1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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132 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> lor NOVEMBER, 1964MINNESOTA ALPHA <strong>Phi</strong>keias. Front row: Goodmundson, Hodel, Schorn,Ross, Malin. Second row: Johns, Danielski, Ward, Christian, Anderson, E.Third row: St. Anthony, Wheeler, Anderson, T., Martins, Onstrom.varsity swimming captain and varsityrecord holder, will be back at thestarting position along with letterwinners in track, crew, lacrosse, golf,and wrestling. Once weak scholasticallyM.I.T. <strong>Phi</strong>s are well on theway to respectability in this area aswell. The chapter moved nineteenplaces last year to a second placepost in a field of 35. Pat Winstonstill carries an as yet unblemishedstraight A record into his senior year,while Doug Spreng and Don SiVersare both out to repeat the straight Aperformances they turned in last year.Don, outstanding freshman of '62-'63,handles scholarship this year and isintroducing a number of ideas intoour "shoot for first" campaign. Thesefactors, together with a highly successfulrush week, lead the wholechapter to expect a really fine year.—Patrick Winston, V.-P.MINNESOTA ALPHA, Universityof Miimesota.—Minnesota Alpha hadanother fine fall rush and acquiredfifteen excellent pledges. The <strong>Phi</strong>keiasare: Gary Goodmunson, Minneapolis;Tom Hodel, Minnetonka; MikeSchOrn, St. Paul; Dave Ross, Edina;Frank Malin, La Crosse, Wis.; BobJohns, St. Charles, IU.; GeorgeDanielske, Richfield; Louis Ward,Rochester; Ed Christian, Minneapolis;Chet Anderson, Dulutb; Joe St.Anthony, Minneapolis; Tim Wheeler,Richfield; Truman Anderson, Wayzata;Wes Martins, Moorhead; DonOnstrom, Richfield; Dave Colburn,La Crosse, Wis. Four Of our <strong>Phi</strong>shave done an outstanding job startsing for the Minnesota football team.They are: Mike Reid, Kent Kramer,Mike Orman, and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Dave Colburn.Ken Jacobson has been thetop inspiring player on the Gopherteam. The <strong>Phi</strong>s of Minnesota arelooking forward to another great yearin intramural sports. Last year the<strong>Phi</strong>s captured firsts in football, handball,tennis, and seconds in basketball,baseball, golf, swimming, andtrack. We are also waiting anxiouslytor the annual events of Homecoming,Greek Week, the Miami Triad,and Campus Carnival. —Stewart J.Maples, V.-P.MISSISSIPPI ALPHA, Universityof Mississippi.—Mississippi Alphastarted its rush program this summerwith several local rush partiesthroughout the state. We concludedsummer rush With our annual Jacksonrush party August 15. We cameback to "Ole Miss" two days early toget the house in shape for rush.Under the leadership of Jimmy Love,rush chairman, we pledged 44 men.The new <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: HolmesAdams, Bailey McBee, Greenwood;Coleman Allen, Lula; James Armstrong,Hazlehurst; Fred Beard, MikeBoland, Andrew Bumpas, Larry Mc-Cool, Bill O'Mara, Chuck Sleadman,BiU Clement, Jackson; Scott BrasfieW,Randy Pool, Chuck Rea, Meridian;Kycle Chandler, Doug Clark, WestPoint; Arthur Clark, Indianola;Peyton Cbttrell, Jim Portwood, GayleHill, Gulfport; Chester Curtis, JackLaurenzi, Pat Ross, Bob Russell,Clarksdale; James Delgadillo, Roger<strong>No</strong>rman, Fred Rogers, New Albany;Jack' Denton, Shelby; Jack Garner,Grenada; David Gillis, Fayette; BiUHayes, Whitefish Bay, Wis.; TommyHewitt, Summitt; Robin McGraw,Louisville; John Neville, Rusty Williams,McComb; John Owen, Tunica;Jack Sawyer, Clay McGehee, Cleyeland;Walter Thompson, Bentonia;Steve Vaught, Coahoma; Harvill Wel-. ler, Vicksburg; Ellis Lattimer,Okalona; Jim Braden, NashviUe,Tenn.; Tom Murray, Oxford. Withfall rush over, Mississippi Alpha isready to settle down to hard studyingand successful parties. We havemembers who are officers in theNROTC and AROTC programs,president of the Business School,president of OAK, president of MClub, president ot EngineeringSchool, presidents ot * H S, AS 1,and A E A and many more. MississippiAlpha recently initiated six men;Kirk Carter, Cavett Conaway, MikeCook, Dave Shands, Lawrence Coco,and Bernie Smith.—Bill Bailey, V.-P.MISSISSIPPI ALPHA'S FALL, 1964, CLASS OF PHIKEIAS.

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