1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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126 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964INDIANA THETA seniors prepare for Purdue'straditional cords parade.Deppe, Franklin; Dan Wiggins,Bloomington; Jack Little, Delphi;John Craig, Kokomo; Bill McGraw,Tipton; Dan Heller, Decatur; DaveHedberg, John Duglass, Dave Utterberg,Steve Weber, Chicago area;Mike Clark, Oberlin, Ohio; BobDyer, Louisville, Ky.; Ken Ringbloom,Evergreen Park, 111.; DickSiefert, Granville, Ohio; Art Rice,Barrington, III.; Jay Woehlick, GlenEUyn, III.; Andy Hess, Dayton, Ohio;Roo Carson, Winnetka, IU.; DexterMeans, Western Springs, 111.; IndianaZeta is well represented on the tootballteam with five starting lettermen—one.Bill Alcott, being namedco-captain. In I.M. football <strong>Phi</strong>s arelooking very strong behind the passingarm of Bill Bennette and shouldtake the conference. Also, on campus.<strong>Phi</strong>s are editor of the year book,secretary of the student body, vicepresidentof student court, presidentof Union Building junior board, andpresident of the Inter-FraternityCouncil.—Stu Young, V.-P.INDIANA THETA, Purdue University.—Thisis going to be a greatyear! Our successful rush program oflast summer has given us one ofthe finest pledge classes on campus.The new <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Jack Cronk,Elkhart; Jim Miller, South Bend;Mike Oatess, Marion; Gene Potter,Terre Haute; Jim Sinclair, Indianapolis;James Valesano, Ottawa, 111.The social calendar is in full swing.After only three weeks of school,we have had trade parties withK K r and IIB $, open houses withdancing and refreshments after theOhio University and Wisconsin footballgames, and a pin serenade foranother brother who "bit the dust."The social calendar is filled withcoming events and the <strong>Phi</strong>s are goingto be busy. We have tour <strong>Phi</strong>s andone <strong>Phi</strong>keia on the varsity footballsquad. They are: <strong>Phi</strong>s, Bill Harmon,Rick Heeren, Rick Boley, WaltGahm, and <strong>Phi</strong>keia, James Valesano.With the Big Ten season under way,I am sure we will see some goodwrite-ups on them, especially BillHarmon who has had some excellentcommentary already. In intramurals,we are presently undefeated in tennisand in the play-offs in softball.A. J. McCallister and Mrs. McCallisterrecently gave a party for theIndiana <strong>Theta</strong> officers, where onceagain it was decided that '65 isgoing to be a great year.—RonBerg, V.-P.INDIANA IOTA, Valparaiso University.—Themen of Indiana Iotaopened the school year by entertainingthe freshman women at theirannual watermelon feast. After thiswe started our intramural seasonand to date have won the golf tournamentand are undefeated in thevolleyball league. The <strong>Phi</strong>s alsolead the league in touch footballwith a 5-0 record. At the first homevarsity football game, the fraternityreceived the Valparaiso UniversityVarsity Athletic Participation Awardfor having more varsity athletes thanany other fraternity on campus. Thisyear there are seven <strong>Phi</strong>s on the footballteam. Rush is being directedby Bud Sawatsky and Bob Ruh. Ourchapter has the Student Senate president,Ted Bulmahn, the HonorCouncil chairman, Ron Zech, andUnion Board president, Rich Swanson.The brothers are also enjoyingthe new appearance of their chapterhouse which now displays a newcoat of paint, the result of workby a few brothers who were attendingsummer school.—David Ferg, V.-P.IOWA ALPHA, Iowa WesleyanCollege.—Upon returning to school,we Were happy to receive the reportfrom President Larry Carlson thatwe were one of thirteen chaptersthat tied tor the Headquarters Trophy.We also learned that we hadreceived the Gold Star award. Tostart the school year, we have activatedfourteen men and pledgedtwenty-two. The new actives are:Bill Pepper, Larry Weirather, CraigMorrison, David Fuleihan, HerryWhite, Foster Mattson, Dwayne Barton,William Marzahn, Tony Zinger,William Rumold, Gene Alvine, RichardGarrels, David Hofer, HarryEvans. The new <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: WaltBauer, Somerville, N.J.; Fred Brown,Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hoe Cannon, Providence,R.I.; Ron Capone, Syracuse,N.Y.; Carter Challen, Mt. Pleasant;Tom Child, Hopkins, Minn.; HohnDavies, Rochester, N.Y.; Terry Enfiejian.Cherry Hill, N.J.; DennisHarmon, Sebago Lake, Me.; TomHarmon, Esmond, 111.; John Juhlin,Little Falls, N.J.; Stan Kerr, Mt.Pleasant; Bill Lapsey, East Moline,111.; Craig Lindmark, Rockford, 111.;Chris McCurdy, Halifax, <strong>No</strong>vaScotia; James Paar, Warsaw, 111.;Lennie Pelletiere, New Hyde Park,N.Y.; Rod Robinson, Warwick, R.I.;James Sloan, Galva, III.; <strong>Phi</strong>l Ulm,Galesburg, 111.; Steve Wehrle, Centerville;Bob Wilcox, Rockford, 111.This year's football team finds eightbrothers and tour <strong>Phi</strong>keias on thesquad. They are: Gene Alvine,Dwayne Barton, George Bull (All-Conference, Little AU-<strong>Phi</strong>), KickCzubati, Jack Kaminski, Foster Mattson,Tom Murphy, Ed Snyder, and<strong>Phi</strong>keias Fred Brown, Tom Harmon,Stan Kerr, <strong>Phi</strong>l Ulm.—John M.Cavanah, V.-P.IOWA BETA, State University ofIowa.—The men of Iowa Beta begananother year by obtaining an excellentpledge class of fifteen menand it is the hope of everyone thatthe chapter can shove on to anotheryear of individual and collectiveaccomplishment. Iowa Betalast spring won the A T Q HelpWeek Award for pledge initiationproject, making it the third consecutiveyear we have had this honor.In all-campus intramurals competitionwe placed second for the year.The chapter is bolstered this yearby an unusually large number of<strong>Phi</strong>s attending the graduate school.Fourteen members of Iowa Beta arefreshmen in law school, and all arealso pledges of the number one legalfraternity whose president is a former<strong>Phi</strong> president. Brent Green. Onenotable exception to this group isJohn Diehl, president of this chapterlast tall, who has gone on to

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