1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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134 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964Missouri Gamma Pledging CeremonyMISSOURI GAMMA at Washington University, St. Louis, conducted a mostimpressive ceremony in bringing the 1964 pledges into full status as<strong>Phi</strong>keias. At top, the Rev. John David Warren, Washington (St. Louis) '49,Pastor of Oak Hill Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, delivers a charge entitled"Spiritual and Moral Manhood" at the chapter house. Pledges areseated facing the altar, surrounded by members, forming a "chain ofbrotherhood." Center: Actual pinning ceremony when Pledge Fathers, wearingtheir ceremonial robes, placed the <strong>Phi</strong>keia buttons on their pledgesons. Below: Dinner followed at the Bath and Tennis Club, hosting severalalumni and University administrators for the occasion. THE SCROLL congratulatesMissouri Gamma and Pres. John Rick, II, on the excellent mannerin which the chapter's pledges are given their first impression of <strong>Phi</strong><strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>.Okla.; Dick Stoll, Chickasha, Okla.;Dusty Ward, Tulsa, Okla. We arealso happy to welcome back backMrs. Helen (Mom) Leascher who isin her third year with us. Havingplaced second in scholarship andathletics last semester we are againlooking forward to another greatyear and are well on our way to retainingthe golf and tennis plaques.The scholarship program, under thesupervision of Steve Bransford, is alsoin full swing. We would finally liketo take this opportunity to thankWilUam Whitlow, our chapter advisorand province president, tor the finejob he did on the house during thesummer months.—Gene Weber, V.-P.MISSOURI GAMMA, WashingtonUniversity.—At the completion of amost successful rush week, MissouriGamma formally pledged thirty new<strong>Phi</strong>keias: Ken Adee, Huntington,N.Y.; Michael Allan, Lake Forest,IU.; Mark Beckemeier, Ed Czebrinski,John Fotsch, Paul Henderson, BobMatlock, Drury Mays, Bill Ondr,Charlie Pullaro, Chris Quinlan, SteveSchicht, Tim VoUmer, St. Louis; BobBillings, Des Moines, Iowa; Dan Darr,Howard <strong>Phi</strong>Uips, Denver, Colo.; LarryDavis, Hamilton, Ohio; George Evans,Mission, Kan.; Mike Frierdich, Columbia,111.; Mike Gunn, San Diego,Calif.; Hank Kopcial, Mansfield,Ohio; Greg Kormos, Steve Lowry,Kettering, Ohio; Neal Kretchmar,Oak Ridge, Tenn.; John Lauer,Geneva, 111.; Budge Lewis, BUIYoung, Tulsa, Okla.; Buzz Padgett,Hillsdale, N.J.; Pete Peterson, Kankakee,IU.; Ron Shillington, Bloomington,111. In both number andquality this is by tar the best pledgeclass on the campus. After the formalpledging ceremony, the <strong>Phi</strong>keias andactives enjoyed a lavish dinner atthe St. Louis Bath and Tennis Club.Guests of the evening included JohnDavid Warren (Washington-St. Louis'49), pastor of the Oak Hill PresbyterianChurch in St. Louis; DyckmanW. Vermilye, associate provost torstudent affairs; A Wallace MacLean(Washington-St. Louis '42), chapteradvisor; Arno J. Haack, Dean otstudents; Bruce S. Higginbotham(Washington-St. Louis '40); WiUiamT. Koken, III (Washington-St. Louis'38); Wayne J. McFariand, Ph.D.,athletic director; and Dave Puddington(Ohio Wesleyan '50), head tootballcoach. This event was one ot themost beautiful and impressive pledgeceremonies conducted by MissouriGamma in some time. In the footballactivity ot Washington University,the <strong>Phi</strong>s are leading the squadin many ways. As of this date, TomMcConnell, a junior, leads the teamin quarterbacking; Jack Biggs, alsoa junior, leads all pass receivers withmost completions and greatest yardage.<strong>Phi</strong>keias Chris Quinlan, EdCzebrinski, Hank Kopcial, DruryMays, and Charlie Pullaro are alsolending strong support to the Battlin'Bears gridiron. Wayne Campbellis currently leading all runners onthe cross-country team; <strong>Phi</strong>keia PaulHenderson is representing * A 6 onthe soccer team; <strong>Phi</strong>keia Greg Kormosis preparing tor the wrestling squad;<strong>Phi</strong>keia Steve Lowry is also warmingup for J.V. basketball squad. DonMcintosh, AU-<strong>Phi</strong> All-American swimmeris likewise in the tank preparingfor another great year. As for I.M.s,football appears bright with the returnot some veteran AU-I.M. starsfor * A 9. Tennis I.M. prospects lookgood, with the <strong>Phi</strong>keias plugging upsome spots. Washington U.'s Homecoming'64 is being handled by two

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