1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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130 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964MANITOBA ALPHA <strong>Phi</strong>s (at left) raise their voices in song at a fall rush party. Right—chapter's float entry in"Freshie Parade." Theme was "Outer Limits."champion of middle-aged sports,John "Guppy" Carnochan is puttinghis title on the line with tall golfand bowling. The chapter extendsa "welcome home" to juniors HansBernau and John Greene, returningfrom sabbaticals, and to senior RodGould, returning from a year's studyat the London School ot Economics.In the field of alumni affairs, there•has been a great revival headed bylocal alumni. Col. John Choate,Newton <strong>No</strong>urse and Dr. CharlesTowne. These men have workedclosely with the chapter on severalprojects. Recently the house has beenpainted and several pieces of furniturewere replaced. New source offunds, such as the college managedhouse mortgage-surplus account, havebeen opened to the chapter as theresult of alumni efforts. Plans arenow being made for an alumni banquetto be held in the late fall.-John Gillmor, V.-P.MANITOBA ALPHA, Universityof Manitoba.—The end of the 1963-64 term was most successful torManitoba Alpha. Terry White (laterreplaced by Tim Walker), and MikeRadcliffe were elected Senior Sticksof Arts and Science. Larry Haffner,Jim Duncan, and Harold RimI wereawarded University Merit pins fortheir outstanding contributions tocampus life. In hockey, Ross Mclntyreled the B team to the leaguechampionship while Chuck Meighenand Bob Ramsay helped bring homethe A crown. Pete Horsford's volleyballteam won a new competition.Rudy Barich sharp-shot the B basketballsquad to the championship andBiU Dotten's A team lost a close finalto 9N. Summertime 1964 again foundManitoba <strong>Phi</strong>s singing and swimmingon "<strong>Phi</strong> Island." This littleisland, situated in the Lake ot theWoods, was leased by several brothersfor the second consecutive year. Withthe opening of the tall term JohnWilson and <strong>Phi</strong>l Murray commenceda rushing program through whichover seventy men passed. Includedwere bowling and miniature golfparties and a climactic barn dance.We again entered a fioat in the annualFreshie Parade. In athletics, the<strong>Phi</strong>s came close in a new I.F.C. golftournament and won their first tootballgame.—Ned D. Brown, V.-P.MARYLAND ALPHA, Universityof Maryland.-The brothers of MarylandAlpha are looking forward tobig things from their new pledgeclass; The <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Henry L.Vinyard, Parsonsburg; Howard M.Bailey, Easton; Karl J. Zeren, Towson;David J. P. Jones, Baltimore;James P. Muldoon, Gary, Ind.;Thomas W. Dudley, Washington,D.C; Edward M. Bavis, Annapolis;George (Gee) Cosper, Adelphi; RichardD. Harrington, Cambridge; JackE. Blomquist, Bethesda; WiUiam B.Smith, Salisbury; J. Kurt Eikenberg,Baltimore; David R. Dodge, Annapolis;Eric A. Lampe, Erie, Pa.; H.Richter Baumgardner, Baltimore;Gerald A. Moneypenny, Trenton,N.J.; Nicholas J. Schaus, Baltimore;John M. Bowlin, Silver Spring; L.Stevenson Borchers, Rockville; JohnW. Beebe, Kensington; Douglas W.Resser, Shillington, Pa.; RandolphCook, Takoma Park; Gary E. KeUy,CoUege Park; Joseph M. Worthington,Gibson Island; Ronald C Boyer,Hyattsville; Charles W. Botsford,Potomac; Michael D. Brady, Hyattsville;John E. Bullock, Hanover;Louis C Anderson, Alexandria, Va.We also are proud winners of theHillock Award which is given eacheach year to the outstanding fraternityon the Maryland campus. TheHillock Award is given on five categories:sorority evaluation, academics,intramural athletics, varsity athletics,and activities on campus and in theI.F.C. Maryland Alpha was proud towin this trophy for the third consecutiveyear. Along with the HillockTrophy, the <strong>Phi</strong>s also won the AU-Sports Award given to the fraternitywhich excels in intramural athletics.<strong>No</strong>t only have the <strong>Phi</strong>s been activeat the intramural level, but thevarsity basketball team will be 80%<strong>Phi</strong>s. Starting at center for the Terpswill be Rick Wise, at the forwardspots will be Gary Ward and JackClark and at back court position willbe Bill Franklin. Bob Lewis shouldsee a lot of action for the Terps.All five ot these men are returninglettermen. The <strong>Phi</strong>s at Maryland willbe a singing group this fall. Withthe help of Gary Bassford and <strong>Phi</strong>keiaTom Dudley, we will be heardall over campus, and not without ourpiano. The <strong>Phi</strong>keias have mounted thepiano on wheels and have volunteeredto pull it for us when we serenade.Also giving us momentum coming intothis semester were our victories inintramural golf and track on the lasttwo days of classes last spring. Ourfootball team this year dropped theirfirst game, but they are looking torwardto an excellent comeback. QuarterbackJack Blomquist has done anoutstanding job in taking charge ofthe offense, and we are looking torwardto many touchdowns. JackCorderman and Bill Harper will bepacing OUT cross country team thisyear. It looks as if nothing can keepthe <strong>Phi</strong>s from winning this even onThanksgiving Day. Initiated intoKalegethos, fraternity honorary, areJoseph E. Moore, John W. Snyder,Robert L., Vermillion, and Durke G.Thompson. Jim (Biz) Snyder has beenappointed to the I.F.C. Court. Healso is president of T B n, the engineeringhonorary, and has the highestaverage in the engineering college.—John W. Snyder, V.-P.MASSACHUSETTS GAMMA, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology.—Excellence is the key word this yearas M.I.T. <strong>Phi</strong>s step into the driver'sseat politically, athletically, scholasticallyand sociaUy. On the politicalscene. Groves, Epps, Spreng, and

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