1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 133MISSOURI ALPHA'S 1964 PLEDGE CLASS.MISSOURI ALPHA, Universityof Missouri.—Under the exceUentleadership of Rush Chairman BruceMcClelland, the men of MissouriAlpha began the year in admijrableform by pledging 37 men during fallrush. These new <strong>Phi</strong>keias are:Howard Alexander, El Paso, Tex.;L. Joseph Archias, <strong>Phi</strong>l Matthews,Sandy Studer, Fred Wertz, Sedalia;Robert Beezley, Terry Stombaugh,Springfield; Henry Bradley, DanChatfield, Jim Coleman, Alan Hainey,Larry Hines, David Lott, Art Marolis,George Wood, St. Joseph; N. BarrettBraun, Terry Burnett, Kirkwood;Robert Cullers, Trenton; Gene Cullmann,James Stanfield, St. Louis;<strong>Phi</strong>lip Dow, Roger Hawley, GaryHearn, Dick Kistner, Randolph Stiles,John Valentine, Kansas City; BuddyFarmer, John Stone, Jefferson City;James Houx, Centerview; FredJackson, Lebanon; Bob Liles, Memphis,Tenn.; Lee Mungi, Berwyn, 111.;Steve Mahalic, Edwardsville, 111.;John Rogers, Paterson, N.J.; RichardWebb, Bethel Park, Pa.; RichardYeager, Creve Coeur; James Zellers,Omaha, Neb. The chapter is alsoproud to announce the recent initiationof three brothers: Steve Donovan,Dan Dykstra, and Jim Skinner. Thebeginning ot the school year foundmany members in new positions ofleadership on campus. Among theseare Rick Cooledge, neW InterfraternityCouncil secretary, and HowardPotts, new Interfratemity Council-Interpledge Council liaison officer.Keith Weber, recipient of the firstGeorge Trautman Award, recentlytraveled to Tokyo with the OfficijilUnited States Amateur Baseball teamin conjunction with this year's Olympics.Following rush week, MissouriAlpha moved into its busy schedulewith football-weekend parties andexchange dinners with the leadingsororities. Highlighting the socialscene was the annual $ A 9 Luau.Other events of import hosted by thechapter included the Kansas City-St.Louis alumni meeting and the StaffordPresentation—given by this chapterto the University—honoring Capt.Richard Y. Stafford, a former memberot Missouri Alpha and a WorldWar II hero.—Dean R. Leimer, V.P.MISSOURI BETA, WestminsterCollege.—Thanks to the fine job ofRush Chairman Bill Buchanan andthe assistance of Pete White, MissouriBeta is proud to present thefinest pledge class on the Westminstercampus. The 22 <strong>Phi</strong>keias,under the leadership of Bob Hudson,Muskogee, Okla., are: Mike Atkinson,Tulsa, Okla.; Barry Bayless,Muskogee; Stephen Brauer, St. Louis;John Cable, Muskogee; CharlieDovms, Kirkwood; Skip EUis, Tulsa,Okla; Roger Essig, Columbus, Ohio;Chrys Fisher, Tulsa, Okla.; Mike Fox,Schenectady, N.Y.; Harold Garvin,Duncan, Okla.; Alan Henderson,Webster Groves; Joe Hull, Tulsa;Dick Kennedy, Enid, Okla.; MarcMcClure, St. Joseph; Dave Morris,Wichita Falls, Tex.; Art MorganLadue; Jim Reynolds, Cape Girardeau;Tom Sethney, Ted Shackelford,Tulsa, Okla.; Dave Shuttee, Enid,MISSOURI BETA <strong>Phi</strong>keias, faU, 1964. Seated: Shuttee, Ward, Essig, Reynolds, Henderson, Hull, Kennedy, Morris.Standing: McClure, Brauer, Fisher, Morgan, Cable, Atkinson, Garvin, Ellis, Sethney, Stoll, Shackelford, Fox,Bayless, Downs.

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