1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 125Lotti, Fort Wayne; Jim Keefer, FortWayne; Bill Utley, St. Petersburg,Fla.; Bill Flemming, Richmond; JimHolder, Indianapolis.—Mike Bruney,V.-P.INDIANA BETA, Wabash College.—Thededicated efforts of RushChairman John Miller paid off innineteen outstanding <strong>Phi</strong>keias forIndiana Beta this fall. They are:Ben Brouhard, Ed Cox, Indianapolis;Gary Claybaugh, Goshen; Jim Edgars,Charleston, 111.; Dan Edmonds,Lebanon; Terry Henderson, SteveMatthews, Brownsburg; Steve Henry,Michigan City; Tom Howard, Naples,Fla.; John Kraft, Mundelein, 111.;John Leahy, Bedford; Greg Markwell,Tarentum, Pa.; Jim Powers,Peoria, 111.; Roger Senkbeil, Cincinnati,Ohio; Randy Slickers, Lafayette;Bill Standish, Pittsburgh, Pa.; DanSusie, Houston, Tex.; and Sophomore<strong>Phi</strong>l Deamer, Rochester. We are alsopleased to announce the initiation offour men: John Mason, Mike Irons,Larry Remble, Bob Mueller. Led byCaptain Al Anderson, Roger Colehower,Augie Daesener, Tom Zimmers,Skip Craske, Dean Davis, <strong>Phi</strong>shold down six of eleven startingberths on the varsity football team.Backing them up are <strong>Phi</strong>s Dick Vozel,Bert Henry, Rich Lee, Larry Remble,and <strong>Phi</strong>keias Gary Claybaugh, SteveHenry, Bill Standish, Tom Howard,Randy Slickers. The <strong>Phi</strong> intramuralteam is out to win the title for thethird year. Under the capable leadershipof Scholarship Chairman AlRush, Indiana Beta is also out to improveits scholarship standing.—RichPolk, V.-P.INDIANA GAMMA, Butler University.—IndianaGamma started theschool year with a new look and renewedspirit. Remodeling over thesummer has left the three-man roomssecond to none. Also adding to thenew look are 28 new <strong>Phi</strong>keias. Theyare: Wayne Kotulic, Chicago, 111.;Don Mahler, Matteson, 111.; GregBradley, Columbus, Ohio; Lee Marino,<strong>No</strong>rristown, Pa.; Skip Foultz,Harrisburg, Pa.; Steve Petross, Mesa,Ariz.; Chuck Bontrager, Elkhart; TimBorne, Ft. Wayne; Harry Frick,Monticello; Steve Harris, Bedford;Gordon Hopp, Frankfort; Stieb Jacks,Rockville; Jon King, Ron Kniola,Mike Vincent, Chesterton; JimNeidig, Ft. Branch; Tay Ruthenburg,Evansville; Steve VanHorn, Tipton;Ted Butz, Don Click, Jim Ely, JimJohnson, Randy Lamb, <strong>Phi</strong>l Love,John Nell, Bob Perice, GeorgePhariss, Jim Tucker, Indianapolis.In October we initiated Bill Brown.Ron Salatich, Bob Willian, DavidCranfill, John Fogg, Barry Yantis,and Bob Harrison. Outstanding <strong>Phi</strong>sINDIANA DELTA at Franklin presents new fall class of <strong>Phi</strong>keias (above).A scene in the chapter house (below) as the brothers started work onhomecoming decorations.on campus are Larry Davis, presidentof Y.M.C.A. and Tom Owens,vice president of Y.M.CA, and <strong>Phi</strong>keiaRon Salatich, sophomore class president.On the varsity football team,* A 9 is represented by: Jim Lyon,Larry Golomb, and Steve Harpold.Ron Captain, a returning starter, isout for the season with a knee injury.<strong>Phi</strong>keias Steve VanHorn, Mike Vincentand Don Mahler are members ofthe frosh squad this fall.—Lou Showley,V.-P.INDIANA DELTA, Franklin College.—Indiana<strong>Delta</strong> opened theschool year by pledging 22 men atthe end of rush week. We pledgedtwo other men within the next weekwhich gives us a total of 24 new<strong>Phi</strong>keias. They are: John AUbritten,Peru; Michael Bliss, Cincinnati, Ohio;Curtis Burns, Brownsburg; MichaelByrd, ClarksviUe; John Cleveland,John Walters, Paul Perry, Franklin;Joe Dubes, Lafayette; Ray Goulding,Manhasset, N.Y.; Jay Green, Harrisburg,Pa.; Steve Grey, Schenectady,N.Y.; Don Harrington, Canton, 111.;Dave Hollingsworth, Indianapolis;John Lind, <strong>Phi</strong>lippi, W.Va.; PaulLutz, Guilford; Qiarles Maxwell,Anderson; Scott McKiimey, Fulton,N.Y.; John Mitchel, Elbridge, N.Y.;Neal Newell, Columbus; DarwinProsak, AUentown, Pa.; Bob Stout,Joliet, 111.; Bill Winans, <strong>No</strong>rwich,N.Y.; Steve Wroblewski, South Bend;Tom Mengelt, Elwood. We are nowworking on Homecoming decorationsto try and win the trophy which wehave received for two consecutiveyears. Roger D. Branigin, Democraticcandidate for Governor and a Franklin<strong>Phi</strong>, will attend the Homecomingfestivities. Intramural football startsthe competition for the All-Sportstrophy which we won last year. Wehave a strong team and figure to finishon top. Since we were first in scholarshipfor the last two semesters, wewUl have to have a complete chaptereffort to maintain our position atthe top. Work has begun on plansfor a new addition to the house expectedto cost $100,000. We are beginningthe new year with a finespirit and great expectations.—JamesNeweU, V.-P.INDIANA ZETA, DePauw University.—IndianaZeta began the yearvery successfully by receiving theDes Moines Alumni Club's CommunityService Day Trophy at theGeneral Convention held this summerin Pasadena. A welcome corollaryto this event was the pledgingof 23 top freshmen which terminatedthe chapter's effort during fall rush.The new <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Bob Barry,Dave Spolyer, Indianapolis; Brien

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