1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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128 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964Galesburg, 111. Kansas Alpha also hasseveral student leaders this year. JimJohnston is president of the I.F.C,Clay Blair is president of the juniorclass, and Frank Bangs is vice-presidentof People to People. We are representedon the football team bySteve Renko and Sid Micek, K.U.'stwo top quarterbacks. The varsitybasketball team will include Renko,Wayne Loving, and Ron Franz. Theintramural program has begun withthe <strong>Phi</strong>s fielding teams in the Aand B leagues. Our social life hasbeen strong too. Thus tar, we haveheld the annual pledge-active rushweek party and the Harvest Party.We have also had several functionswith different sororities. Thechapter house is in top conditionwith the addition of new furniturefor the first fioor.—BUI Waugh, V.-P.KANSAS BETA, Washburn University.—KansasBeta has startedmarching toward a Gold Star onits banner at the next <strong>Phi</strong> Convention.Having won the I.F.C. ScholasticTrophy again last semester,the brothers are determined to makeit a permanent resident in KansasBeta's trophy case. We are proud toannounce that Roger Hiatt was theonly fraternity man to win a positionon Washburn's General ElectricCollege Bowl team. Washburn'sAFROTC is commanded this semesterby a <strong>Phi</strong>, Dennis Hawver. EllisParker, now an Air Force 2nd Lt.,was Group Commander last semester.This continues Kansas Beta's traditionalleadership in many activitieson the Washburn campus. TheBond was signed by eight new brothers:Steve Kruse, Patrick McKenna,Dave Turner, Doc Kreger, LeroyRoberts, Jerry Leach, Ken Mast,Mike Sipotz. These new brotherswill be a valuable addition to theactive chapter of Kansas Beta.Twenty-tour new <strong>Phi</strong>keias werepledged by Kansas Beta: Jim HiU,Tom Logan, Terry Mai, Kent Pellegrino,Brad Slease, Jim Turner, BiUWallace, Larry Hein, Ed Carpenter,Steve Dahl, "Topeka. Roger Gerard,BiU Faries, Olathe; Roger Pettit,Winfield; Tom Dumler, Scott Robinson,Dodge City; Jim Elvins, Wichita;John Koch, Sabetha; Dick Reichart,Valley Falls; Jim Murry, Tom Cantrell,Tulsa, Okla.; Brad Warren,Chicago, 111.; Bob Thomas, Evansville,Ind.; John Whitaker, KansasCity.—L D. Hawver, V.-P.KANSAS GAMMA, Kansas StateUniversity.—The men of Kansasbegan the year with the initiation ofnine men: Marvin Brewer, DanMillis, Bob Breckbill, Keith Stanley,Jon Pollock, John Nye, Larry Brown.Ron Montgomery, Loren Tucker.KEITH HAGAN of Kentucky Epsilon,winner of the 1963-64 ArthurR. Priest Scholarship Award of $500.With the able leadership of RushChairman Stan Adams, and hardwork by the <strong>Phi</strong>s of Kansas Gamma,we had one of our most successfulrush weeks in years, pledging 3'7men. The new <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: BillAnthony, Bill Barr, George Cook,Brad Taylor, Kansas City; Ron Aupperle,Larry Barton, Hutchinson;Rick Barbee, Rick Bishop, GreatBend; Bill Beeman, Richard Dickson,Frank Lynch, Jack Stewart, Topeka;Jack Billinger, John Kegley, GaryHolland, Greg Reynolds, Doug Savoy,Dick Troell, Wichita; PeteEnich, Dick Paste, Atchison; LarryBlanke, Breman; Dave Griffith, Lincoln,Neb.; Dave Gross, Don Gross,James Kaulfeld, Manhattan; GregHanson, Doug Hilton, Salina; LyleManinger, Anthony; Ed Matthews,El Dorado; Dennis Morris, Augusta;Doug McKenzie, Hebron, Neb.;Fritz <strong>No</strong>rbury, Prescott; Craig Rowlen,Belleville; Kelsey Smith, JunctionCity; Whit Whittaker, Eureka;Marc Zimmerman, Sterling; LornSchmitt, Glascow. The brothers arelooking forward to a tremendousyear in scholarship, intramurals, andsocial activities. Byron Price, scholarshipchairman, has provided uswith a sound study program. GaryHopkins is leading the way in intramuralsmaking certain that weparticipate in all sports. Herb Shawis seeing to it that we have a completesocial program. The chapterappreciates the alumni support inmaking several needed repairs overthe summer as well as helping uson projects throughout the year.We had an unusually large turnoutof alumni at our Homecomingcelebration this year.—Ron Hull,V.-P.KENTUCKY ALPHA-DELTA, CentreCollege.—This year Centre hasreturned to the deterred (secondsemester) rush, but under the fine directionof Rush Chairman GreggSteele the <strong>Phi</strong>s have already takensteps towards selection of whatshould be a large and excellentpledge class. On the scholastic sidewe are hoping to continue in thetradition of last year when thechapter placed far above any otherfraternity on campus in grade pointaverage. The new year finds severalof the brothers holding positions ofimportance on campus: Fred Hig'gins, Student Congress treasurer;Tom Mountjoy, Student Congresssocial chairman; Jack Cody, chairmanof Men's Judiciary; and Ed Guttery,president of senior Pitkin Club. Thecolor television set which the chapterpurchased to go with our newlyremodeled basement has seen almostconstant use since school openedwhat with the World Series andfootball games. <strong>Phi</strong>s are again representedon the Centre "Praying"Colonels football team. Ken Mardickat tackle and Bill Garriott at endare expected to share much of thebulk of Centre's nine game schedule.With football in the air the chapteris again looking forward to asuccessful intramural season. Theteam, coached by Bo Newton andRichard Raymond, should have oneof the best seasons ever.—Ed Guttery,V.-P.KENTUCKY EPSILON, Universityof Kentucky.—This year marksthe centennial year at the Universityof Kentucky. Many changes are occurringat our growing institutionand Kentucky Epsilon is leadingthe way in helping the Universityin this all-important period. KeithHagan is one of the leaders on thePresident's Centennial Committee inaddition to being president ot theI.F.C, president of the 1965 graduatingclass, president of Lances, amember ot Keys, A E A and * H S.We are most proud to congratulateHagan for being selected winner ofthe Arthur R. Priest ScholarshipAward. In addition to this, all thecampus honoraries are dominated by<strong>Phi</strong>s including many high positionsin these organizations. We areespecially proud of the fact the annualCommunity Service Day conductedthis year in Leslie Countyin the heart of the indigent AppalachianArea ranked among thefinalists in international competition,and that we became a Silver Starchapter. Kentucky Epsilon rankedthird on campus of nineteen fraternitiesscholasticaUy with a 2.53 standing.A study hall is being organizedwhich will require attendance of all

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