1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 127serve * A 0 as traveling secretary.We are well represented on thesports scene. In football we haveJohn Niland, a standout at offensiveguard, and defensive back, JohnLasota. Ed Bastian is back to leadthe basketball team. Jim Koehnk,who was selected as S.U.I.'s outstandingAthlete-Scholar in theROTC program will captain thebaseball team this spring. <strong>Phi</strong>keiasDon Shurr and Chuck Lynch areshowing themselves weU in freshmanfootball. In the realm of campusactivities. Bill Henderson is servingas secretary of I.F.C. Ed Bastian isChief Justice of the I.F.C. Court, andSonny Buck is head of the socialprogram tor the fraternity system.We are also represented on theUnion Board by John Marshek.David Huston has had his handsfull this fall as Drum Major in themarching band and also as an instructorto S.U.I.'s famed ScottishHighlanders. With a full scheduleof events ahead of us we are lookingforward to a most inspiring year.—D. G. Horrigan, V.-P.IOWA GAMMA, Iowa State Unlversity.—IowaGamma is proud toreport a very successful spring quarter.Don Christianson, president ofstudent body, and Rich Hayes weretapped for Cardinal Key, Iowa State'shighest men's honorary. Bob Owen,co-chairman of Greek Week, and twoother brothers were selected forGamma Gamma, all Greek honorary.Colonel Dolby was elected presidentof the senior class, 1965. DuringVeishea, the largest student producedprogram in the world, the <strong>Phi</strong>scaptured second place in the paradefioat competition. In the field ofacademics, the final standing showsthat the <strong>Phi</strong>s came through rankingfifth of 33 fraternities and wellabove the aU-men's average. WhenFrank Crawford returned from Pasadena,he had a beautifully remodeledhouse to hang our Gold Star in.Over the summer we completed a$40,000 renovation of the old section.We now have unquestionablyone of the best physical plants oncampus. This fall we have initiatedJohn Miller, Wendel Burt, and GeneRomer. And the <strong>Phi</strong>keia ranks havebeen re-enforced by 32 eager <strong>Phi</strong>keias:John Akerlund, Paul Akin,Perry Ambrose, Jim Baker, DaveBeck, Mike Borschuk, Jim Cotsworth,Jim Craft, Rick Engdby, John Enslow,Robert Frazer, Tom Graves,Doan Hoff, Kirk Jamison, DaveKubicek, Rande McAllister, LarryMcClintock, Owen Miller, DavidMorgan, Wally Newport, Jeep Parker,Dave Pedersen, Jim Phelps, ConShaffer, Jon Soucek, Ken Talcott,Gregg Tharnstrom, Rich Tompkins,MIKE COX of Iowa Gaituna is captainof the Iowa State Cyclones.Ron White, George Wilkinson, GaryYeager, Don York. We also havethe pleasure of having Eamie Young,an exchange student from HongKong, living with us. Our Homecominglawn display is nearing completionand promises to follow inthe <strong>Phi</strong> tradition of being a winner.Tom Hines, following in Don St.John's (co-chairman of Veishea 1964)footsteps, has been selected co-ordinator(v.p.), for Veishea 1965.Mike Cox is captain of the Cyclonefootball squad and will be a strongcontender tor the Tom HarmonAward.—J. Chambers, V.-P.IOWA DELTA, Drake University.—For the second consecutive year,we were the co-winners of the SweepstakesAward for the outstandingfloat in the Drake Relays' parade.The parade theme was "Fairy Tales"and our fioat depicted "Hansel andGretel." We were also one of thefortunate chapters to win the GeneralHeadquarters Trophy for the1963-64 school year. Tom Banks,Milwaukee, Wis., was initiated intoOAK. Tom demonstrated his leadershipability by election to thepresidency of the Drake studentbody. Gerry Getter was elected presidentof the Drake Letterman'sClub. Larry Shaeffer is serving aspresident of Drake's Young DemocratsClub. <strong>Phi</strong>keia Dennis Martencaptured the trophy tor being Drake'sIntramural Athlete of the Year.Fall <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Tom Bender,Arcadia, Calif.; Peter Baillie, CoronaDel Mar, Calif.; Charles Seel, SantaFe, N.M.; Tom Prybyl, Parkridge,111.; John Moore, Ontario, Can.;Wayne Ewald, Massapequa, N.Y.;John Caster, Robert Horner, GregVanGilder, Dave White, Jerry Brown,George Hyland, Des Moines; RobertZemke, Spencer; Fritz Ritter, Centerville;Michael McNeal, Minneapolis,Minn.; Ken Von Behren, Minonk,111.; WiUiam Forbrich, Hinsdale, IU.;Tom Lintord, Des Moines.—<strong>Phi</strong>lRoberts, V.-P.KANSAS ALPHA, University ofKansas.—Once again Kansas Alphafeels it has an outstanding pledgeclass. The new <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: JayAllen, Steve Blaylock, Bob Dalton,Cash Miller, Jim Smith, Wichita;John Blee, Jim Coughenour, BillDaniels, Roy Holliday, Mike Hurt,Drue Jennings, Bob Lutz, Rick Mc­Coy, Warren McCamish, GeorgeYarnovich, Kansas City; Mike Gravitt,Lawrence Vogel, Topeka; EdGordon, Burder Stapleton, Ft. Scott;Dave Detar, Joplin, Mo.; Joe Jeter,Hays; Ralph Light, Lawrence; SteveLightstone, Coffeyville; Dennis MG-Fall, Concordia; Sam Pestinger, Beloit;Larry Peterson, Newton; JonPhelps, St. Louis; Henry Russell,IOWA DELTA float in Drake Relays parade was co-winner of sweepstakesaward for second year. There was "Fairy Tales," and chapter's float depicted"Hansel and Gretel."

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