1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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<strong>Phi</strong>s under a 2.5 average. This faUsemester we acquired nine finepledges who will be a credit to thechapter: Robert Allen Ashworth,Miami, Fla.; Willard Howard EvesJr. and Richard Wesley Martin, Ashland;Edward MacArther Burke, Chicago,111.; Robert Joseph, Versailles;William Henry Petit, Erie, Pa,;Bruce Michael Rohleder, Louisville;Thomas Earl Schmoyer, Birmingham,Mich.; Jerry Mac Weaks, Fulton.We would like to recognize ournew housemother, Mrs. Carroll Cushman,and extend our appreciationto Mrs. Virginia Bunts who retiredthis past year. The social seasonis well taken care of as there willbe a band party at the house foreight weekends. One week was highlightedby the annual rose presentationat which time the <strong>Phi</strong>s presentedeach sorority pledge with arose and a kiss. We would like toextend an open invitation to allalumni and friends to stop by thechapter house any time and especiallyafter any and all football andbasketball games. Look forward toseeing you.—Albert Hoskins, V.-P.LOUISIANA ALPHA CHAPTER,Tulane University.—The chapter returnedonce again to fabulous oldNew Orleans September 9 to preparefor the traditional rushing activities.Rush week this year was asmashing success as we bid andpledged sixteen fine young men. Thenew <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Leo Max Bashinsky,Erskine Ramsey, Birmingham,Ala.; Neil K. Benner, Louisville, Ky.;Stanley J. Cooper, Princeton, N.J.;Frederick R Cunliffie III, ShakerHeights, Ohio; Jerry Duncan, NewOrleans; Carl W. Flesher Jr., Mamaroneck,N.Y.; Michael S. Harper,Twin Falls, Idaho; Roger Higgs, St.Joseph, Mo.; James Knoepp, Alexandria;Paul H. Palmer, Good Pine;Andrew N. Raymond, Judd Tooke,Shreveport; James Rogers, KansasCity, Mo.; James Tyler, Washington,Conn.; Joseph M. Weible, Dallas,Tex. The chapter would like to takethis opportunity to express theirdeep appreciation to the alumni otNew Orleans, in particular to AlMerrick, Jim Alexander, Lenard Huber,J. Walter Ward, and BobbyZetzmann, who devoted much timeand money and whose efforts madepossible the complete renovation ofthe downstairs of the chapter house.A note of irony came when thehouse was threatened by severe HurricaneHilda, but the chapter madeample preparations and took everysafety precaution. As the eye ot theitorm passed near New Orleans, thechapter rode it out with a HurricaneParty with entertainment beingprovided by the antics of TomTHE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 129LOUISIANA BETA <strong>Phi</strong>s participated in important community service whenthey helped Red Cross workers during recent Hurricane Hilda. Above,some of the brothers aid Red Cross field men in giving first aid to a victim.Tooke and Barry Jones, AthleticChairman John Poser has assured methat the touch football team is infine shape and that the team shouldeasily take the football trophy again.The Harry V. Singreen Trophy wasawarded to Edwin Lewis for his outstandingparticipation on the Tulanetennis team. The Harvey P.Maurice Award was presented toRobert Kyff for his unselfish dedicationto chapter activities.—F. A.Hatch IIL V.-P.LOUISIANA BETA, LouisianaState University.-Thanks to thework and leadership of Rush ChairmanDanny Becnel and the co-operativeeffort of all the brothers,Louisiana Beta completed anothersuccessful rush week this tall. Thenew <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Bill Atkinson, DaveCogburn, Richard Esdorn, FrankHatcher, Pat LeRay, Mike McCumsey,Gary Poleynard, Earl Short, RaySmith, Baton Rouge; James Brodtman,Vance Couret, Woodrow Dixon,John Ellington, <strong>Phi</strong>l Gattuso, TimHigh, Bob Johnson, Mike O'Keete,Bill Spatz, New Orleans; Steve Amsbaugh.Bob Carmichael, Bill Herrin,Shreveport; Donald Sneed, Houma;Jim Greer, Lake Charles; HollandPetrie, Cut Off; Don Holcomb, Alexandria;John Pearson, Pineville;Kent Fisher, Whittier, Calif., EdJane, Arlington, Va.; George Mc­ConneU, Memphis, Tenn.; Skip Mills,Fort Walton Beach, Fla. The chapteris confident that this pledge classwill soon be able to fill some ot thevacancies left by our graduatingseniors who are now worried aboutUncle Sam having them establish a$ A 9 colony in Viet Nam. Amongthis group is our ex-Social ChairmanBob Sumrall who is now contemplatingbeing placed as social directorof the Saigon Officers' Club.Over the summer the house wasgreatly improved by the installationot air-conditioning, the purchase ofnew furniture, and the repaintingof the outside of the house. We arethankful to several of the BatonRouge and New Orleans alumni whowere responsible for a good deal ofthe work. Another improvement thatthe chapter considered significant wasthe third place scholastic standingof Louisiana Beta among all fraternitieson campus. A rise fromseventeenth place. The <strong>Phi</strong>s at L.S.U.also distinguished themselves in thecommunity by their work duringHurricane Hilda, when they helpedstaff the Red Cross Refugee Centersand dispense medicine and suppliesto the storm victims.—RogerM. Evans, V.-P.MAINE ALPHA, Colby CoUege.-Maine Alpha resumed activities thistall under the capable leadership ofPresident Andrew Cornwall. A Liverpooltheme party with the Tri-Delts started the fall semester. Thenext day, Maine Alpha opened rushwith a mixer: 50 freshman girls, includingeight of the ten Homecomingqueen candidates and thechapter combo the "Horrendos."Through this hectic rush, the chapterhas maintained its high academicstanding, second among all chaptersand well above the all-men's average.On the gridiron, * A 9 is representedby Bob Hodge, senior, andPete Famum, sophomore, both backfieldmen. Distance runner PeteSaari and high jumper "Jeep" Simonds,both sophomores, representthe chapter in track. Our tour manintramural cross country team ishighly favored to win the fall race.In intramural athletics, chapter

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