's only touchdown on afine 70 yard run, was named to theECAC All-East team tor the week.Mike Zetz played a great game atdefensive halfback, Halfbacks JimBuckley and John Huddleston andtackle Bill Knapp are also membersof the team. Our intramural footballteam is currently in first place inour league. The <strong>Phi</strong> team has a twoplatoon system with both lines averagingabout 210 pounds. Co-captainsare E. P. Boworn, a 220 poundtackle, and Dick Baun, a defensivehalfback. Other outstanding playersare ends Fred Stewart and JohnGannon, and Dick Lonchar, offiensiyecenter. Several <strong>Phi</strong>s made the Dean'sList last semester, which helped rank$ A 6 in the upper third of the livingunits on campus. This semesterBob Baughman is studying in Londonwith the Economics Study Group.New York Zeta is looking forward toentertaining several prominent authorsand artists during the CreativeArts Festival at Colgate.—WinfieldGnilmette, V.-P.NORTH CAROLINA ALPHA,Dnke University.—Under the aptleadership of President Jay Spencer,the brothers have enthusiasticallylaunched into another year of prolificactivity in all aspects of DukeUniversity community life. Thebrothers returned to a renovated sectionand chapter room. With thetraditional guidance and advice ofDave Uible the furniture, broken inthe renovation process, has been repairedor disposed of. John Modlinhas taken significant steps toward anew and improved scrapbook of <strong>Phi</strong>sin action-^"Hairball" doing the dogwith Atwill's microphone. Arlis, returningwithout his facial "growth,"has nevertheless excelled and acceleratedthe semester's social programwith plans tor a hayride, many newcombo resources, and plenty of "socialwind." "Hairball" and ButchStarnes with rare creative geniiushave successfully completed letteringthe benches in Greek (having begunonly six months agol). Joe Harriscontinues to awe and "pw" thebrothers (and neighbors) with hismusical talents on the guitar, as-

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